
2013-05-09 佚名 EGMN

  美国费城——国际骨关节炎研究学会(ORSI)日前推荐了一套针对明确髋、膝骨关节炎患者的易于使用的身体机能指标。   最核心的检查包括30秒连续座椅站立、40米快步走和上下楼梯。另2项检查——起立-行走计时测试和6分钟步行——也获得了强烈推荐,建议根据研究设计将其用于检测ambulatory transitions和有氧能力。   指导委员会委员Kim L. Bennell博士在世界骨关节炎


  最核心的检查包括30秒连续座椅站立、40米快步走和上下楼梯。另2项检查——起立-行走计时测试和6分钟步行——也获得了强烈推荐,建议根据研究设计将其用于检测ambulatory transitions和有氧能力。

  指导委员会委员Kim L. Bennell博士在世界骨关节炎大会上指出,这些检查应当涵盖多种体力活动、采用尽可能少的设备,而且易于使用、成本低廉。







OARSI recommends physical function tests for knee, hip OA
PHILADELPHIA – The Osteoarthritis Research Society International is recommending a set of user-friendly physical performance measures for patients with established hip and knee osteoarthritis.
The minimal core set of tests includes the 30-second chair stand test, 40-m fast-paced-walk, and stair negotiation.
Two further tests, the timed up-and-go and 6-minute walk, also are highly recommended, depending on the research setting, to measure ambulatory transitions and aerobic capacity.
The tests had to cover multiple physical activities, use minimal equipment, and be user friendly and inexpensive, steering committee member Kim L. Bennell, Ph.D., said at the World Congress on Osteoarthritis.
For example, the 30-second chair stand test requires only a stop watch and a chair to count how many times a patient can rise from a chair with hips and knees fully extended and sit back down in 30 seconds. The tests are best suited for adults older than 40 years but are relevant for patients with mild to end-stage hip and/or knee osteoarthritis (OA) and following joint replacement.
Currently, there are no international recommendations on which performance-based measures of physical function should be used to measure outcomes in patients with hip and/or knee OA. The hope is that the new recommendations will facilitate a more consistent use of performance-based outcome measures across clinical trials and the clinical setting, said Dr. Bennell, a research physiotherapist and director of the multidisciplinary Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine, University of Melbourne (Australia).
An international advisory committee of 10 rheumatologists, physical therapists, and an orthopedic surgeon identified the main activity themes of walking, stair negotiation, and sit-to-stand from a systematic review of the literature and by consensus opinion. Another 138 clinicians and researchers also were surveyed and asked to rank the difficulty and feasibility of 23 functional tests for OA patients.
"We wanted to identify the most feasible tests considering practical issues such as time, cost, equipment, space, and administration burden," she said at the meeting, which was sponsored by OARSI.
In the end, none of the tests satisfied all desirable clinimetric criteria of reliability, measurement error, validity, responsiveness, and interpretability. The experts felt stair negotiation was an important measure of mobility, lower-body strength, and balance but balked at recommending a specific test because of insufficient clinimetric evidence and the simple, practical fact that not all facilities have enough stairs to conduct a 9- or 12-step test.
"What we really found in our discussions and our work is that there really wasn’t a lot of good clinimetric evidence across the board on these tests," Dr. Bennell said.
To boost the evidence base, OARSI has put out a call on its website to collect future prospective data and to pool existing data so researchers can calculate minimal clinically important difference (MCID) estimates for different OA subgroups, longitudinal responsiveness estimates for interventions, and normative data for various OA subgroups. {nextpage}
Further details on the tests, including an instructional manual, clinimetric measurement properties, and normative values, are available on the OARSI website. Videos will also be available shortly.
The project was sponsored by OARSI, the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, Arthritis Australia, and the University of Otago. Dr. Bennell reported having no financial disclosures.


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  芝加哥拉什大学风湿病科的Najia Shakoor医生及其合作者初步研究发现,穿6个月的特制运动鞋可明显减轻膝盖的负荷,即使在受试者此后再穿普通鞋时亦如此,这表明这种鞋存在步态适应,长期用之可改变步态,可能对膝骨关节炎患者的治疗有益。 这种运动鞋是由Shakoor医生与Roy Lidkte医生发明的,在足部主要弯曲点有些沟壑,能使足部产生自然的“赤脚样”运动。以前的一项研究显示,这种鞋能模拟


  “如果不是因为一次爬山意外扭伤了脚,踝关节疼痛来我们医院就诊,可能短时间也不会被查出竟然患有骨肿瘤。”省新华医院骨科副主任医师姜滔副主任医师说,不久前,他们接诊了这样一位50多岁的赵先生。   姜滔副主任医师说,骨肿瘤前期症状不明显,不易被发现,不少人在运动后,骨头或关节会轻微损伤,出现疼痛甚至骨折,检查后才发现竟患了骨肿瘤。其实年轻人更易患原发性骨肿瘤,且越年轻肿瘤的恶变程度越高,而老年人