
2015-03-17 佚名 生物谷

近日一项临床试验表明,长期服用阿斯利康的Brilinta(替卡格雷)可以使具有心脏病或中风病史的患者的死亡率降低16%,这项研究可能会大幅增加这款药物的销量,对阿斯利康而言无疑是一利好消息,但对医生而言,开处方前要充分考虑该药物带来的风险和收益,尤其是该药物可能造成出血的风险。 波士顿布里翰妇女医院的研究人员Marc Sabatine表示,尽管Brilinta造成出血的风险增加,但是


波士顿布里翰妇女医院的研究人员Marc Sabatine表示,尽管Brilinta造成出血的风险增加,但是相较于患者心肌梗死或中风而死的风险,这一点还是可以忽视。重要的是,并没有证据表明该药物会造成脑出血概率增加,因此相对而言还是非常安全的。

而马萨诸塞大学医学院的John Keaney表示,Brilinta(替卡格雷)作为一个强效抗凝血剂,它的药理作用与副作用之间实际上是一对“脆弱的平衡”。每10000名服用Brilinta(替卡格雷)的患者中,每年约有42名患者能成功地预防心血管死亡,但与此同时也有31患者发生了大出血。



实验组每日服用60mg Brilinta(替卡格雷)加阿司匹林,其恶性心血管疾病的发病率为7.77%,而对照组仅服用阿司匹林,发病率为9.04%。与对照组相比,实验组的患病率下降了16个百分点。而服用90mg的患病率下降了15个百分点。然而,实验组的大出血比率为2.30%,对照组是1.06%,这说明Brilinta(替卡格雷)也会增加出血概率。



原文 Long-term use of AstraZeneca heart drug brings benefits, some risks

Long-term use of AstraZeneca's drug Brilinta can cut the risk of death, another heart attack or stroke in patients with a history of past attacks by 16 percent, a keenly awaited clinical trial showed on Saturday.

The finding may boost sales of the blood-thinner, which AstraZeneca is relying on to drive growth, although doctors must balance its benefits against bleeding risks.

"There will be more bleeding, but I think the benefit for patients in terms of reducing their risk of dying or having another heart attack or stroke outweighs that," trial researcher Marc Sabatine of Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital told Reuters.

Importantly, there was no excess of fatal or irreversible bleeding into the brain.

John Keaney of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, who was not involved in the study, said there was a "fragile balance" to be struck in using potent blood-thinners that can trigger bleeding.

He noted that for each 10,000 patients treated, Brilinta would prevent 42 cardiovascular events annually but cause 31 major bleeds.

The current standard care for patients more than one year on from a heart attack is aspirin alone to prevent clotting, so adding Brilinta would open a major new sales opportunity.

Until now Brilinta has struggled to gain traction, though AstraZeneca flagged its potential to sell $3.5 billion annually by 2023 when it fought off a takeover bid by Pfizer last year.

Analyst forecasts currently suggest sales of $1.5 billion by 2020, against $476 million in 2014, according to Thomson Reuters Cortellis.

AstraZeneca had said previously the 21,000-patient trial, its biggest ever, was positive but details were only unveiled at the American College of Cardiology annual meeting, with simultaneous publication in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Among patients on twice-a-day 60-mg Brilinta plus aspirin, 7.77 percent suffered adverse cardiovascular events against 9.04 percent for the aspirin-only group, a relative risk reduction of 16 percent. For 90-mg Brilinta, the risk reduction was 15 percent.

There was major bleeding in 2.30 percent of 60-mg Brilinta patients against 1.06 percent for those taking aspirin only.

AstraZeneca's Brilinta head, Tom Keith-Roach, sees the study boosting sales and doubling the number of eligible patients. "I think it is going to strengthen our trajectory," he said.

Brilinta competes with Sanofi and Bristol-Myers Squibb's older drug Plavix, now available as a cheap generic, and Eli Lilly's Effient.

AstraZeneca recently filed for long-term use of Brilinta in Europe and the United States, based on the latest trial results, which showed that the benefit from taking Brilinta continued to accrue for nearly three years.


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世界范围内,2型糖尿病的患病率持续快速增加,2012年,全球有超过3.71亿糖尿病患者。糖尿病也因此成为心血管疾病普遍的危险因素,而且有越来越多的心血管疾病患者患有糖尿病。在心血管疾病患者中,糖尿病是不良预后的高危因素。 控制血压、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇和糖化血红蛋白(HbA1C)可降低糖尿病患者心血管风险,尽管使用的药物越来越多,但只有少部分患者成功地达到了上述目标。 在此背景下,一些用于降低心


胺碘酮 我认真回忆了众多有关剂量的故事。1985-1987年在美国做访问学者时,我发现美国医生使用胺碘酮的负荷剂量为1200-1800mg/d,维持量为600-800mg/d,甲状腺功能异常与肺间质纤维化的严重不良反应引起人们的极大关注。回国后,看到黄宛教授使用胺碘酮的剂量远远小于美国剂量,他用的负荷剂量为600mg/d,维持量200mg/d,甚至更小。不但疗效好,而且不良反应明显小于美