
2013-07-03 yangtao 生物谷

  在芝加哥召开的美国糖尿病学会的年会上,Isis展示了其最新研制的糖尿病药物APOCIIIRx的相关研究成果,获得了广泛的关注。研究数据显示,糖尿病患者在经过13周的注射APOCIIIRx后血脂得到了有效控制,对胰岛素的敏感性也有所提升。同时Isis公司的研究数据也显示APOCIIIRx并没有发现有明显的副作用。 详细英文报道: In an R&D field typ




In an R&D field typically characterized by slow progress and incremental gains, Isis Pharmaceuticals ($ISIS) jumped out of the ADA pack in Chicago with some stellar mid-stage data from a very small study of a gene-silencing treatment that slashed triglycerides and pumped up insulin sensitivity in diabetics. And now the biotech is hustling ahead into a Phase III pivotal trial to see if it can match those numbers in a much bigger group of patients.

After 13 weeks of weekly injections of ISIS-APOCIIIRx--designed to hit the 'off' switch on a gene that produces the apolipoprotein C-III protein, involved in triglyceride regulation--there was a 72% plunge in fatty particles and a 40% spike in HDL, or good cholesterol, along with improved insulin sensitivity among the 11 patients with Type 2 diabetes in the study.

Investors bid up shares in the biotech by 27% yesterday, impressed by the potential of a drug that could prove significantly better than Kynamro, a drug that Isis and Sanofi ($SNY) market in the U.S. European regulators, though, turned the drug down after fretting over liver toxicity. And Isis carefully noted that there were no signs of an elevation in liver enzymes, a common red flag on toxicity, or any other adverse events worth worrying about.

TheStreet's Adam Feuerstein also notes that there are 50,000 patients with extremely high levels of triglycerides, many of whom could be treated now with Amarin's Vascepa or niacin or fibrates. And Isis is designing its pivotal study to see if they could benefit from this experimental therapy.

Isis produced data that were "well beyond expectations and suggest an unprecedented treatment benefit in Type 2 diabetics with (high cholesterol levels)," BMO Capital Markets analyst Jim Birchenough noted, according to a report in Reuters. "A blockbuster opportunity could emerge," he added, guessing that this new therapy could garner roughly $850 million a year.

"Our focus is to bring ISIS-APOCIII to the market for patients with severe hypertriglyceridemia. These are patients who cannot reduce their triglycerides to safe levels with currently available medicines. We plan to report data from our ongoing Phase 2 program in very high triglyceride patients later this summer evaluating ISIS-APOCIII in combination with fibrates and as a monotherapy," said Richard Geary, senior VP of clinical development at Isis. "In the study we are reporting today, we observed rapid and prolonged reductions of apoC-III, triglycerides and other lipid parameters, as well as improvements in glucose control and insulin sensitivity. These data suggest that ISIS-APOCIII could provide therapeutic benefit to patients with high triglycerides who are insulin insensitive, including patients who are obese or have Type 2 diabetes. In addition, the positive effect of ISIS-APOCIII on all atherogenic lipid parameters measured and the observed increase in HDL, significantly enhances the potential profile of the drug."


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ADA 2013:许樟荣发现中国2型糖尿病合并高尿酸血症的临床特点

2013年第73届美国糖尿病协会科学年会(ADA2013)于6月21日~25日在美国芝加哥隆重举办。在ADA2013年会上,解放军306医院许樟荣教授发表一篇会议摘要“中国2型糖尿病合并高尿酸血症的临床特点:不同年龄和性别所致的影响”发表在会议摘要上,研究指出中国2型糖尿病和高尿酸血症合并患者的胰岛素抵抗、血脂异常更明显,e-GFR更低。男性和女性患者中影响BUA水平的因素并不相同。  4099名

2013 糖尿病医学营养治疗专家共识

    医学营养治疗(MNT)是临床上对特定疾病的营养障碍采取的特定营养干预措施。包括对患者进行个体化营养评估、制定相应的营养干预计划并在一定时期内实施并监测。  近年来,糖尿病流行趋势日渐严峻,其防治工作显得尤为重要。MNT  是糖尿病管理的基础。针对肥胖、代谢综合征、糖尿病前期和糖尿病患者、妊娠期高血糖孕妇及外科患者围术期血糖管理,MNT&n


GSK公司日前公布了其研发的GLP-1类糖尿病药物albiglutide的相关研究报告。研究数据显示,对比Merck公司的Januvia和Sanofi公司的Amaryl,该种药物能够更有效的降低血糖。但数据同时显示其肠胃副反应的风险也有所增高 详细英文报道: As has often been the case with GlaxoSmithKline's ($GSK) candidate

Boehringer和Eli Lilly糖尿病新药empagliflozin三期研究数据公布

在糖尿病领域有广泛合作的Boehringer公司和EliLilly公司公布了其SGLT2糖尿病新药empagliflozin的三期研究数据。数据未能显示这种新药相对于同类药物的优越性。这种新药是一种SGLT2抑制物。能够促使葡萄糖在体内代谢转化为尿素。 这项研究数据是在美国糖尿病学会(American Diabetes Association,ADA)的年会上公布的 详细英文报道: CH


Elcelyx公司公布了其研究的一项糖尿病新药NewMet的中期研究数据。NewMet是对现在市场上畅销的糖尿病药物Metformin的缓释改进型药物。Metformin虽然疗效显著,但由于其副作用,美国约有400万糖尿病人因为肾脏原因而无法使用这种药物。而Elcelyx则希望其新药能够解决这一问题。 Elcelyx公司同时表示不会自己对NewMet进行商业化,而希望在2014年左右将其出售。

