
2012-12-11 MedSci MedSci原创

1. 医生护士英语会话:内科 N: Good morning. P: Good morning. N: What seems to be the problem? P: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. N: How long have you had the problem? P: Since last night.

1. 医生护士英语会话:内科
N: Good morning.
P: Good morning.
N: What seems to be the problem?
P: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad.
N: How long have you had the problem?
P: Since last night.
N: Well, have you ever been here before?
P: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city.
N: OK. In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender,adress and things like that.
P: No problem. Which department should I register with, madam?
N: You'd better go to the medical department.
P: Here is my registration card.
N: Thank you. The registration fee is one dollar.,
P: Fine. But can you tell me how to get to the medical department, please?
N: Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.
P: Thanks a lot.
N: You're welcome.
单词 Words
registration  n. 挂号
gender    n.性别
address      n. 住址
department  n. 科,系,部门
register    vi挂号
fee   n. 费
lift n. 电梯
corridor   n. 走道
短语 Phrases
run a high fever     发高烧
as a matter of fact  事实上
in that case   
fill in   
and things like that  等等
register with        挂(某科)的号
take a lift
make a left turn     向左拐
句型 Sentence Patterns
What seems to be the problem?
How long have you had the problem?
In that case, you have to fill in this registration card. Your age, gender, address and things like that.
Which department should I register with, madam?
You'd better go to the medical department.您最好挂内科。
Take the lift to the third floor and then make a left turn. Go along the corridor until you see the sign on your right.
相关短语Related Phrase
take someicine  服药
feel sick  感到恶心
feel short of breath  觉得气急
have noppetite  没有胃口
have difficulty in breathing  呼吸困难
chronic disease  慢性病
suffer from an allergy  过敏
hear of  听说
相关表达方式(询问病情)Related Expressions  (asking the P about his/her illness )
What seems to be the trouble?
What seems to be the problem?
What's troubling you?
Wher does it hurt?
In what way are you feeing sick?
What seems to be bothering you?
Tell me what your problem is?
When did the pain start?
Which tooth is troubling you?
What hurts you?
What's wrong with your ear?
Since when have you been feeling like that?
How long have you had this trouble?
How long has it been this way?
What did you eat yesterday?
Have you take any medicine for it?
Do you feel tired?
Are you feeling sick?
Any vomitting?
Are you feeling all right?
Are your bowels regular?
Do you cough?
Do you feel short of breath sometimes?
Do you have any appetite?
Do you have any difficulty breathing?
Does it hurt?
Did you have any pains here before?
Have you ever had this experience before?
Have you had any chronic diseases in the past?
Have you ever heard of any chronic diseases whin your family?
How is your sleep?
Is this cut still painful?
Did you suffer from an allergy?

Doctor(D)     Patient (P)
D:Good morning. What's troubling you?
P:Good morning, doctor. I have a terrible headache.
D:All right, young man. Tell me how it got started.
P:Yesterday I had a running nose. Now my nose is stuffed up. I have a sore throat. And I'm afraid I've got a temperature. I feel terrible.
D:Done worry, young man. Let me give you an examination. First let me take a look at your throat. Open your mouth and say "ah".
D:Good. Now put your tongue out. All right, let me examine your chest. Please unbutton your shirt. Let me check your heart and lungs. Take a deep breath and hold it. Breathe in, and out. By the way, do you have a history of tuberculosis?
P:No,definitely not.
D:Look, your throat is inflamed. And your tongue is thickly coated. You have all the symptoms of influenza.
P:What am I supposed to do then?
D:A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. I'll write you a prescription.
P:Thank you very much.
D:That's all right. Remember to take a good rest.
P:I will. Goodbye, doctor.

单词 Words
temperature  n. 温度,高烧
examination  n. 检查,体检
chest      n. 胸部,胸膛
unbutton   vt 解开扣子
lung       n. 肺
tuberculosis n. 肺结核
definitely  adv 确定地,肯定地
inflame    v. 发炎
symptom    n. 症状
influenza   n. 流行感冒
prescription n. 药方

短语 Phrases
have a running nose  流鼻涕
a sore throat       喉咙发痛
get a temperature   发高烧
take a look at      检查
take a deep breath   深呼吸
be supposed to      应该
write sb a prescription   给某人开药方

句子 Sentence Structures
What's troubling you?
Now my nose is stuffed up.现在有点鼻塞。
By the way, do you have a history of tuberculosis?

