
2014-07-10 佚名 不详





The FDA has provided its special "breakthrough" status for Novartis' ($NVS) closely-watched development program for a personalized CAR-T cancer therapy, promising to help speed development for engineered T cells.

Novartis CEO Joe Jimenez vowed to Forbes recently that he had essentially provided a blank check to the team at the University of Pennsylvania which is developing CTL019. The program relies on adapting T cells with chimeric antigen receptors. Patients' T cells are removed and then genetically modified with new DNA to program them to attack a specific target on cancer cells. The engineered T cells are then infused back into the patient, where they multiply in the body and proceed to hunt for cancer cells, helping to guard against recurrence.

What's the breakthrough designation mean for Novartis? There are no guarantees, but regulators in the cancer division under Richard Pazdur essentially are vowing to keep something of an open-door in place for the program. Pazdur's group has taken a leading role in providing accelerated approvals for cutting-edge treatments, often lopping out mid-stage trials and allowing developers to cut straight to pivotal work.

It's also a chance for Novartis to claim boasting rights for a full 5 BTDs, a rare feat in the industry, where breakthrough designations are used as evidence of R&D success and an effective focus on unmet medical needs. Novartis' top executive team is going all out on the cancer front. It essentially swapped out its struggling vaccines division to get ahold of GlaxoSmithKline's ($GSK) cancer drug portfolio. And it sees oncology as a major driver of future drug sales, with this kind of cutting-edge technology at the forefront.

In a recent Q&A with FierceBiotech Editor John Carroll, Penn's David Porter called this program one of the most exciting he'd seen in his 20-year career.

"We've now treated 80-plus patients in our trials with CAR-T cells, and are seeing remissions stretching toward four years for first patients," Porter noted in early June. "This therapy, CTL019, could change the paradigm for treating patients with refractory (treatment-resistant) leukemia."

"This is a major milestone as we are now one step closer in helping address the high unmet needs of this patient population," said Penn's pioneering Carl H. June, who's taken the lead on the program. "We are excited about the strength of the positive early data seen in pediatric and adult patients with relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia and look forward to building upon these findings as we continue advancing the CTL019 clinical program in Phase II trials."

The field is not without controversy. A Seattle-based start-up, Juno Therapeutics, is pursuing claims that June and Penn purloined some of its scientific founders' secrets when they got started. Novartis has promised to fight this one out every step of the way.

CAR-T research has been exploding, though. Just days ago Kite Pharma ($KITE) rode the CAR-T wave to a $128 million IPO. Last month, Pfizer ($PFE) signed a sweeping CAR-T development deal with Cellectis. Bluebird bio ($BLUE), which has been building its reputation in next-gen gene therapies, struck a deal with Celgene ($CELG) back in 2013 agreeing to explore Baylor's work in CAR-Ts. And two weeks ago bluebird acquired Pregenen, another Seattle company which had been launched by some of the scientific pioneers in the field.



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诺华(Novartis)3月6日宣布,单抗药Xolair(omalizumab,奥马珠单抗)获欧盟委员会(EC)批准,作为一种附加药物,用于对H1抗组胺药物反应不足的12岁及以上青少年和成人慢性自发性荨麻疹(CSU)患者的治疗,获批的剂量300mg,每4周皮下注射一次。Xolair的获批,是基于3项关键性III期注册研究(ASTERIA I、ASTERIA II、GLACIAL)的积极及一致性结果


4月10日,罗氏与诺华称,法国竞争监管机构因怀疑两家公司卷入眼科治疗药物反竞争活动而对两它们开展调查。这是罗氏在数月内面临的第二次监管审查。被查药物是用于湿性年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)的药物,AMD是老年人致盲的一个主要因素。 法国监管机构网站上的声明称,该机构在4月8日对涉及的用于湿性AMD的药物进行了搜查和没收,但未指出公司名称。罗氏与诺华的发言人均确认法国监管机构已开始一项有关治疗眼科药物



诺华COPD药物Onbrez疗效与GSK Seretide媲美

诺华(Novartis)4月25日宣布,在慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)患者中开展的IV期INSTEAD切换研究达到了非劣性主要终点。 INSTEAD是一项全球、随机、双盲、平行组、26周IV期研究,在581例具有病情加重低风险的中度COPD患者中开展,这些患者此前一直接受Seretide(商品名:舒利迭,通用名:沙美特罗/氟替卡松(SFC),salmeterol/fluticasone,50/50


瑞士制药商诺华于5月16日称,美国FDA拒绝批准其心衰试验药物Serelaxin,称这款药物改善症状的证据不够充分。诺华在一份声明中表示,FDA曾要求进一步的证据以确定Serelaxin的有效性(也被称作RLX030)。此项决定之前,FDA的一个顾问小组于3月份一致投票反对批准这款药物。 CEO Joseph Jimenez of Swiss drugmaker Novartis arr

2014年全球制药企业排行榜 诺华居首 (2014 Pharm Exec top50)

美国《制药经理人》(Pharm Exec)杂志一年一度的全球制药企业50强排名近日出炉。不同于福布斯、财富、GEN等的排名,此排名因仅就全球制药企业上年度(注:多为2013年,因全球各国关于财年的概念不同,如日本公司为本年6月至次年5月,故笼统称为“2014年全球制药50强”)的处方药销售额进行直接排名,而受到推崇——业界人士认为:不加入市值和消费品业务等参考值,这是更接近于制药企业硬实力的展现。