J Alle Clin Immun:日科学家发现花粉症的主要“导火索”

2012-04-14 蓝建中 新华网

近日,国际杂志Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology在线刊登了日本研究人员的最新研究成果“A critical role of IL-33 in experimental allergic rhinitis,”,文章中,研究者发现了花粉症的主要导火索。 每年春季日本大街上的“口罩族”蔚为壮观,花粉症成为很多人一年一季的“洗礼”。日本一个研究小组最新研

近日,国际杂志Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology在线刊登了日本研究人员的最新研究成果“A critical role of IL-33 in experimental allergic rhinitis,”,文章中,研究者发现了花粉症的主要导火索。






A critical role of IL-33 in experimental allergic rhinitis

Yoko Haenuki, MDa, b, c, Kazufumi Matsushita, PhDa, Shizue Futatsugi-Yumikura, BPharma, Ken J. Ishii, MD, PhDd, e, Tatsukata Kawagoe, MD, PhDe, Yoshimasa Imoto, MD, PhDf, Shigeharu Fujieda, MD, PhDf, Makoto Yasuda, MD, PhDc, Yasuo Hisa, MD, PhDc, Shizuo Akira, MD, PhDe, Kenji Nakanishi, MD, PhDb, Tomohiro Yoshimoto, MD, PhDa,

Background We reported previously that serum levels of IL-33 are significantly increased in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR). However, very little is known about the role of IL-33 for the development of AR.

Objective We thought to develop a novel murine model of ragweed pollen–specific AR and examined the pathologic role for ragweed-induced IL-33 in the development of AR manifestation using IL-33–deficient (il33−/−) mice. Methods Ragweed-immunized and ragweed-challenged mice were examined for early- and late-phase nasal responses. IL-33 protein expression in the nasal epithelial cells of the AR murine model and patients with AR were assessed by using confocal microscopy.

Results After nasal challenge with ragweed pollen, ragweed-immunized wild-type mice manifested early-phase (sneezing) and late-phase (eosinophilic and basophilic accumulation) responses. In contrast, il33−/− and FcεRI−/− mice did not have both early- and late-phase AR responses. IL-33 protein was constitutively expressed in the nucleus of nasal epithelial cells and was promptly released into nasal fluids in response to nasal exposure to ragweed pollen. In human subjects we revealed constitutive expression of IL-33 protein in the nasal epithelial cells of healthy control subjects and downregulated expression of IL-33 protein in inflamed nasal epithelial cells of patients with AR. IL-33–stimulated mast cells and basophils contributed to the early- and late-phase AR manifestation through increasing histamine release and production of chemoattractants for eosinophils/basophils, respectively.

Conclusions Ragweed pollen–driven endogenous IL-33 contributed to the development of AR responses. IL-33 might present an important therapeutic target for the prevention of AR.


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