相关单词 Related words
cold  感冒
sunstroke  中风
flu  流行性感冒
fever  发烧
cough  咳嗽
bronchitis  支气管炎
tracheitis  气管炎
pertusis  百日咳
asthma  哮喘
pneumonia  肺炎
tuberculosis  肺结核
hepatitis  肝炎
shiver  打寒战

相关短语 Related Phrases
fall ill  生病
be ill with  生病
suffer from  患……病
feel very bad  感到不舒服
vital signs  主要病症
blood pressure  血压
pulse rate  脉搏
temprature  体温
rhythm of the heart  心率
early symptom  早期症状
cardinal symptom  主要症状
constitutional symptoms  全身症状
clinic symptom  临床症状
run a fever  发高烧
run a temprature  发高烧
feel dizzy  头昏眼花
be engorged  充血
be short of breath  呼吸急促
feel chilly  发冷
have difficulty in breathing  呼吸困难
have a headache  头疼
have a sore throat  嗓子疼
have a bad cough  咳嗽得厉害
相关表达方式 Related Expressions  (Describing the Illnesses )
I have been like this for about a week.我这样大约有一个星期了。
I've been feeling a pain here for five days on end.我这儿连续痛了五天。
It has been off and on for a month.这样断断续续了一个月。
I cough a great deal at night.我晚上咳嗽得厉害。
I don't feel like eating anything.我什么都不想吃。
I have no appetite at all.我一点胃口都没有。
I feel a bit off color.我感到有点不适。
I feel a pain in my abdomen.我觉得肚子疼。
I feel very fatigued.我觉得很疲乏。
I feel all pooped out.我觉得筋疲力尽。
I feel a little chilly.我感到有点冷。
I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite.我觉得头晕,没有食欲。
I feel feverish.我觉得有点发烧。
I feel like vomiting.我想吐。
I feel rather sick.我觉得很不舒服。
I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat.我觉得寒战,咽喉痛。
I have a spitting headache.我头痛得厉害。
Patient(P)     nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Doctor(D)
P:Good morning, doctor.
D:Good morning. What seems to be the trouble?
P:I'm suffering from insomnia.
D:How long have you had this problem?
P:Three months.
D:Have you take any medicine?
P:I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.
D:Do you have headaches?
P:Sometimes. I have no appetite and always on the edge.
D:Let me take your blood pressure. You look anemic. (Taking the P's blood pressure.)
Doctor:Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork.
P:What should I do then?
D:I think you need more rest. Try to get outdoors more. Don't strain yourself too much.
P:Thank you. Doctor. I'll do as you say.
D:Here is the prescription for you. I'm sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.
P:Thanks a lot. Bye-bye!

单词 Words
insomnia  n. 失眠症
appetite  n. 胃口
pressure  n. 压力,血压
anemic  n. 贫血病
exhausted  adj 疲倦,筋疲力尽
overwork  n. 过度劳累
outdoors  adv 户外
cure  n. vt 治愈,治好

短语 Phrases
suffer from    遭受
sleeping pills   安眠药
on the edge   紧张不安
take sb's blood pressure   量血压

句子 Sentence Patterns
What seems to be the trouble?
How long have you had this problem?
I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.
There is nothing to be alarmed about. 没什么好担心的。
Don't strain yourself too much. 不要过度劳累。

相关单词 Related Words
arm  手臂
upper arm  上臂
forearm  前臂
elbow  肘
wrist   腕
thumb  大拇指
forefinger  食指
middle finger  中指
third finger  无名指
little finger  小指
palm  手掌
nail  指甲
knuckle  指关节
leg  腿
thigh  大腿
knee  膝盖
shank  小腿
calf  小腿肚
foot  脚
instep  脚背
toe  脚趾
ankle  踝关节
heel   脚后跟
sole   脚掌

相关短语 Related Phrases
suffer from insomnia  失眠
sleeping pills  安眠药
get a temperature  发烧
get a running nose  流鼻涕

