
2012-01-22 MedSci MedSci原创

近日,波茨坦克拉克森大学(Clarkson University in Potsdam)的研究人员鉴定出来一个可能在调节乳腺癌进展过程中起关键作用的蛋白——Tumor Differentiating Factor (TDF),即肿瘤分化因子(TDF)结合蛋白,相关研究论文"Identification of Potential Tumor Differentiation Factor (TDF)

近日,波茨坦克拉克森大学(Clarkson University in Potsdam)的研究人员鉴定出来一个可能在调节乳腺癌进展过程中起关键作用的蛋白——Tumor Differentiating Factor (TDF),即肿瘤分化因子(TDF)结合蛋白,相关研究论文"Identification of Potential Tumor Differentiation Factor (TDF) Receptor from Steroid-responsive and Steroid-resistant Breast Cancer Cells"发表在新一期J Biol Chem杂志上。


早前研究证明TDF是一个可以降低乳腺癌细胞进展的垂体激素,乳腺癌细胞用TDF处理会丢失它们的癌症特征并且开始向正常乳腺细胞一样发挥作用,提示TDF具有抑制肿瘤的能力。然而,TDF如何发挥作用还不清楚,该项研究的主要领导人——Costel DarieDarie教授领导的研究组启动了一项针对在癌细胞中可能结合TDF并传递抗肿瘤信号的细胞受体的研究,试图揭示TDF的抗肿瘤作用机制。



Identification of Potential Tumor Differentiation Factor (TDF) Receptor from Steroid-responsive and Steroid-resistant Breast Cancer Cells.

Sokolowska I, Woods AG, Gawinowicz MA, Roy U, Darie CC.

Tumor differentiation factor (TDF) is a recently discovered protein, produced by the pituitary gland and secreted into the bloodstream. TDF and TDF-P1, a 20-amino acid peptide selected from the open reading frame of TDF, induce differentiation in human breast and prostate cancer cells but not in other cells. TDF protein has no identified site of action or receptor, and its mechanism of action is unknown. Here, we used TDF-P1 to purify and identify potential TDF receptor (TDF-R) candidates from MCF7 steroid-responsive breast cancer cells and non-breast HeLa cancerous cells using affinity purification chromatography (AP), and mass spectrometry (MS). We identified four candidate proteins from the 70-kDa heat shock protein (HSP70) family in MCF7 cells. Experiments in non-breast HeLa cancerous cells did not identify any TDF-R candidates. AP and MS experiments were validated by AP and Western blotting (WB). We additionally looked for TDF-R in steroid-resistant BT-549 cells and human dermal fibroblasts (HDF-a) using AP and WB. TDF-P1 interacts with potential TDF-R candidates from MCF7 and BT-549 breast cells but not from HeLa or HDF-a cells. Immunofluorescence (IF) experiments identified GRP78, a TDF-R candidate, at the cell surface of MCF7, BT-549 breast cells, and HeLa cells but not HDF-a cells. IF of other HSP70 proteins demonstrated labeling on all four cell types. These results point toward GRP78 and HSP70 proteins as strong TDF-R candidates and suggest that TDF interacts with its receptor, exclusively on breast cells, through a steroid-independent pathway.


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