
2013-03-19 刘揆亮 编译 医学论坛网

  日间结肠镜是一种常见的消化道操作,这方面的相关资料较少。英国的Jude McRntire医师评价了患者对于该项操作的偏好和期望。该文发表在2013年第48卷第3期《斯堪的纳维亚胃肠病学杂志》(Scand J Gastroenterol)上。   研究团队邀请进行结肠镜检查的患者完成一份经过验证的专用复合内镜问卷。问卷包括Likert量表问题及一份15条的偏好量表

  日间结肠镜是一种常见的消化道操作,这方面的相关资料较少。英国的Jude McRntire医师评价了患者对于该项操作的偏好和期望。该文发表在2013年第48卷第3期《斯堪的纳维亚胃肠病学杂志》(Scand J Gastroenterol)上。





An evaluation of patient attitudes to colonoscopy and the importance of endoscopist interaction and the endoscopy environment to satisfaction and value


Understanding patients' attitudes to their medical experience is essential for identifying value in the patient pathway, optimizing care and use of resources. This service evaluation was undertaken to determine patients' preferences and expectations for day case colonoscopy, a common gastrointestinal procedure for which there is limited such data. 


Patients attending for elective colonoscopy were invited to complete a composite, validated dedicated endoscopy questionnaire, with Likert-scale questions and a 15-point preference (ranking) scale of domains of endoscopy care that were considered most important (1) to least important (15) as contributing to a satisfactory experience. 


Two hundred and sixteen out of 224 patients returned questionnaires. Moderate to severe anxiety was recorded in 56% of patients, commonly with respect to anticipation of pain or the results of the procedure. The median values for ranked preference scores consistent with greatest importance for satisfaction were technical skill of the endoscopist (1), discomfort during the procedure (4), and manner of the endoscopist (5). Factors considered of relatively low importance included the single-sex environment (15) (although this was more important to female patients), noise levels (13), and explanation of delay (11). Only 14% of patients responded that they would be prepared to delay an appointment for a single-sex environment. 


Patients undergoing colonoscopy highly prioritize aspects of care relating to the interaction with the endoscopist and the procedure itself. Environment factors are considered to be less important. These findings may assist in service redesign around patient-identified value within the patient pathway.


作者:刘揆亮 编译

评论区 (1)
  1. 2013-03-21 zhouqu_8



       《内科学文献》4月9日发表的一项研究表明,对于结直肠癌中危患者,如果仅建议其进行结肠镜检查,则患者对筛查的依从性较低,而如果让其自行从结肠镜检查和粪便潜血试验(FOBT)中选择一种,则患者对筛查的依从性较高(Arch. Intern. Med. 2012;172:575-82)。        

Ann Intern Med:是否有必要对结肠镜结果阴性的患者在10年后再次行结肠镜检查?

研究人员已经发现,在诊疗初始结肠镜检查结果阴性患者的结直肠癌方面,存在可替代结肠镜检查的有效方案。Amy Knudsen(美国,波士顿,马萨诸塞州总医院)及其同事说,与其对这类患者每10年一次采用结肠镜进行不断地筛查,倒不如选择风险更小和更加经济有效的重复筛查方法。 既往研究结果已经显示,结肠镜结果阴性人群的结直肠癌风险明显低于未接受筛查人群的风险,由此产生了一个疑问—是否有必要按照当前指南的建