相关表达方式 Related Expressions  (Describing the Illnesses )
Last night I suffered from insomnia.昨晚我失眠了。
I tried some sleeping pills, but they have done nothing for me.我服了些安眠药, 但没有起什么作用。
I 'm afraid I've got a temperature.恐怕我有点发烧。
I've got a running nose.我在流鼻涕。
I keep feeling dizzy.我老觉得头晕。
I seem to have pain all over.我感到浑身都在痛。
I'm aching all over.我浑身都在痛。
I'm having some trouble sleeping.我的睡眠不好。
I'm running a fever.我在发烧。
I'm running a temperature.我在发烧。
The trouble began yesterday.病是昨天开始的。
I feel numb in my right arm.我觉得右臂麻木。
4. 交通事故
Doctor: What seems to be the problem?
Patient: Well, I was crossing the road, where a car came round the corner too quickly, and when the driver saw me, it was too late to stop. I was knocked to the ground, and when I  got up,my left arm and elbow were grazed and now, I have a pain in my ribs.
Doctor: I'll just take a look. Where does it hurt?
Patient: It's hard to say. It hurts all over.
Doctor: Does it hurt when I do this?
Patient: Ouch! The pain is very bad when you press here.
Doctor: You arm and elbow seem to be all right. But, to be on the safe side, you'd better go to the X-ray Department. When the X-rays are ready, bring them back to me to examine.
Patient: OK. See you later.
Doctor: See you then!
( Ten minutes later, the P brings back the X-ray plates)
Patient:Here's my X-rays.
Doctor: I'll just take a look at it. Everything is all right, except here, see it? There's a hairline fracture.
Patient: Is it serious?
Doctor: No. It's not very serious, but you should take two or three weeks off work, and rest in bed as much as possible.
Patient: Should I take some medicine, doctor?
Doctor: All right. I'll give you some herbal medicine to help you heal quickly. In addition, I will prescribe you some medicine for oral administration. Here is a prescription. Take it to the chemist's. please take the medicine according to the instruction.
Patient: Will I need to be put in plaster?
Doctor: No, it isn't necessary. I have presribed you a tube of ointment. Administer it two or three times a day.
Patient: Thank you very much, doctor.
Doctor: Not at all. Goodbye!
Patient: Goodbye!
单词 Words
elbow  n. 肘部
graze  v. 檫伤
ribs  n. 肋骨
plate  n. 光片
oral  adj 口服
instruction  n. 说明
plaster  n. 石膏
短语 Phrases
be knocked to the ground  被撞倒在地
to be on the safe side  出于安全考虑
take two or three weeks off work  休假两,三周
herbal medicine  中草药
for oral administration  口服
a tube of ointment  一管药膏
句子 Sentence Patterns
Does it hurt when I do this?
To be on the safe side, you'd better go to the X-ray Department.但是出于安全考虑,你还是最好去照一张X光片。
When the X-rays are ready, bring them back to me to examine.片子照好之后,马上拿过来让我看看。
Will I need to be put in plaster?
Here is a prescription. Take it to the chemist's.这是药方。待会儿你拿到药房去配药。
Please take the medicine according to the instruction.请按说明服药。

dislocation  脱臼
spain  扭伤
twist  扭伤
burn  烧伤
spasm  痉挛
tetanus  破伤风
paralysis   瘫痪
fracture  骨折
bandage  绷带
plaster  石膏
stitch  缝针
padding  垫,衬
pillow  枕头
crutch  拐杖

be all right  没什么问题
take a week off work  休假一周
rest in bed  卧床休息
clean up the wound  清洗伤口
dress the wound  包扎伤口
give sb. a few stiches   给……缝几针
take the stiches out   拆线
be hospitalized  住院
right away   立即,马上

Related Expressions
Your arm and elbow seem to be all right.你的手臂和肘关节看来没什么问题。
You should take a week off work.你应该休假一周。
Though it is not very serious, you should rest in bed as much as possible.虽然不太严重,但你还是要尽量多卧床休息。
Take it three times a day after meals.每日三次,饭后服用。
Here is the prescription for your medicine.这是给你开的药方。
There is a cut, but luckily it is not deep.破了个口子,不过不太深。
First, I'll clean up the wound and then we are going to dress it.我得先清洗伤口,然后把伤口包扎起来。
I'm afraid I'll have to give you a few stiches.恐怕我得给你缝几针了。
Come back in a week and I'll take your stiches out.一周之后再来,我给你拆线。
The X-ray shows a fractured ankle. X光片显示足踝骨折。
You must be hospitalized right away.你应当立即住院。
You will be treated for a fracture of the bone.你的骨折需要治疗。
You'll have to stay in the hospital for observation for two days.你得住院观察两天。
Your left thumb suffers a comminuted fracture.你左手的拇指是粉碎性骨折。

