
2012-02-06 MedSci MedSci原创

脱发是一种困扰很多人的顽疾。 近日,发表在最新一期的美国《皮肤病学研究期刊》(Journal of Investigative Dermatology)网络版上的 一项研究成果称,日本产业技术综合研究所的一个研究小组日前发表研究成果说,他们通过抑制实验鼠体内某种信号分子的作用,成功使其体毛变得浓密。 研究小组指出,毛发经过生长期、退化期和休止期3个阶段后就开始脱落,然后再长出新的毛发来,从


近日,发表在最新一期的美国《皮肤病学研究期刊》(Journal of Investigative Dermatology)网络版上的 一项研究成果称,日本产业技术综合研究所的一个研究小组日前发表研究成果说,他们通过抑制实验鼠体内某种信号分子的作用,成功使其体毛变得浓密。



Hair Cycle Resting Phase Is Regulated by Cyclic Epithelial FGF18 Signaling

Miho Kimura-Ueki, Yuko Oda, Junko Oki, Akiko Komi-Kuramochi, Emi Honda, Masahiro Asada, Masashi Suzuki and Toru Imamura

Hair follicles repeatedly cycle through growth (anagen), regression (catagen), and resting (telogen) phases. Although the signaling molecules involved in the anagen and anagen–catagen transition have been studied extensively, the signaling that controls telogen is only partly understood. Here we show that fibroblast growth factor (Fgf)18 is expressed in a hair stem cell niche throughout telogen, and that it regulates the hair cycle through the non-growth phases. When the Fgf18 gene is conditionally knocked out in keratin 5-positive epithelial cells in mice, telogen becomes very short, giving rise to a strikingly rapid succession of hair cycles. In wild-type mice, hair follicle growth during anagen is strongly suppressed by local delivery of FGF18 protein. Our results demonstrate that epithelial FGF18 signaling and its reduction in the milieu of hair stem cells are crucial for the maintenance of resting and growth phase, respectively.


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