
2012-01-06 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

克利夫兰研究人员已发现增加甲状腺癌风险的三个基因,这种癌症在男性和女性中均有最大的发病率增加。 研究由Charis Eng博士领导,他是院克利夫兰临床勒纳研究院基因组医学所的主席与创始主任,包括近3000例患Cowden综合征(CS)或CS样疾病的病人,该病与乳腺癌和甲状腺癌的风险性增高相关。 PTEN基因的突变是Cowden综合征的基础。PTEN是一个肿瘤抑制基因,有助于指示细胞生长和分


研究由Charis Eng博士领导,他是院克利夫兰临床勒纳研究院基因组医学所的主席与创始主任,包括近3000例患Cowden综合征(CS)或CS样疾病的病人,该病与乳腺癌和甲状腺癌的风险性增高相关。



这项研究的结论发表在《临床内分泌学与代谢杂志》(Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism)上,发现18岁以下的6个病人均有病原性PTEN突变。研究人员推荐具有引起CS相关疾病的PTEN突变的孩子甲状腺应该接受加强监护。



Incidence and Clinical Characteristics of Thyroid Cancer in Prospective Series of Individuals with Cowden and Cowden-Like Syndrome Characterized by Germline PTEN,SDH, or KLLN Alterations

Joanne Ngeow, Jessica Mester, Lisa A. Rybicki, Ying Ni, Mira Milas and Charis Eng

Abstract Context: Thyroid cancer is believed to be an important component of Cowden syndrome (CS). Germline PTEN and SDHx mutations and KLLN epimutation cause CS and CS-like phenotypes. Despite the established association, little is known about the incidence and clinical features of thyroid cancer found in CS/CS-like patients. Objective: The aim of the study was to compare incidence, clinical, and histological characteristics of epithelial thyroid cancers in CS/CS-like individuals, in the context of PTEN,SDHx, and KLLN status. Design and Participants: The study encompassed a 5-yr, multicenter, prospective accrual of 2723 CS and CS-like patients, all of whom had comprehensive PTEN analysis. SDHx mutation analysis occurred in those without PTEN mutations/variations and elevated manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) levels. KLLN epimutation analysis was performed in the subset without any PTEN or SDHx mutation/deletion/ variant/polymorphism. Main Outcome Measures: Gene-specific thyroid cancer histologies, demographic and clinical information, and adjusted standardized incidence rates were studied. Results: Of 2723 CS/CS-like patients, 664 had thyroid cancer. Standardized incidence rates for thyroid cancer were 72 [95% confidence interval (CI), 51-99; P < 0.001] for pathogenic PTENmutations, 63 (95% CI, 42-92; P < 0.001) for SDHx variants, and 45 (95% CI, 26-73; P < 0.001) for KLLN epimutations. All six (16.7%) diagnosed under age 18 yr carried pathogenic PTENmutations. Follicular thyroid cancer was overrepresented in PTEN mutation-positive cases compared to those with SDHx and KLLN alterations. PTEN frameshift mutations were found in 31% of patients with thyroid cancer compared to 17% in those without thyroid cancer. Conclusions: CS/CS-like patients have elevated risks of follicular thyroid cancer due to PTENpathogenic mutations and of papillary thyroid cancer from SDHx and KLLN alterations. Children presenting with thyroid cancer should be tested for PTEN mutations.

评论区 (4)



     13岁女孩因一个逐渐增大的颈部肿物到本院儿科内分泌门诊就诊。8天前,该病人注意到颈部肿胀并有吞咽痛。2天后,她的初级保健师注意到该病人甲状腺增大。血清促甲状腺素水平为5.59 μU/ml(参考范围0.28~3.89μU/ml),游离甲状腺素水平为0.88 ng/dl(参考范围0.58~1.64ng/dl),以及总三碘甲腺原氨酸水平为159 ng/d


  甲状腺癌临床路径   (2011年版)      一、甲状腺癌临床路径标准住院流程   (一)适用对象。   第一诊断为甲状腺癌(ICD-10:C73)   行甲状腺癌根治手术(ICD-9-CM-3:06.2-06.4伴40.4)。   (二)诊断依据。   根据《临床诊疗指南-普通外科分册》(中华医学会编著,人民卫生出版社,第1版)、《甲状腺外科》(人民卫生出版社,第1版)及