Lancet:冠状动脉疾病与Y染色体相关 可父子相传

2012-02-15 MedSci MedSci原创

2月9日,《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)医学杂志上发表了英国莱斯特大学科学家们领导的一个国际研究小组的研究成果。研究者在一项历时4年的研究中揭示出了Y染色体与一种常见性心脏病——冠状动脉疾病(coronary artery disease)的关联,表明该疾病可通过Y染色体父子相传。 冠状动脉疾病又称作冠心病(coronary heart disease)是指由于脂肪沉着堆积在冠状动脉内膜细胞

2月9日,《柳叶刀》(The Lancet)医学杂志上发表了英国莱斯特大学科学家们领导的一个国际研究小组的研究成果。研究者在一项历时4年的研究中揭示出了Y染色体与一种常见性心脏病——冠状动脉疾病(coronary artery disease)的关联,表明该疾病可通过Y染色体父子相传。

冠状动脉疾病又称作冠心病(coronary heart disease)是指由于脂肪沉着堆积在冠状动脉内膜细胞内并导致血流阻塞的疾病。在两条主要冠状动脉的大分支中,脂质沉积逐渐扩散,这个过程称为动脉粥样硬化。形成的粥样斑块凸向动脉管腔,是动脉管腔狭窄。当冠状动脉发生梗阻时,心肌发生缺血(血供不足),则可导致心肌损害。是全球死亡率最高的疾病之一。仅在2008年,英国因冠心病致死病例达88,236人。且相对于同年龄段的女性,男性冠心病发病率更高。


莱斯特大学心血管科学系临床高级讲师、首席研究员Maciej Tomaszewski说:“我们对于这一研究发现感到非常的兴奋,因为它首次将Y染色体放在了冠心病遗传易感性图谱上。我们希望能够进一步分析Y染色体以寻找与此相关的特异性基因和变异。”

这一研究获得了英国心脏基金会、英国国家健康研究所、LEW Cart Charitable Fund、澳大利亚国家医疗卫生研究委员会、欧盟、英国惠康基金会(Wellcome Trust)等的资金资助。


Inheritance of coronary artery disease in men: an analysis of the role of the Y chromosome

Fadi J Charchar PhD a, Lisa DS Bloomer MSc b, Timothy A Barnes PhD b, Mark J Cowley PhD d, Christopher P Nelson PhD b o, Yanzhong Wang PhD e, Chris Packard MD h, Heribert Schunkert MD j, Willem H Ouwehand

Background A sexual dimorphism exists in the incidence and prevalence of coronary artery disease—men are more commonly affected than are age-matched women. We explored the role of the Y chromosome in coronary artery disease in the context of this sexual inequity. Methods We genotyped 11 markers of the male-specific region of the Y chromosome in 3233 biologically unrelated British men from three cohorts: the British Heart Foundation Family Heart Study (BHF-FHS), West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study (WOSCOPS), and Cardiogenics Study. On the basis of this information, each Y chromosome was tracked back into one of 13 ancient lineages defined as haplogroups. We then examined associations between common Y chromosome haplogroups and the risk of coronary artery disease in cross-sectional BHF-FHS and prospective WOSCOPS. Finally, we undertook functional analysis of Y chromosome effects on monocyte and macrophage transcriptome in British men from the Cardiogenics Study. Findings Of nine haplogroups identified, two (R1b1b2 and I) accounted for roughly 90% of the Y chromosome variants among British men. Carriers of haplogroup I had about a 50% higher age-adjusted risk of coronary artery disease than did men with other Y chromosome lineages in BHF-FHS (odds ratio 1•75, 95% CI 1•20—2•54, p=0•004), WOSCOPS (1•45, 1•08—1•95, p=0•012), and joint analysis of both populations (1•56, 1•24—1•97, p=0•0002). The association between haplogroup I and increased risk of coronary artery disease was independent of traditional cardiovascular and socioeconomic risk factors. Analysis of macrophage transcriptome in the Cardiogenics Study revealed that 19 molecular pathways showing strong differential expression between men with haplogroup I and other lineages of the Y chromosome were interconnected by common genes related to inflammation and immunity, and that some of them have a strong relevance to atherosclerosis. Interpretation The human Y chromosome is associated with risk of coronary artery disease in men of European ancestry, possibly through interactions of immunity and inflammation.


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