
2016-04-03 黄金霞 黄金霞



可疑OA期刊的概念来自于JeffreyBeall个人所公布的劫持性OA期刊出版和OA期刊列表,其中不乏很多具有影响因子的OA期刊。通过设立的一些判断内容,他认为这些OA出版社或OA期刊的建立方式、出版流程、收取APC的方式不值得信任,虽然用了Predatory这样的单词,但从Jeffrey Beall个人的判断能力、评价内容、被认可的程度来说,从这些OA期刊具有的ISSN或Essn来说,还只能说被收录到列表中的OA出版社和OA期刊可疑。

通过创建虚假网站来进行网络诈骗的现象很早就已经存在,随着线上发表、由作者支付出版费用的出版模式的发展,从2011年起,出现了一种新的欺诈性行为——期刊劫持。这种欺诈性行为通过注册失效域名,创建虚假网站来冒充被一些重要索引(如WOS)收录的正规期刊。虚假网站背后的诈骗人员通过四处散发征集论文的垃圾邮件来谋取不正当利益,骗取作者的版面费,最终将成千上万的未经审核的稿件发布在虚假网站上。在2012年,这些诈骗人员还只是为印刷版和电子版的期刊注册一个新域名,到2013年初期,他们把目标转向了只有印刷版、没有网站的期刊。到2013年末,劫持性期刊出现了新的形式:①购买和更新旧的、但已离线的、不活跃网站域名来冒充正规合法期刊,模仿或克隆正规合法期刊的网站;②通过举办虚假科学会议,要求参会人员在被劫持期刊上发表文章来危害学术界。Mehrdad Jalalian整理有劫持性期刊列表。

劫持性期刊一定是掠夺性期刊,OA期刊不一定是掠夺性期刊。OA期刊中存在一定数量的掠夺性期刊,尤其是那些不具有出版号、通过OA方式来获取作者APC的期刊。我们都知道,OA期刊的出版,是因为Open Access运动的推动,OA向着OA出版、OA仓储等方向发展,新事物的发展中必然会出现新问题。Padua R N提出应对开放获取掠夺性期刊出版模式的措施,包括加强国家高等教育科研质量保障体系、创立学术期刊评价或认证系统、加强研究人员职业精神和学术诚信。


Mehrdad Jalalian整理的被劫持性期刊列表


评论区 (2)
  1. 2016-05-11 lovetcm

    美国知名教授 Jeffrey Beall 的“掠夺性”期刊黑名单(2013)最新发布! predatory journals list ----------------------- 资料来源: http://scholarlyoa.com/individual-journals/ o Academic Exchange Quarterly o Advances in Forestry Letter o American Based Research Journal o American Journal of Engineering Research o American Journal of PharmTech Research (AJPTR) o American Journal of Phytomedicine and Clinical Therapeutics o American Journal of Social issues and Humanities o Archives Des Sciences Journal o Archives of Pharmacy Practice o Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences o Asian Journal of Health and Medical Sciences o Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences (AJBMS) o Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences o Asian Journal of Pharmacy and Life Science o Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care (AJPRHC) o Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences o Australian Journal of Business and Management Research (AJBMR) o Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia (BBRA) o British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences o British Journal of Science o Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences & Applications o Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards o Case Studies Journals o ChemXpress o Computer Science Chronicle o Computer Science Journal o Current Discovery o Current World Environment o Direct Research Journals o E-Library Science Research Journal o ExcelingTech Publishing Company, Ltd. o Elixir International Journal (formerly Elixir Online Journal) o Frontiers in Aerospace Engineering o Global Journal of Management Science and Technology o Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health o Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki o Indian Journal of Scientific Research o Indian Journal of Social Science Researches o Indian Streams Research Journal o Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research o Indo-Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences o Innovations in Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacotherapy (IPP) o Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business o Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business (IDJRB) o International Ayurvedic Medical Journal (IAMJ) o International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE) o International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJAET) o International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences (IJACS) o International Journal of Agricultural Management & Development o An International Journal of Agricultural Technology (IJAT) o International Journal of Agronomy & Plant Production o International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology (IJABPT) o International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature o International Journal of Applied Research & Studies (iJARS)


