
2013-06-27 NEJM dxy

对于院内心脏停搏的老年生存者的远期转归我们所知甚少。日前,美国心脏学会遵循心肺复苏指南研究者,以及来自美国密苏里州堪萨斯城圣路加中美心脏研究所的研究人员明确了院内心脏停搏生存者的长期生存率和再入院率,并且对这些转归是否根据人口学统计学特征和出院时的神经功能状态而产生变化进行了研究。 临床医生通常认为院内心脏猝死幸存者,尤其是其中的老年人远期预后不良。该项新研究对这种看法提出了质疑,显示65岁以上


临床医生通常认为院内心脏猝死幸存者,尤其是其中的老年人远期预后不良。该项新研究对这种看法提出了质疑,显示65岁以上院内心脏停搏幸存者1年生存率接近60%。研究结果3月13日发表于New England Journal of Medicine,首席研究员Paul Chan博士(美国中部心脏研究所)说“我们的发现令人感到一些安心,患者1年后死亡率曲线趋于平稳,老年院内心脏停搏幸存者的生存率和其他常见心脏疾病如心力衰竭相比没有区别。”


结果显示,出院后1年时,有58.5%的患者生存,34.4%的患者未再次入院。年龄较大患者校正危险后的1年生存率比年龄较小的患者低(年龄为65~74、75~84和≥85岁分别为63.7%、58.6%和49.7%,P<0.001)、男性低于女性(58.6% VS 60.9%,P=0.03)、黑人患者低于白人患者(52.5% VS 60.4%,P=0.001)。研究者发现,有轻度或无神经功能失能的患者出院时校正危险后的1年生存率为72.8%,相比之下,有中度神经功能失能的患者为61.1%,有重度神经功能失能的患者为42.2%,处于昏迷或植物人状态的患者为10.2%(所有比较P值均<0.001)。此外,黑人、女性和有重度神经功能失能患者的1年内再入院率较高(所有比较P值均<0.05)。第2年时,生存率和再入院率的差异均持续存在。第3年时,院内心脏停搏生存者的生存率与因心衰住院并生存出院的患者相似(分别为43.5% 和44.9%,风险比0.98,95%置信区间0.95~1.02,P=0.35)。


Long-Term Outcomes in Elderly Survivors of In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Little is known about the long-term outcomes in elderly survivors of in-hospital cardiac arrest. We determined rates of long-term survival and readmission among survivors of in-hospital cardiac arrest and examined whether these outcomes differed according to demographic characteristics and neurologic status at discharge.
We linked data from a national registry of inpatient cardiac arrests with Medicare files and identified 6972 adults, 65 years of age or older, who were discharged from the hospital after surviving an in-hospital cardiac arrest between 2000 and 2008. Predictors of 1-year survival and of readmission to the hospital were examined.
One year after hospital discharge, 58.5% of the patients were alive, and 34.4% had not been readmitted to the hospital. The risk-adjusted rate of 1-year survival was lower among older patients than among younger patients (63.7%, 58.6%, and 49.7% among patients 65 to 74, 75 to 84, and ≥85 years of age, respectively; P<0.001), among men than among women (58.6% vs. 60.9%, P=0.03), and among black patients than among white patients (52.5% vs. 60.4%, P=0.001). The risk-adjusted rate of 1-year survival was 72.8% among patients with mild or no neurologic disability at discharge, as compared with 61.1% among patients with moderate neurologic disability, 42.2% among those with severe neurologic disability, and 10.2% among those in a coma or vegetative state (P<0.001 for all comparisons). Moreover, 1-year readmission rates were higher among patients who were black, those who were women, and those who had substantial neurologic disability (P<0.05 for all comparisons). These differences in survival and readmission rates persisted at 2 years. At 3 years, the rate of survival among survivors of in-hospital cardiac arrest was similar to that of patients who had been hospitalized with heart failure and were discharged alive (43.5% and 44.9%, respectively; risk ratio, 0.98; 95% confidence interval, 0.95 to 1.02; P=0.35).
Among elderly survivors of in-hospital cardiac arrest, nearly 60% were alive at 1 year, and the rate of 3-year survival was similar to that among patients with heart failure. Survival and readmission rates differed according to the demographic characteristics of the patients and neurologic status at discharge. (Funded by the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.)


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  1名62岁的男性倒在街上,被叫到现场的急救医疗人员发现,这名男子没有呼吸,也没有脉搏。最早记录到的心律是室颤。加强心脏生命支持措施,包括插管,总剂量为2 mg的肾上腺素,以及6次心脏除颤尝试,使病人在事发后22分钟恢复了自主循环。当病人入住急诊部时,他的病情为血流动力学稳定,并且氧合充分,通气充足,但他仍然昏迷。神经病学检查显示,瞳孔对光反射存在以及咳嗽反射阳性。核心体温为35.5°C。病人被


2010年10月06日 来源:美国科学促进会 据10月6日刊《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)上的一项研究显示, 对亚利桑那州的医院外心肺复苏术(CPR)的后果进行比较后发现,接受由旁观者所做的仅按压胸部的心肺复苏术的心脏停搏病人要比那些接受常规心肺复苏术或没有接受心肺复苏术的患者更有可能活着出院。   医院外心脏停搏是一个严重的公共卫生问题,美国每年大约有30万人会发生这种情况。 尽管这些患者