JAMA Intern Med:决策支持策略有助于减少基层医疗中抗生素过度使用

2013-01-21 JAMA Intern Med CMT 吴君德 编译

  一项美国研究显示,决策支持策略(decision support strategy)有助于减少基层医疗中抗生素的过度使用。论文2013年1月14日在线发表于《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)。   针对非复杂性急性支气管炎,研究者在一个综合卫生保健系统所属的33家基层医疗机构开展了该聚类随机研究。其中,干预组采用纸质决策支持策略,或电脑辅助决策支持策略(各11家),其余为对照

  一项美国研究显示,决策支持策略(decision support strategy)有助于减少基层医疗中抗生素的过度使用。论文2013年1月14日在线发表于《美国医学会杂志》(JAMA)。




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  美国哈佛医学院布莱根妇女医院 林德(Linder)






Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Respiratory Infections—Success That's Way Off the Mark
Comment on “A Cluster Randomized Trial of Decision Support Strategies for Reducing Antibiotic Use in Acute Bronchitis”

National quality indicators show little change in the overuse of antibiotics for uncomplicated acute bronchitis. We compared the effect of 2 decision support strategies on antibiotic treatment of uncomplicated acute bronchitis. 
We conducted a 3-arm cluster randomized trial among 33 primary care practices belonging to an integrated health care system in central Pennsylvania. The printed decision support intervention sites (11 practices) received decision support for acute cough illness through a print-based strategy, the computer-assisted decision support intervention sites (11 practices) received decision support through an electronic medical record-based strategy, and the control sites (11 practices) served as a control arm. Both intervention sites also received clinician education and feedback on prescribing practices, as well as patient education brochures at check-in. Antibiotic prescription rates for uncomplicated acute bronchitis in the winter period (October 1, 2009, through March 31, 2010) following introduction of the intervention were compared with the previous 3 winter periods in an intent-to-treat analysis. 
Compared with the baseline period, the percentage of adolescents and adults prescribed antibiotics during the intervention period decreased at the printed decision support intervention sites (from 80.0% to 68.3%) and at the computer-assisted decision support intervention sites (from 74.0% to 60.7%) but increased slightly at the control sites (from 72.5% to 74.3%). After controlling for patient and clinician characteristics, as well as clustering of observations by clinician and practice site, the differences for the intervention sites were statistically significant from the control sites (P = .003 for control sites vs printed decision support intervention sites and P = .01 for control sites vs computer-assisted decision support intervention sites) but not between themselves (P = .67 for printed decision support intervention sites vs computer-assisted decision support intervention sites). Changes in total visits, 30-day return visit rates, and proportion diagnosed as having uncomplicated acute bronchitis were similar among the study sites. 
Implementation of a decision support strategy for acute bronchitis can help reduce the overuse of antibiotics in primary care settings. The effect of printed vs computer-assisted decision support strategies for providing decision support was equivalent. 

作者:JAMA Intern Med

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