
2012-08-15 T.Shen 生物谷

研究者发现了一种称为Gadd45a的蛋白质,其可以控制基因40%的活性来促使骨骼肌萎缩。而且研究者也研究了Gadd45a在骨骼肌细胞中进行的“恶劣勾当”,该蛋白质可以重新变成许多基因来引发细胞功能的混乱。 (Credit: Images courtesy of Christopher Adams lab, University of Iowa.) 你是否在为你慢慢变老,偶尔生病,遭受痛苦,眼看


(Credit: Images courtesy of Christopher Adams lab, University of Iowa.)

你是否在为你慢慢变老,偶尔生病,遭受痛苦,眼看着自己的肌肉萎缩松弛而沮丧?肌肉功能的衰退,无论是轻微的还是逐渐的,就像人类呼吸一样是一种人体的生理状态。尽管科学家们对于促使骨骼肌萎缩的原因知道的很少,但是他们知道这其中所参与的一些重要的效应蛋白质,刊登在近日的国际杂志Journal of Biological Chemistry上的一篇研究报告中,研究者发现了一种称为Gadd45a的蛋白质,其可以控制基因40%的活性来促使骨骼肌萎缩。而且研究者也研究了Gadd45a在骨骼肌细胞中进行的“恶劣勾当”,该蛋白质可以重新编程许多基因来引发细胞功能的混乱。





编译自:Key Culprit Causing Muscle Atrophy Identified


Stress-induced Skeletal Muscle Gadd45a Expression Reprograms Myonuclei and Causes Muscle Atrophy*

Scott M. Ebert‡, Michael C. Dyle‡, Steven D. Kunkel‡§, Steven A. Bullard‡§, Kale S. Bongers‡, Daniel K. Fox‡, Jason M. Dierdorff‡, Eric D. Foster‡ and Christopher M. Adams‡§,1

Diverse stresses including starvation and muscle disuse cause skeletal muscle atrophy. However, the molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy are complex and not well understood. Here, we demonstrate that growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible 45a protein (Gadd45a) is a critical mediator of muscle atrophy. We identified Gadd45a through an unbiased search for potential downstream mediators of the stress-inducible, pro-atrophy transcription factor ATF4. We show that Gadd45a is required for skeletal muscle atrophy induced by three distinct skeletal muscle stresses: fasting, muscle immobilization, and muscle denervation. Conversely, forced expression of Gadd45a in muscle or cultured myotubes induces atrophy in the absence of upstream stress. We show that muscle-specific ATF4 knock-out mice have a reduced capacity to induce Gadd45a mRNA in response to stress, and as a result, they undergo less atrophy in response to fasting or muscle immobilization. Interestingly, Gadd45a is a myonuclear protein that induces myonuclear remodeling and a comprehensive program for muscle atrophy. Gadd45a represses genes involved in anabolic signaling and energy production, and it induces pro-atrophy genes. As a result, Gadd45a reduces multiple barriers to muscle atrophy (including PGC-1α, Akt activity, and protein synthesis) and stimulates pro-atrophy mechanisms (including autophagy and caspase-mediated proteolysis). These results elucidate a critical stress-induced pathway that reprograms muscle gene expression to cause atrophy.


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