  2. 2016-05-11 lovetcm

    接上页,包括以下期刊,都是假期刊 o International Journal of Applied Research & Studies (iJARS) o International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Mechatronics o International Journal of Biomedical Science o International Journal of Bussiness and Management Invention o International Journal of Business and Social Research o International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health (IJCRIMPH) o International Journal of Computational Engineering Research o International Journal of Computer & Electronics Research (IJCER) o International Journal of Computer and Information Technology (IJCIT) o International Journal of Computer Applications o International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering Sciences (IJCAES) o International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security o International Journal of Computer Science and Network (IJCSN) o International Journal of Computer Science Engineering (IJCSE) o International Journal of Computer Science Issues o International Journal of Current Research o International Journal of Current Research and Review o International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS) o International Journal of Development Research o International Journal of Drug Development and Research (IJDDR) o International Journal of E-Computer Science Evolution o International Journal of Economics and Research o The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment o International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering o International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Technology (IJECCT) o International Journal of Emerging Sciences (IJES) o International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering o International Journal of Energy & Technology o International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) o International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences o International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS) o International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) o International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI) o International Journal of Engineering Inventions o International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications o International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD) o International Journal of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology o International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology (IJESIT) o International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology o International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology (IJESRT) o International Journal of Fundamental & Applied Sciences o International Journal of Health Research o International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention (IJHSSI) o International Journal of Humanities, Engineering and Pharmaceutical Sciences o International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research o International Journal of Information Technology & Business Management o International Journal of Innovative Ideas o International Journal of Innovative Research and Development o International Journal of Innovative Research and Studies o International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) o International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World o International Journal of Life science and Pharma Research o International Journal of Life Sciences Biotechnology and Pharma Research (IJLBPR) o The International Journal of Management o International Journal of Management and Business Studies (IJMBS) o International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy (IJMRBS) o International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research (IJMSBR) o International Journal of Mathematics and Soft Computing (IJMSC) o International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health (IJMSPH) o International Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research o International Journal of Medicine and Public Health o International Journal of Medicobiologial Research o International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) o International Journal of Novel Drug Delivery Technology o International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS) o International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Research Science (IJPRS Journal) o International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Research o International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science Invention (IJPSI) o International Journal of Pharmacy and Technology (IJPT) o International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences o International Journal of Power Electronics Engineering o International Journal of Recent Scientific Research o International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) o International Journal of Research and Innovation in Computer Engineering (IJRICE) o International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy o International Journal of Research in Computer Science o International Journal of Research in Computer Technology o International Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Sciences o International Journal of Reviews in Computing o International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology (IJSAT) o International Journal of Science and Technology o International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries o International Journal of Sciences (IJSciences) o International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research o International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research o International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP) o International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology o International Journal of Scientific Research in Education o The International Journal of Social Sciences (TIJOSS) o International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering o International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) o International Research Journal of Applied Finance o International Researchers o International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities o Journal of Advances in Internal Medicine o Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences (Nairobi, Kenya) o Journal of Applied Pharmacy o Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science o Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy o Journal of Bio Innovation o Journal of Business Management and Applied Economics o Journal of Business Research (İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi) o Journal of Contradicting Results in Science o Journal of Cosmology o Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences o Journal of Environmental Hydrology o Journal of International Management Studies o Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and Information Technology o Journal of Medical Research and Practice (JMRP) o Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences (JPBMS) o Journal of Scientific Theory and Methods o Kashmir Economic Review o Mathematical and Computational Applications (MCA) o Oriental Journal of Chemistry o Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science o People’s Journal of Scientific Research o The Pharma Research (Journal) o PHARMANEST: An International Journal of Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences o Research in Biotechnology o Research Inventy: International Journal of Engineering and Science o Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (RJPBCS) o Researchers World – Journal of Arts Science & Commerce o Romanian Biotechnological Letters o Science International o Seventh Sense Research Group Journal o South Asian Journal of Mathematics o Technics Technologies Education Management o Universal Journal of Applied Computer Science and Technology o Universal Journal of Computer Science and Engineering Technology (UniCSE) o World Applied Sciences Journal o World Journal of Science and Technology (WJST)




老年骨性关节将导致患者关节疼痛和功能障碍,影响患者的日常及工作活动。全髋、全膝关节置换可以迅速缓解疼痛、改善肢体功能,提高生活质量。但是关节置换术后患者的的身体活动情况在术后能否得到提高却一直没有明确的研究。【原文下载】 针对上述问题,澳大利亚的Paula Harding D医生首次使用GT1M加速器对全髋全膝关节置换患者的身体活动情况进行了一项研究,发现骨性关节炎患者进行关节置换术后患者客

OA网络期刊《细胞发现》(Cell Discovery)正式出版

4月28日,中科院上海生命科学研究院与自然出版集团(NPG)合作的开放获取新刊《细胞发现》(Cell Discovery)正式出版(http://www.nature.com/celldisc/),这是中国第一本广谱的生命科学类开放获取期刊。Cell Discovery是一本以英文发表生命科学研究领域高质量原创性研究成果的广谱学术OA网络期刊,作为Cell Research的姐妹刊,前者的成功经验


从政策层面讲,开放获取已成为欧美科研群体与政府的共识。开放获取的目的,是让经过同行评议的、高质量的学术论文通过互联网对每一个读者免费开放,并允许读者非盈利性使用,甚至重新演绎。越来越多的证据显示,在学术传播中,OA论文具有引用优势(citation advantages),即获得比同类非OA论文更多的引用;此外,OA论文在教育、科普、公共政策等方面也更具应用潜力与影响力。目前,全球大部分有影响




中国上海自然出版集团(NPG)与帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦(Palgrave Macmillan)最新的“作者观点调查”发现,与世界其他国家的同行相比,中国作者在以开放获取(OA)形式(即开发阅读权限)发表自己的研究时,更有可能获得支持,并且他们中选择只以OA形式发布论文的人数在不断增加。在参与调查的中国科研人员中,有92%的人有足够的经费在OA期刊上发表科研成果,大幅高于全球其他国家68%的平均水平。

文章投稿,你选对SCI 期刊了吗?这里全囊括!

近年来,陆续上线了Plos One,Sci Rep, Nat Comm一系列OA类刊物,尤其是传统知名期刊体系,开拓这一新兴市场。因为OA的评价规则以及收费体系的变更(由下载文章收费转向发表文章收费),从而使得有更多的公众能够享受到期刊发表的成果,使得在引用方面,OA期刊更有优势。这一趋势越发明显,甚至倒逼一些传统刊物也不得不应对这些变化,例如Nature旗下一些刊物也被迫开放。另外,OA刊物