J IMMUNOL :膝盖中脂肪细胞可诱发风湿性关节炎

2013-06-03 佚名 The Journal of Immun

刊登在国际杂志The Journal of Immunology上的一篇研究论文中,来自科罗拉多大学医学院的研究者通过研究发现,膝盖的脂肪细胞可以分泌出一种和关节炎相关的蛋白质,这项发现或许可以帮助开发新型的基因疗法来治疗疾病。 研究者Nirmal Banda博士表示,我们发现膝盖中的脂肪细胞可以分泌一种名为前因子D的蛋白质,其可以产生一种名为因子D的

刊登在国际杂志The Journal of Immunology上的一篇研究论文中,来自科罗拉多大学医学院的研究者通过研究发现,膝盖的脂肪细胞可以分泌出一种和关节炎相关的蛋白质,这项发现或许可以帮助开发新型的基因疗法来治疗疾病。

研究者Nirmal Banda博士表示,我们发现膝盖中的脂肪细胞可以分泌一种名为前因子D的蛋白质,其可以产生一种名为因子D的蛋白质,而后者由于关节炎直接相关。没有了因子D,小鼠就不会患风湿性关节炎。





The complement system is involved in mediation of joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis, with evidence suggesting activation of both the classical and alternative pathway (AP). The AP is both necessary and sufficient to mediate collagen Ab–induced arthritis, an experimental animal model of immune complex–induced joint disease. The AP in mice is dependent on MASP-1/3 cleavage of pro–factor D (pro-FD) into mature factor D (FD). The objectives of the current study were to determine the cells synthesizing MASP-1/3 and pro-FD in synovial tissue. Collagen Ab–induced arthritis was studied in wild-type C57BL/6 mice, and the localization of mRNA and protein for FD and MASP-1/3 in synovial adipose tissue (SAT) and fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) was determined using various techniques, including laser capture microdissection. SAT was the sole source of mRNA for pro-FD. Cultured differentiated 3T3 adipocytes, a surrogate for SAT, produced pro-FD but no mature FD. FLS were the main source of MASP-1/3 mRNA and protein. Using cartilage microparticles (CMPs) coated with anti-collagen mAb and serum from MASP-1/3−/− mice as a source of factor B, pro-FD in 3T3 supernatants was cleaved into mature FD by MASP-1/3 in FLS supernatants. The mature FD was eluted from the CMP, and was not present in the supernatants from the incubation with CMP, indicating that cleavage of pro-FD into mature FD by MASP-1 occurred on the CMP. These results demonstrate that pathogenic activation of the AP can occur in the joint through immune complexes adherent to cartilage and the local production of necessary AP proteins by adipocytes and FLS.



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铁过载增加产生胰岛素耐受性和患上II型糖尿病的风险,但是连接这两者之间的确切机制仍然是个未知数。 根据发表在Journal of Clinical Investigation期刊上的一篇论文,来自美国犹他大学的Donald McClain和同事们报道,血清铁蛋白水平能够预测人们是否患上代谢综合症(metabolic syndrome),并且与脂联素(adiponectin)表达呈负相关关系。脂联