
2012-09-14 美国科学促进会 美国科学促进会

据一项新的研究报告,鼻腔中微生物群的改变可能会触发慢性鼻窦问题。到目前为止,对鼻窦感染的治疗的目的一直是要将细菌从鼻窦中消除。然而,这些发现提示,在鼻窦中重新植入细菌可能对慢性鼻窦炎患者有益。Nicole Abreu及其同事对一小组接受了矫正性鼻腔手术的慢性鼻窦炎患者以及一组没有鼻窦问题但却因为与鼻窦无关的问题而接受手术的病人的微生物群落概况进行了检测。由于这些菌落中的大部分的细菌无法在常规的实验

据一项新的研究报告,鼻腔中微生物群的改变可能会触发慢性鼻窦问题。到目前为止,对鼻窦感染的治疗的目的一直是要将细菌从鼻窦中消除。然而,这些发现提示,在鼻窦中重新植入细菌可能对慢性鼻窦炎患者有益。Nicole Abreu及其同事对一小组接受了矫正性鼻腔手术的慢性鼻窦炎患者以及一组没有鼻窦问题但却因为与鼻窦无关的问题而接受手术的病人的微生物群落概况进行了检测。由于这些菌落中的大部分的细菌无法在常规的实验室条件下生长,科学家们用高分辨率的微生物组概括检测来发现微生物。这种技术是通过扫描来寻找一种特别的分子条码——一种只能在细菌中发现的叫做16S rRNA的基因 —— 来发现细菌的。当研究人员将病人的微生物组与健康受试者的微生物组进行比较时,他们看到鼻窦疾病与正常微生物组的丧失及某种叫做结核硬脂酸棒状杆菌的特别细菌的富集相关。研究人员发现,罹患慢性鼻窦疾病者的细菌多样性降低、乳酸菌耗竭及结核硬脂酸棒状杆菌增加。在小鼠中,该小组发现,补充乳酸菌的水平可减轻疾病并保护鼻窦不受感染。他们不知道为什么会这样,但用来引发保护的清酒乳杆菌菌株可以产生天然抑菌素——这是可杀死其它细菌种类的特别蛋白。这些结果与提示微生物组多样性的耗竭是慢性炎症疾病的一个标志的越来越多的证据有着良好的吻合。



Sinus Microbiome Diversity Depletion and Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum Enrichment Mediates Rhinosinusitis

Nicole A. Abreu, Nabeetha A. Nagalingam, Yuanlin Song, Frederick C. Roediger, Steven D. Pletcher, Andrew N. Goldberg and Susan V. Lynch

Persistent mucosal inflammation and microbial infection are characteristics of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS). Mucosal microbiota dysbiosis is found in other chronic inflammatory diseases; however, the relationship between sinus microbiota composition and CRS is unknown. Using comparative microbiome profiling of a cohort of CRS patients and healthy subjects, we demonstrate that the sinus microbiota of CRS patients exhibits significantly reduced bacterial diversity compared with that of healthy controls. In our cohort of CRS patients, multiple, phylogenetically distinct lactic acid bacteria were depleted concomitant with an increase in the relative abundance of a single species, Corynebacterium tuberculostearicum. We recapitulated the conditions observed in our human cohort in a murine model and confirmed the pathogenic potential of C. tuberculostearicum and the critical necessity for a replete mucosal microbiota to protect against this species. Moreover, Lactobacillus sakei, which was identified from our comparative microbiome analyses as a potentially protective species, defended against C. tuberculostearicum sinus infection, even in the context of a depleted sinus bacterial community. These studies demonstrate that sinus mucosal health is highly dependent on the composition of the resident microbiota as well as identify both a new sino-pathogen and a strong bacterial candidate for therapeutic intervention.


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