
2012-12-18 MedSci MedSci原创

    作为“量化自身”(Quantified Self)运动的主要赞助者,融合在线工具+社交网络+众包模式于一体的基因检测先驱 -23andMe  ,新融资5千万美元,其创始人 Anne Wojcicki (Google创始人的太太)宣布:100万用户,99美元的新目标!    如果这一目标实现,将极大推动个性化医疗的发展

    作为“量化自身”(Quantified Self)运动的主要赞助者,融合在线工具+社交网络+众包模式于一体的基因检测先驱 -23andMe  ,新融资5千万美元,其创始人 Anne Wojcicki (Google创始人的太太)宣布:100万用户,99美元的新目标!

23andMe, a wonderful annual sponsor of the Quantified Self, has some exciting news to share with us. Check out this letter from 23andMe’s CEO Anne Wojcicki below!

Today we’re announcing some big news. I don’t want this moment to go by without a note of gratitude to our customers and those who have been advocates for 23andMe over the years.

We have come a long way together.  Because of you we pioneered the use of personal genetics.  You are helping us establish a new medical era that is defined by wellness, disease prevention, and personalized care.  You also helped us create a novel research platform.  By leveraging online tools, social networking and crowd sourcing, and combining them with genetics, we created a platform that has set the stage to transform the way pharma companies and academics do health and wellness research.

We want to do more.

23andMe has raised more than $50 million in new financing with the goal of reaching one million customers.  To help us reach our goal, we are happy to announce today, that we are dropping our price to $99.

One million customers can be the tipping point that moves medicine into the molecular era.  Hundreds of you have written to us about how genetic information changed your lives and, in some cases, saved your lives.  We believe genetics should be an integral part of health care and we will work hard in the coming year to help genetics become part of everyone’s health and wellness.

A community of one million individuals will also benefit the world.  A genetic data resource of this magnitude has enormous potential to address unanswered questions related to the contributions of genes, the environment and your health.  Understanding these factors and their interactions could lead to major improvement in diagnostics, preventive medicine and therapeutics [Collins NATURE | VOL 429 | 27 MAY 2004].

This change is not just about a new price point for personal genetic testing. It is about an ambitious plan that could transform medicine for generations to come.





     2005年3月,我们收治了一位30岁无症状的e抗原阳性慢性乙型肝炎男子。其丙氨酸转氨酶(ALT)水平为182 U/L,乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)DNA的浓度为6.68×105 IU/mL,临床检查和其他化验结果无特殊。遂开始用当时唯一可用的核苷类药物—— 拉米夫定100 mg/d 进行治疗。18个月后检测上述两项指标仍偏高,加用阿德福韦10




  近日,出席全国第三届乳腺癌论坛(南京)暨全国乳腺癌规范化综合诊治学习班的著名乳腺外科专家、江苏省肿瘤医院院长唐金海教授指出,乳腺癌患者一旦确诊应尽早进行HER2(人类表皮生长因子受体-2)基因检测,此举有助于识别乳腺癌的类型和状态,便于确定针对性强的治疗方案,延长相对应的乳腺癌患者生存时间。   据介绍,我国近年来的乳腺癌发病率持续升高,但是乳腺癌的死亡率已开始出现下降趋势,这与乳腺癌临床新