ADA 2013:达格列净(Dapagliflozin )单药治疗未曾用药的T2DM安全有效

2013-07-02 MedSci MedSci原创

    2013年第73届美国糖尿病协会科学年会(ADA2013)于6月21日~25日在美国芝加哥隆重举办。在ADA2013年会上,北京大学第一医院纪立农教授有5篇中国研究入选壁报讨论(2篇 General Poster Sessions)和会议摘要(3篇 Published  Only)。其中一篇壁报为“单纯饮食或运动控制不佳的亚洲2型糖尿病患者使用达格列

    2013年第73届美国糖尿病协会科学年会(ADA2013)于6月21日~25日在美国芝加哥隆重举办。在ADA2013年会上,北京大学第一医院纪立农教授有5篇中国研究入选壁报讨论(2篇 General Poster Sessions)和会议摘要(3篇 Published  Only)。其中一篇壁报为“单纯饮食或运动控制不佳的亚洲2型糖尿病患者使用达格列净单药治疗”,提示达格列净单药治疗未曾用药的亚洲2型糖尿病患者安全、有效,并且可以轻度降低体重。
  我们进行了一项为期24周的双盲研究(NCT01095653),旨在评估对于单纯饮食或运动控制不佳的亚洲2型糖尿病患者(HbA1c  7.0-10.5%)使用达格列净单药治疗的疗效。患者被随机分入对照组(PBO; N=132)和达格列净组(5 mg或者 10 mg; N=128 或n= 133  )。
  组间的基线资料具有可比性,大多数(89%)为汉族,平均糖尿病病程为0.2年。24周之后,和安慰剂组相比,达格列净5 mg或者10  mg剂量依赖性的降低糖化血红蛋白(主要终点),空腹血糖、餐后血糖、体重、HbA1c < 7%的患者比例(次级终点)也有类似的趋势。组间不良反应的发生率相似。极少有严重的不良反应或导致停药的不良反应。低血糖少见(安慰剂组为1.5%,达格列净5mg组为0.8%  ,达格列净10mg组为0.8%),没有患者因低血糖而停药。生殖器感染在达格列净组更为常见,三组的发生率分别为0.8%、3.1%  和4.5%。三组尿路感染的发生率分别为3.0%、 3.9%和5.3%。没有发生肾功能衰竭、肾盂肾炎或死亡。


Dapagliflozin as Monotherapy in Drug-Naïve Asian Patients with T2DM  Inadequately Controlled on Diet and Exercise
Linong Ji MD Peking University

Dapagliflozin (DAPA) a selective SGLT2 inhibitor improves glycemic control in  diverse patient populations as monotherapy or in combination with other  glucose-lowering drugs. We assess DAPA as monotherapy in drug-naïve Asian  patients inadequately controlled on diet and exercise (HbA1c 7.0-10.5%) in a  24-week double-blind study (NCT01095653) that randomized patients to placebo  (PBO; N=132) or DAPA (5 or 10 mg; N=128 and 133 respectively) groups. Baseline  characteristics were balanced across groups. Most patients (89%) were Chinese.  Median duration of T2DM was 0.2 years. At week 24 (LOCF) DAPA 5 and 10 mg  provided dose-dependent statistically significant reductions in HbA1c vs PBO  (primary endpoint) and in FPG PPG body weight and proportion of patients with  HbA1c <7% (secondary endpoints) (Table). Adverse events (AEs) were balanced  across groups. Few patients had serious AEs or AEs leading to discontinuation.  Hypoglycemia was uncommon (1.5 0.8 and 0.8% in the PBO DAPA 5 mg and 10 mg  groups respectively); none led to discontinuation. Genital infections were more  common with DAPA; 0.8 3.1 and 4.5% of PBO DAPA 5 mg or 10 mg patients  respectively. UTIs occurred in 3.0 3.9 and 5.3% of patients respectively. No AEs  of renal failure or pyelonephritis and no deaths occurred. In summary DAPA as  monotherapy in drug-naïve Asian patients was well-tolerated significantly  improving glycemic control with the additional benefit of modest weight  loss.


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