
2013-05-13 佚名 EGMN

  华盛顿——在美国儿科学术团体(PAS)2013年会上,明尼苏达州布卢明顿HealthPartners教育研究所的Emily D. Parker博士报告称,在生长发育过程中出现超重或肥胖的儿童,早在3~5岁时就有可能罹患高血压。   这项研究分析了59,638名年龄介于3~17岁的儿童的体重和血压变化趋势。这些儿童数据来自加利福利亚洲、科罗拉多州和明尼苏达州的3个大型保险数据库2007~201

  华盛顿——在美国儿科学术团体(PAS)2013年会上,明尼苏达州布卢明顿HealthPartners教育研究所的Emily D. Parker博士报告称,在生长发育过程中出现超重或肥胖的儿童,早在3~5岁时就有可能罹患高血压。


  大约一半(45%)的儿童为白种人,黑人占11%,亚洲人占8%,西班牙人占7%;该队列的其余儿童则为其他种族。年龄范围为3~5岁(27%)、6~8 岁 (17%)、9~11岁 (21%)、12~14岁 (22%)和15~17岁(13%)。








High blood pressure begins early in overweight children
WASHINGTON – Children as young as 3-5 years old appear to be at risk for developing hypertension if they become overweight or obese as they grow.
Prehypertension was 57% more likely to develop in children who went from being of normal weight to being overweight, and hypertension was almost twice as likely to develop, compared with children who maintained a normal weight, *Dr. Elyse Kharbanda, reported at the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies.
The picture was even grimmer for the 10% of children who remained obese during the entire 2.5-year study, said *Dr. Kharbanda of HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research, Bloomington, Minn. Those children were more than twice as likely to develop incident prehypertension and nearly four times as likely to develop incident hypertension.
Her study examined trends in weight and blood pressure among 59,638 children aged 3-17 years. The children were drawn from three large insurance data sets in northern California, Colorado, and Minnesota from the time period of 2007-2010. All of the children had visited a health care facility in their group at least four times during the study period, and all had normal blood pressure at the first visit.
About half (45%) of the children were white, 11% were black, 8% Asian, and 7% Hispanic; other ethnicities made up the remainder of the cohort. Age ranges were 3-5 years (27%), 6-8 years (17%), 9-11 years (21%), 12-14 years (22%), and 15-17 years (13%).
For the study, normal weight was defined as a body mass index in the 5th to less than 85th percentile, while overweight was defined as BMI in the 85th to less than 95th percentile. Obesity was defined as a BMI in the 95th percentile or greater.
At baseline, mean BMI was in the 64th percentile. The children’s mean baseline blood pressure was in the 39th percentile for systolic and 50th for diastolic.
Over the study period, 65% of the children maintained a normal weight, 8% remained overweight, and 10% remained obese. Nine percent of the group increased in weight, either from a healthy weight to overweight, or from overweight to obese. Eight percent of the children lost weight, going from overweight to normal weight or from obese to overweight.
During the study period, there were 16,102 new cases of prehypertension (27%) and 597 cases of incident hypertension (1%).
A multivariate analysis controlled for age, race, study site, and systolic blood pressure at baseline. In the fully adjusted model, compared with children who maintained a healthy weight, those who became overweight or obese were 57% more likely to develop prehypertension. Children who stayed overweight were 49% more likely to develop prehypertension, and those who remained obese were 2.3 times more likely to develop prehypertension. All of the differences were statistically significant.
Children who increased from one weight category to the next were 87% more likely to develop hypertension. The increased risk was 28% for those who stayed overweight and 3.6% for those who remained obese. Again, the changes were statistically significant {nextpage}
The analysis also found significant differences in progression from prehypertension to hypertension. Children whose weight category increased were 27% more likely to progress, and those who stayed obese, 86% more likely. Children who stayed overweight were not significantly more likely to progress from prehypertension to hypertension, Dr. Kharbanda said.




Diabetes Care:妊娠前超重和肥胖可导致大于胎龄儿增多

  美国学者的一项研究表明,即便在无妊娠糖尿病(GDM)的情况下,妊娠前超重和肥胖仍可导致大于胎龄儿(LGA)出现率升高。论文于2012年8月13日在线发表于《糖尿病护理》(Diabetes Care)杂志。   此项回顾性研究共纳入9835例在妊娠20周以后分娩的女性受试者。受试者接受产前口服葡萄糖耐量检测,并且在妊娠期间未接受膳食、运动或降糖药治疗。基于IADPSG标准诊断GDM,


为了检测不同有氧运动量对胰岛素抵抗,肥胖,内脏脂肪,超重健康因素,欠缺运动儿童健康的影响,以及性别和种族在其中的起到了怎样的作用,美国乔治亚州医学院公共健康与预防中心Catherine L. Davis博士等人的进行了深入研究,他们发现经过13周的20或40 min/d 的有氧训练可改善欠缺运动的超重或肥胖儿童的肥胖或内脏肥胖健康状况,并证实其胰岛素抵抗受益有运动量反应性。相关论文发表于国际权威杂


  美国最新一项研究显示,青少年时期超重或肥胖与中年肾衰竭风险较高有关。     这篇研究指出,儿童时期肥胖的另一种隐患,就是有越来越多成人需要接受肾透析或移植肾脏,人们不应该低估肥胖会造成孩子和年轻成人多大的危害。     美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰临床儿童医院的Halima Janjua医师发表在《内科学文献》(Arch Intern Med)的这篇研究,追踪了以色


       美国妇产科医师协会(ACOG)日前表示,尽管超重或肥胖的单胎孕妇不宜增重超过25磅(11.34 kg),但只要胎儿生长情况正常,低于这一幅度的增重都是安全的。与此同时,不必采用医学干预手段来使孕妇达到医学研究所(IOM)2009年推荐的体重目标(2013;121:210-2)。     &


  牛津大学教授尼克?特莱菲森日前致函《经济学人》杂志(The Economist),称有必要修改已经沿用一个半世纪的BMI(体质指数)计算公式。   特莱菲森教授称目前以体重(千克)除以身高(米)的平方的计算方法过于简单,无非准确反映人体“肥胖”、“超重”、“正常”、“过轻”的状态。此外BMI 的缺陷还在于它对脂肪和肌肉一视同仁,不加区分。比如,健美运动员的BMI指数