Curr Biol:应对损伤的炎症反应信号被关闭的确切机制

2013-05-06 Beyond 生物谷

莫纳什大学与澳大利亚再生医学研究所(ARMI)的研究人员发表在Current Biology杂志上的一项新研究详细介绍了机体关闭触发人体应对损伤的初始炎症反应信号的确切机制。 当身体出现伤口或被擦伤时,白血细胞又称白细胞会到达损伤部位,保护组织免受感染,并开始修复损坏组织。然而,这一时期的炎症反应只是暂时的。如果身体允许炎症反应持续时间过长,那么下一阶段的愈合效果就会被大打折扣。 早期研究确定

莫纳什大学与澳大利亚再生医学研究所(ARMI)的研究人员发表在Current Biology杂志上的一项新研究详细介绍了机体关闭触发人体应对损伤的初始炎症反应信号的确切机制。





研究员Graham Lieschke教授说:研究结果表明白血细胞的活动对修复以及疤痕愈合过程是非常重要的,这一发现可能有助于产生新的治疗炎症方法。


Neutrophil-Delivered Myeloperoxidase Dampens the Hydrogen Peroxide Burst after Tissue Wounding in Zebrafish

Prompt neutrophil arrival is critical for host defense immediately after injury [1,2,3]. Following wounding, a hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) burst generated in injured tissues is the earliest known leukocyte chemoattractant [4]. Generating this tissue-scale H2O2 gradient uses dual oxidase [4] and neutrophils sense H2O2 by a mechanism involving the LYN Src-family kinase [5], but the molecular mechanisms responsible for H2O2 clearance are unknown [6]. Neutrophils carry abundant amounts of myeloperoxidase, an enzyme catalyzing an H2O2-consuming reaction [7,8]. We hypothesized that this neutrophil-delivered myeloperoxidase downregulates the high tissue H2O2 concentrations that follow wounding. This was tested in zebrafish using simultaneous fluorophore-based imaging of H2O2 concentrations and leukocytes [4,9,10,11] and a new neutrophil-replete but myeloperoxidase-deficient mutant (durif). Leukocyte-depleted zebrafish had an abnormally sustained wound H2O2 burst, indicating that leukocytes themselves were required for H2O2 downregulation. Myeloperoxidase-deficient zebrafish also had abnormally sustained high wound H2O2 concentrations despite similar numbers of arriving neutrophils. A local H2O2/myeloperoxidase interaction within wound-recruited neutrophils was demonstrated. These data demonstrate that leukocyte-delivered myeloperoxidase cell-autonomously downregulates tissue-generated wound H2O2 gradients in vivo, defining a new requirement for myeloperoxidase during inflammation. Durif provides a new animal model of myeloperoxidase deficiency closely phenocopying the prevalent human disorder [7,12,13], offering unique possibilities for investigating its clinical consequences.


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