
2013-11-25 tomato 生物谷

吉利德(Gilead)11月22日宣布,丙型肝炎药物Sovaldi(sofosbuvir 400mg 片剂)已获得了欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用医药产品委员会(CHMP)的积极意见。CHMP建议批准Sovaldi联合其他药物,用于慢性丙型肝炎(HCV)成人感染者的治疗。 Sofosbuvir是一种每日一次的口服核苷类似物聚合酶抑制剂,开发用于慢性丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的治疗。 在欧洲和

吉利德(Gilead)11月22日宣布,丙型肝炎药物Sovaldi(sofosbuvir 400mg 片剂)已获得了欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用医药产品委员会(CHMP)的积极意见。CHMP建议批准Sovaldi联合其他药物,用于慢性丙型肝炎(HCV)成人感染者的治疗。



CHMP通过加速审批程序对sofosbuvir上市许可申请(MAA)进行了评估,如果获批,Sovaldi有望于2014年第一季度在欧盟上市。sofosbuvir的MAA,由6个III期研究(NEUTRINO, FISSION, POSITRON, FUSION, VALENCE, PHOTON-1)的数据支持。




英文原文:European CHMP Adopts Positive Opinion for Gilead Sciences’ Sovaldi® for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C Infection

FOSTER CITY, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov. 22, 2013-- Gilead Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: GILD) today announced that the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP), the scientific committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), has adopted a positive opinion on the company’s Marketing Authorisation Application (MAA) for Sovaldi® (sofosbuvir 400 mg tablets), an investigational once-daily oral nucleotide analogue polymerase inhibitor for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in adults. The CHMP opinion supports the approval of Sovaldi for the treatment of HCV in combination with other agents. The CHMP’s recommendation will now be reviewed by the European Commission, which has the authority to approve medicines for use in the 28 countries of the European Union (EU).

Chronic HCV is a major cause of liver cancer and liver transplantation in Europe and around the world. The current standard of care for HCV involves up to 48 weeks of therapy with a pegylated interferon (peg-IFN)/ ribavirin (RBV)-containing regimen. These regimens are not always effective and are associated with significant side effects and contraindications with other medicines. Many HCV patients in Europe are not considered appropriate candidates for current treatment options.

The CHMP opinion was adopted following an accelerated review procedure, which is reserved for medicinal products that are expected to be of major public health interest. This assessment does not guarantee marketing authorisation by the European Commission. However, if approved, Sovaldi could be available in the EU in the first quarter of 2014.

The MAA for Sovaldi is supported primarily by data from four Phase 3 studies, NEUTRINO, FISSION, POSITRON and FUSION in which 12 or 16 weeks of Sovaldi-based therapy was found to be superior or non-inferior to currently available treatment options or historical controls, based on the proportion of patients who had a sustained virologic response (were HCV undetectable) 12 weeks after completing therapy (SVR12). Patients who achieve SVR12 are considered cured of HCV. During the European review, data from two additional Phase 3 studies, VALENCE and PHOTON-1 were filed to the MAA. In the VALENCE study, patients with genotype 3 HCV infection were treated with Sovaldi and RBV for 24 weeks. The PHOTON-1 study evaluated Sovaldi and RBV for 12 weeks in patients with genotype 2 HCV infection co-infected with HIV-1 and for 24 weeks in patients with genotypes 1 or 3 HCV co-infected with HIV-1. In all Phase 3 studies of Sovaldi, no viral resistance to the drug was detected among patients who relapsed following completion of therapy.

To date, nearly 3,000 patients have received at least one dose of Sovaldi in Phase 2 or 3 studies. Sovaldi was well tolerated in clinical studies. Adverse events were generally mild and there were few treatment discontinuations due to adverse events. The most common adverse events occurring in at least 10 percent of patients were consistent with the safety profiles of peg-IFN and RBV and included fatigue, headache, nausea, insomnia, dizziness, pruritis (severe itching) and anemia.

In the United States, an expert advisory committee of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) voted unanimously (15-0) on October 25, 2013 that the available data support approval of sofosbuvir. A final decision from the FDA is anticipated by December 8, 2013.

Sovaldi is an investigational product and its safety and efficacy have not been established.


评论区 (3)



辉瑞(Pfizer)11月18日宣布,FDA已批准Xeljanz(tofacitinib citrate)补充新药申请(sNDA),将患者报告结果(Patient-Reported Outcomes,PRO)纳入药品标签。这些额外数据表明,接受Xeljanz治疗的患者,取得了基于患者自述健康相关预后方面的改善,包括:生命力(vitality)、角色心理状况(role emotional)、躯体

艾滋疫苗研究取得突破 新疫苗在兔子体内已见效

据此间媒体披露,南非金山大学(又译为“维特沃特斯兰德大学”)两名科学家在研究艾滋疫苗领域取得突破,他们研制的新疫苗在兔子体内已经见效,今后他们计划在猴子体内乃至人体进行试验。 这两名科学家是病毒学家玛莉亚·帕帕坦纳索普洛斯与病理学教授彭妮·摩尔,他们将于下周在金山大学做报告,介绍几项已经获得国际认可的研究成果。 在接受南非《泰晤士报》的采访时,帕帕坦纳索普洛斯指出,虽然通过避孕套和男性包皮


拜耳(Bayer)和Onyx制药11月22日宣布,口服多激酶抑制剂多吉美(Nexavar,通用名:sorafenib,索拉非尼)已获FDA批准,用于局部晚期或转移性放射性碘(RAI)难治性分化型甲状腺癌的治疗。 Nexavar是首个获FDA批准专门用于放射性碘(RAI)难治性分化型甲状腺癌的药物。 Nexavar新适应症的获批,是基于III期DECISION临床试验的数据,结果表明,与安慰

CHMP建议批准ViiV HIV新药Tivicay

葛兰素史克(GSK)和辉瑞(Pfizer)合资公司ViiV Healthcare 11月21日宣布,HIV新药Tivicay(dolutegravir,50mg片剂)上市许可申请(MAA)获得了欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用医药产品委员会(CHMP)的积极意见。CHMP建议批准Tivicay联合其他抗逆转录病毒药物用于HIV成人感染者和12岁以上青少年感染者的治疗。 CHMP的积极意见,是基于


强生(JNJ)11月22日宣布,丙肝新药OLYSIO(simeprevir)已获FDA批准,联合聚乙二醇干扰素和利巴韦林(ribavirin),用于基因型1慢性丙型肝炎成人患者代偿性肝脏疾病(包括肝硬化)的治疗。 此前,FDA已于今年5月授予simeprevir新药申请(NDA)优先审查资格,同时该药于今年10月获得了FDA顾问委员会建议批准的积极意见。 Simeprevir监管文件的提交


强生(JNJ)旗下杨森(Janssen)宣布,糖尿病新药INVOKANA(canagliflozin)获欧盟委员会(EC)批准,用于2型糖尿病成人患者的治疗,以改善血糖控制。 今年9月,canagliflozin获得了欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用医药产品委员会(CHMP)建议批准的积极建议。此外,canagliflozin已于今年3月获FDA批准,并于近期获得了澳大利亚的批准。 Canag