
2011-12-20 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

2011年12月Ann Thorac Surg杂志刊登了美国研究人员对冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)和支架经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)患者随访5年以上的相对存活率数据进行的比较分析研究成果"Long-term mortality of coronary artery bypass grafting and bare-metal stenting"。结果显示,与裸金属支架相比,多支冠脉病变患者行C

2011年12月Ann Thorac Surg杂志刊登了美国研究人员对冠状动脉旁路移植术(CABG)和支架经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)患者随访5年以上的相对存活率数据进行的比较分析研究成果"Long-term mortality of coronary artery bypass grafting and bare-metal stenting"。结果显示,与裸金属支架相比,多支冠脉病变患者行CABG后长期(8年)死亡率风险更低。

CABG与PCI孰优孰劣的争论由来已久,研究纳入了纽约1999-2000年间行CABG的多支血管病变患者18,359例,接受裸金属支架置入的患者13,377例。利用“全国死亡指数(NDI)”跟踪患者生命状态至2007年。根据多种患者特征,按患者病变冠状血管数量、近端左前降支 (LAD)动脉疾病和CABG倾向性对CABG患者和支架患者进行匹配,比较两种手术的存活率。

7,235对匹配患者8年总存活率分别为,CABG 78.0% ,支架置入71.2% (风险比[HR],0.68; 95%可信区间[CI],0.64-0.74; p < 0.001)。根据病变血管数量及近端LAD受累类进行解剖学分组,3支血管病变累及近端LAD动脉疾病患者的风险为0.53(p < 0.001),而2支血管病变但无LAD动脉疾病患者风险比为0.78 (p=0.05)。所有按基线风险因素数量分层的亚组,CABG后死亡风险均较低。(生物谷

Long-term mortality of coronary artery bypass grafting and bare-metal stenting

Wu C, Zhao S, Wechsler AS, Lahey S, Walford G, Culliford AT, Gold JP, Smith CR, Holmes DR Jr, King SB 3rd, Higgins RS, Jordan D, Hannan EL.

There is little information on relative survival with follow-up longer than 5 years in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting. This study tested the hypothesis that CABG is associated with a lower risk of long-term (8-year) mortality than is stenting with bare-metal stents for multivessel coronary disease.
We identified 18,359 patients with multivessel disease who underwent isolated CABG and 13,377 patients who received bare-metal stenting in 1999 to 2000 in New York and followed their vital status through 2007 using the National Death Index (NDI). We matched CABG and stent patients on the number of diseased coronary vessels, proximal left anterior descending (LAD) artery disease, and propensity of undergoing CABG based on numerous patient characteristics and compared survival after the 2 procedures.
In the 7,235 pairs of matched patients, the overall 8-year survival rates were 78.0% for CABG and 71.2% for stenting (hazard ratio [HR], 0.68; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.64 to 0.74; p < 0.001). For anatomic groups classified by the number of diseased vessels and proximal LAD involvement, the HRs ranged from 0.53 (p < 0.001) for patients with 3-vessel disease involving proximal LAD artery disease to 0.78 (p = 0.05) for patients with 2-vessel disease but no disease in the LAD artery. A lower risk of death after CABG was observed in all subgroups stratified by a number of baseline risk factors.
Coronary artery bypass grafting is associated with a lower risk of death than is stenting with bare metal stents for multivessel coronary disease.

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  在美国心脏病学会2011年科学年会(ACC.11)上,来自加拿大的研究团队公布了一项随机多中心试验的最初5年结果,该研究关注那些接受冠脉旁路移植术(CABG)的患者最佳移植物的选择,结果表明桡动脉优于隐静脉,并可使功能性移植闭塞(部分闭塞)或完全性移植闭塞(完全闭塞)的发生率下降。   该研究于加拿大13所医学中心的561例行CABG术以治疗3支血管疾病的患者中进行。每位患者在两支不同的病变


  荷兰一项研究显示, 冠脉旁路术(CABG)术后持续数月贫血较常见,并与预后不良相关。血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂(ACEI)会减慢术后贫血患者的恢复,同时升高术后心血管事件发生率。   这项随机对照研究纳入 2553例CABG术后2~7天、左室射血分数>40%的稳定患者,结果显示,44%的患者术后贫血持续50天以上,且持续术后贫血与最初3个月和43个月时的心血管事件发生率升高有


  ACCF/AHA/SCAI发布2011经皮冠脉介入指南   由于介入心脏病学的不断发展和革新,PCI技术、支架研发、血管内超声的应用和狭窄的生理学评估,以及新型抗血小板药和抗凝治疗的进步,11月7日,美国心脏病学会基金会(ACCF)/美国心脏学会(AHA)/心血管造影和介入学会(SCAI)发布了2011经皮冠脉介入治疗(PCI)指南。   2011版PCI指南强调的内容包括PCI的伦理学方