PLoS ONE:蜜蜂分泌物2-庚酮可用于局部麻醉

2013-05-06 Beyond 生物谷

我们都知道蜜蜂会咬人。近日,希腊和法国大学生物学家发现蜜蜂除了尾巴会蜇咬外,蜜蜂口腔中分泌的某种物质能够用来局部麻醉。包 蜜蜂蜇咬蜡蛾幼虫等,入侵者会咬猎物分泌2-庚酮到蜡蛾幼虫伤口,导致其瘫痪。作者解释说蜜蜂下颌腺是分泌上述物质的主要部位。 通过形态学研究和解剖,发现2-庚酮的释放不是被动,是在下颌肌肉收缩的基础上积极释放的。2-庚酮是生物学家早已发现一种天然化合物,主要在一些食品包括啤






The Bite of the Honeybee: 2-Heptanone Secreted from Honeybee Mandibles during a Bite Acts as a Local Anaesthetic in Insects and Mammals

Alexandros Papachristoforou*, Alexia Kagiava, Chrisovalantis Papaefthimiou,et al.

Honeybees secrete 2-heptanone (2-H) from their mandibular glands when they bite. Researchers have identified several possible functions: 2-H could act as an alarm pheromone to recruit guards and soldiers, it could act as a chemical marker, or it could have some other function. The actual role of 2-H in honeybee behaviour remains unresolved. In this study, we show that 2-H acts as an anaesthetic in small arthropods, such as wax moth larva (WML) and Varroa mites, which are paralysed after a honeybee bite. We demonstrated that honeybee mandibles can penetrate the cuticle of WML, introducing less than one nanolitre of 2-H into the WML open circulatory system and causing instantaneous anaesthetization that lasts for a few minutes. The first indication that 2-H acts as a local anaesthetic was that its effect on larval response, inhibition and recovery is very similar to that of lidocaine. We compared the inhibitory effects of 2-H and lidocaine on voltage-gated sodium channels. Although both compounds blocked the hNav1.6 and hNav1.2 channels, lidocaine was slightly more effective, 2.82 times, on hNav.6. In contrast, when the two compounds were tested using an ex vivo preparation he isolated rat sciatic nerve function of the two compounds was so similar that we were able to definitively classify 2-H as a local anaesthetic. Using the same method, we showed that 2-H has the fastest inhibitory effect of all alkyl-ketones tested, including the isomers 3- and 4-heptanone. This suggests that natural selection may have favoured 2-H over other, similar compounds because of the associated fitness advantages it confers. Our results reveal a previously unknown role of 2-H in honeybee defensive behaviour and due to its minor neurotoxicity show potential for developing a new local anaesthetic from a natural product, which could be used in human and veterinary medicine.


评论区 (7)
  1. 2015-12-26 hixiaoluo

    plus one文章有点质疑


  2. 2013-08-07 kljjma



  3. 2013-09-04 zhouqu_8



早晨一杯咖啡让全世界睡眼惺忪、昏昏沉沉的人变成警觉、注意力集中的思想者。许多研究证实了咖啡因可增强人的记忆的功效。据一项新的研究报告,咖啡因似乎还能极大地影响蜜蜂对花朵气味的长期记忆。除了各种糖之外,许多植物的花蜜含有像咖啡因和烟碱这样的化合物。这些物质在高浓度时的苦味能阻吓食草动物。但在低浓度时,授粉的蜜蜂似乎更喜欢含有咖啡因的花蜜。 在一项刊登在国际杂志Science上的研究报告中,Gera