FASEB J:青光眼药物或成为秃顶患者的福音

2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷

2012年10月29日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --如果你秃顶了,想让自己的头发长出来,那么下面的报道对你绝对有帮助。近日,一项刊登于国际杂志FASEB Journal上的研究报告指出,一种FDA批准的青光眼药物比马前列素,可以促使人们头发再生长,而且该药物已经在增长个体眼睫毛上进行了商业的应用,研究者表示,实际上这种药物还可以促使个体的头发再生。 研究者Valerie Randall表示,我

2012年10月29日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --如果你秃顶了,想让自己的头发长出来,那么下面的报道对你绝对有帮助。近日,一项刊登于国际杂志FASEB Journal上的研究报告指出,一种FDA批准的青光眼药物比马前列素,可以促使人们头发再生长,而且该药物已经在增长个体眼睫毛上进行了商业的应用,研究者表示,实际上这种药物还可以促使个体的头发再生。

研究者Valerie Randall表示,我们希望这项研究有助于开发出治疗许多人头发少或者谢顶的疗法,未来研究中应该增加关于头发毛囊如何工作以及这种新型疗法如何治疗头发生长障碍的问题。




The prostamide-related glaucoma therapy, bimatoprost, offers a novel approach for treating scalp alopecias

Balding causes widespread psychological distress but is poorly controlled. The commonest treatment, minoxidil, was originally an antihypertensive drug that promoted unwanted hair. We hypothesized that another serendipitous discovery, increased eyelash growth side-effects of prostamide F2α-related eyedrops for glaucoma, may be relevant for scalp alopecias. Eyelash hairs and follicles are highly specialized and remain unaffected by androgens that inhibit scalp follicles and stimulate many others. Therefore, we investigated whether non-eyelash follicles could respond to bimatoprost, a prostamide F2α analog recently licensed for eyelash hypotrichosis. Bimatoprost, at pharmacologically selective concentrations, increased hair synthesis in scalp follicle organ culture and advanced mouse pelage hair regrowth in vivo compared to vehicle alone. A prostamide receptor antagonist blocked isolated follicle growth, confirming a direct, receptor-mediated mechanism within follicles; RT-PCR analysis identified 3 relevant receptor genes in scalp follicles in vivo. Receptors were located in the key follicle regulator, the dermal papilla, by analyzing individual follicular structures and immunohistochemistry. Thus, bimatoprost stimulates human scalp follicles in culture and rodent pelage follicles in vivo, mirroring eyelash behavior, and scalp follicles contain bimatoprost-sensitive prostamide receptors in vivo. This highlights a new follicular signaling system and confirms that bimatoprost offers a novel, low-risk therapeutic approach for scalp alopecias.—Khidhir, K. G., Woodward, D. F., Farjo, N. P., Farjo, B. K., Tang, E. S., Wang, J. W., Picksley, S. M., and Randall, V. A. The prostamide-related glaucoma therapy, bimatoprost, offers a novel approach for treating scalp alopecias.


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