
2012-04-12 Beyond 生物谷

24小时的内部生物钟控制人类行为和生理包括睡眠、血压和代谢等诸多方面。昼夜节律混乱会导致许多疾病包括代谢性疾病和癌症的发病率增加。身体的每个细胞都有其自身内部的时间机制,这一时间机制是由蛋白质保持在一个检查控制。 这些蛋白质中之一为Rev-erb alpha,Rev-erb alpha被认为是一个从属角色,因为生物钟在其不存在的情况下也能运行正常。发表在本月初Genes and Developm


这些蛋白质中之一为Rev-erb alpha,Rev-erb alpha被认为是一个从属角色,因为生物钟在其不存在的情况下也能运行正常。发表在本月初Genes and Development杂志上,美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学博士Mitchell Lazar发现Rev-erb beta是Rev-erb alpha的后备蛋白质。当两者都不能正常工作时,生物钟就失去了它的功能。


拉扎尔,博士后研究员安妮·布格,博士,和球队淘汰小鼠牧师再培训局“阿尔法并没有看到对肝脏有很大的影响。当敲除两个牧师Rev-erb alpha和 Rev-erb beta时,研究人员发现调控“节奏循环”的生物钟蛋白质Bmal 1的信使RNA丢失了。他们的结论是Rev-erb系统是人类生物钟不配套的一个组成部分。



Lazar解释说:“这项工作表明如果我们想要操纵人类的生物钟,我们可能需要影响Rev-erb alpha和Rev-erb beta。代谢的昼夜节律是很重要的,如果这种节奏被破坏可能会导致脂肪肝。这也许可以部分解释轮班工作的人昼夜节律改变后,会出现代谢紊乱情况。

doi:10.1101/gad.186858.112 Genes & Dev. 2012. 26: 657-667

Rev-erbα and Rev-erbβ coordinately protect the circadian clock and normal metabolic function

Anne Bugge, Dan Feng, Logan J. Everett, Erika R. Briggs, Shannon E. Mullican, Fenfen Wang, ennifer Jager and Mitchell A. Lazar1

The nuclear receptor Rev-erbα regulates circadian rhythm and metabolism, but its effects are modest and it has been considered to be a secondary regulator of the cell-autonomous clock. Here we report that depletion of Rev-erbα together with closely related Rev-erbβ has dramatic effects on the cell-autonomous clock as well as hepatic lipid metabolism. Mouse embryonic fibroblasts were rendered arrhythmic by depletion of both Rev-erbs. In mouse livers, Rev-erbβ mRNA and protein levels oscillate with a diurnal pattern similar to that of Rev-erbα, and both Rev-erbs are recruited to a remarkably similar set of binding sites across the genome, enriched near metabolic genes. Depletion of both Rev-erbs in liver synergistically derepresses several metabolic genes as well as genes that control the positive limb of the molecular clock. Moreover, deficiency of both Rev-erbs causes marked hepatic steatosis, in contrast to relatively subtle changes upon loss of either subtype alone. These findings establish the two Rev-erbs as major regulators of both clock function and metabolism, displaying a level of subtype collaboration that is unusual among nuclear receptors but common among core clock proteins, protecting the organism from major perturbations in circadian and metabolic physiology.


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