
2012-02-24 MedSci MedSci原创

近来,由北卡罗来纳州大学研究者完成的一项研究证实:肥胖人群要想达到减肥的目的除了使用适当的减肥药物外,或许通过喝水或软饮料来摄取卡路里后,我们体重就可以减轻减4至5镑。 研究人员招募了318名体重超重者或极度肥胖患者参与了这项减肥研究,工作人员将这些人分成三组。一组人所饮用的饮品为软饮料,而不是能量较高的饮料,一组人的饮品为水,给最后一组人供应一些有助减肥的饮品饮用,但最后一组人并不知道这些饮品







Replacing caloric beverages with water or diet beverages for weight loss in adults: main results of the Choose Healthy Options Consciously Everyday (CHOICE) randomized clinical trial

Deborah F Tate, Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy, Elizabeth Lyons, June Stevens, Karen Erickson, Kristen Polzien, Molly Diamond, Xiaoshan Wang, and Barry Popkin

Background: Replacement of caloric beverages with noncaloric beverages may be a simple strategy for promoting modest weight reduction; however, the effectiveness of this strategy is not known.

Objective: We compared the replacement of caloric beverages with water or diet beverages (DBs) as a method of weight loss over 6 mo in adults and attention controls (ACs).

Design: Overweight and obese adults [n = 318; BMI (kg/m2): 36.3 ± 5.9; 84% female; age: 42 ± 10.7 y; 54% black] substituted noncaloric beverages (water or DBs) for caloric beverages (≥200 kcal/d) or made dietary changes of their choosing (AC) for 6 mo.

Results: In an intent-to-treat analysis, a significant reduction in weight and waist circumference and an improvement in systolic blood pressure were observed from 0 to 6 mo. Mean (±SEM) weight losses at 6 mo were 2.5 ± 0.45% in the DB group, 2.03 ± 0.40% in the Water group, and 1.76 ± 0.35% in the AC group; there were no significant differences between groups. The chance of achieving a 5% weight loss at 6 mo was greater in the DB group than in the AC group (OR: 2.29; 95% CI: 1.05, 5.01; P = 0.04). A significant reduction in fasting glucose at 6 mo (P = 0.019) and improved hydration at 3 (P = 0.0017) and 6 (P = 0.049) mo was observed in the Water group relative to the AC group. In a combined analysis, participants assigned to beverage replacement were 2 times as likely to have achieved a 5% weight loss (OR: 2.07; 95% CI: 1.02, 4.22; P = 0.04) than were the AC participants.

Conclusions: Replacement of caloric beverages with noncaloric beverages as a weight-loss strategy resulted in average weight losses of 2% to 2.5%. This strategy could have public health significance and is a simple, straightforward message. This trial is registered at clinicaltrials.





1月4日,JAMA杂志上的一则研究"Bariatric Surgery and Long-term Cardiovascular Events"披露,在肥胖者中,减肥手术与心血管死亡及诸如心肌梗塞和中风事件等的长期发生率的减少有关。 大多数的流行病学研究显示,肥胖症与心血管性事件及死亡的增加有关。根据文章的背景资料:“减肥可能会防止心血管事件的发生,但确凿的证据仍然缺乏。” 瑞典哥德堡大学


  瑞典一项研究显示,与常规治疗相比,肥胖成人接受减肥手术与心血管死亡例数减少及心血管事件发生率降低相关。相关论文见于《美国医学会杂志》[JAMA 2012,307(1):56]。 Sj?str?m L, Peltonen M, Jacobson P, Sj?str?m CD, Karason K, Wedel H, Ahlin S, Anveden ?, Bengtsson C, Bergma