
2013-04-12 Reuters 丁香园


美国食品药监局(FDA)称该药是一种突破性药物,能够提供比现在市场上的药物更加持久且有实质性改善的药效。公司预期加速该药的研发进程。Leerink Swann分析员Seamus Fernandez称palbociclib到2020年每年可带来24亿美元的销售额。他预言当前研究会证实palbociclib可延缓肿瘤生长并延长生存。
JPMorgan分析员Chris Schott称FDA的这一决定对辉瑞股票注入了强心剂并预言由于“突破性药物”指定的助推作用, palbociclib 将于2016年或更早一点获得批准。

原文阅读:Pfizer cancer drug wins special status; shares jump
(Reuters) - U.S. regulators have granted a "breakthrough therapy" designation to an experimental Pfizer Inc treatment for breast cancer, lifting the company's shares and putting a spotlight on its growing cancer-drug portfolio.
Analysts from JPMorgan and Leerink Swann forecast the oral medicine, called palbociclib, could generate annual sales of $5 billion or more if it is approved for use against breast cancer as well as other types of cancer.
Pfizer, whose stock rose 2.6 percent, said the U.S. Food and Drug Administration conferred the special status on palbociclib based on impressive results seen in mid-stage trials. The drug is now being tested in a larger Phase III study.
The FDA created the "breakthrough therapy" designation earlier this year for medicines deemed likely to demonstrate "substantial improvement" over existing drugs. It is intended to speed development and regulatory review of such medicines.
Leerink Swann analyst Seamus Fernandez said palbociclib could generate annual sales of $2.4 billion by 2020 if it is approved for breast cancer. He predicted the current study would show palbociclib slows tumor growth and prolongs life.
JPMorgan analyst Chris Schott called the FDA decision a "clear positive for Pfizer shares" and predicted palbociclib will be approved by 2016 or sooner thanks to acceleration under the "breakthrough" designation.
Palbociclib is being tested in combination with a standard drug, letrozole, in a Phase III trial of patients undergoing initial treatment for locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer.
Pfizer said interim data from the earlier mid-stage trials showed patients on the combined therapy went an average 26.1 months without a worsening of symptoms, compared with 7.5 months for patients taking only letrozole.
Palbociclib works by blocking two enzymes: cyclin dependent kinases (CDK) 4 and 6.
Pfizer, which has struggled in the past decade to come up with important new medicines, has won respect with recent approvals of three cancer drugs: Xalkori for lung cancer, Inlyta for kidney cancer and Bosulif for leukemia.
Pfizer shares were up 77 cents to $29.88 in early-afternoon trade, outpacing a 1.2 percent rise for the ARCA Pharmaceutical Index of large U.S. and European drugmakers.


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Inez Willis, a breast cancer survivor and a senior citizen, folds her laundry in the bedroom of her independent living apartment in Silver Spring, Maryland April 11, 2012   近期一项针对1893名乳腺癌幸存女性进行的研究显

NEJM: 乳腺癌放疗增加缺血性心脏病风险

缺血性心脏病的累积发生率 乳腺癌放疗往往涉及一些偶然的心脏对电离辐射的暴露。这种暴露对以后缺血性心脏病风险的影响尚不确定。英国牛津大学Darby博士及其同事对此进行了深入研究,他们发现在乳腺癌放疗期间心脏电离辐射暴露可导致以后缺血性心脏病的发生率增加。该病发生率的增加与心脏受照平均剂量成比例,于暴露后数年内开始,并持续至少20年。此前存在心脏风险因素的女性因放疗导致的风险绝对增加值大于其他女

NCCN 2013:乳腺癌临床实践指南(2013.V1)

乳腺癌临床实践指南(2013.V1)下载 NCCN+2013V1.pdf


两组患者确诊后的生存时间 在妇女健康倡议(WHI)随机研究中,研究者发现雌激素联合黄体酮会增加女性乳腺癌发病率和死亡率。与之相反,绝大多数和雌激素联合黄体酮有关的观察性研究都指出这些乳腺癌患者的预后尚可。为了对上述问题进行进一步探讨,来自加利福尼亚州UCLA医学中心的Rowan T. Chlebowski等选择了与WHI临床研究中受试者具有相同特征的受试者组成了WHI观察性研究的受试者,并探讨了


  虽然以前的研究将饮酒与增加患乳腺癌的风险联系在一起,但是最近一项新的研究发现,诊断前后饮酒不会影响患者的生存。实际上,诊断前后适度饮酒的妇女会获得一定程度的生存利益,这是因为降低了死于心血管疾病的风险,而心血管疾病是乳腺癌幸存者死亡的一个主要原因。   这项研究结果将发表在4月8日版的《临床肿瘤学杂志》。Polly Newcomb博士是公共健康科学部的成员,也是弗雷德哈钦森癌症研究