
2013-11-26 tomato 生物谷

美国生物制药公司新基(Celgene)11月22日宣布,抗癌药物Abraxane(紫杉醇[paclitaxel]蛋白质结合颗粒注射悬液,白蛋白结合)获得了欧洲药品管理局(EMA)人用医药产品委员会(CHMP)的积极意见。CHMP建议批准Abraxane联合吉西他滨(gemcitabine),用于转移性胰腺癌成人患者的一线治疗。 欧盟委员会(EC)预计将于2-3个月内做出最终审查决定。



CHMP的积极意见,是基于III期MPACT研究的数据。MPACT是一项开放标签、随机、国际性III期研究,研究中861例初治转移性胰腺癌患者随机接受ABRAXANE+吉西他滨联合疗法或吉西他滨单药疗法,研究数据表明,与吉西他滨单药疗法相比,ABRAXANE+吉西他滨联合疗法在总生存期(OS)、疾病无进展生存期(PFS)、整体响应率(ORR)上均表现出统计学意义的显着改善:OS(8.5个月 vs 6.7个月,HR=0.72,p<0.0001),死亡风险降低28%;PFS(5.5个月 vs 3.7个月,HR=0.69,p<0.0001),疾病进展或死亡风险降低31%;ORR(23% vs 7%,p<0.0001)。








Abraxane于2005年1月在美国首先获准用于治疗联合化疗无效的转移性乳腺癌或辅助化疗6个月内复发的乳腺癌 。既往治疗必须包含一种蒽环类,除非有临床禁忌症。Abraxane还在下列地区获准用于治疗转移性乳腺癌:加拿大、印度、欧盟/欧洲经济区(EU/EEA)、韩国、中国、澳大利亚、不丹、阿联酋、尼泊尔、新西兰、日本、俄罗斯、斯里兰卡和阿根廷。



英文原文:Celgene Receives Positive CHMP Opinion for ABRAXANE? in Combination with Gemcitabine as Treatment for Patients with Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

Friday, November 22, 2013 7:25 am EST

BOUDRY, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Celgene International Sàrl, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Celgene Corporation (NASDAQ: CELG), today announced that the European Medicines Agency’s (EMA): Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has adopted a positive opinion for ABRAXANE (paclitaxel formulated as albumin bound nanoparticles, or nab-paclitaxel) in combination with gemcitabine for first-line treatment of adult patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.

The CHMP reviews applications for all 28 member states in the European Union (EU), as well as Norway and Iceland. The European Commission, which generally follows the recommendation of the CHMP, is expected to make its final decision within two to three months.

The pancreas is composed of two main cell types: exocrine and endocrine. Adenocarcinoma is a sub-type of exocrine tumors and accounts for about 95% of cancers of the pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is currently the fourth most common cause of cancer death in the EU for men and women.1 Death rates from the disease are predicted to rise from 7.85 in 2009 to 8.01 in 2013 per 100,000 among men, and from 5.33 to 5.54 per 100,000 among women in same period.1 In fact, the pancreas is the only major cancer site for which no improvements in mortality rates is predicated for either sex.1 There have been no new treatments approved for pancreatic cancer in nearly seven years.

“The positive CHMP opinion on ABRAXANE with gemcitabine for metastatic pancreatic cancer is a significant step toward bringing the first new treatment option in many years to people diagnosed with this deadly disease, which has seen multiple clinical trial failures over the years,” said Alan Colowick, MD, President of Celgene Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA). “Following a positive decision by the European Commission within the next few months, we hope to begin the important work of helping physicians and patients gain access to ABRAXANE plus gemcitabine, which has demonstrated statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvements in overall survival compared to gemcitabine alone, as reported recently in the New England Journal of Medicine.”

The CHMP positive opinion was based on the results of the MPACT (Metastatic Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Clinical Trial), an open-label, phase III, randomized, international study published in the New England Journal of Medicine in its 16 October 2013 e-publication. The MPACT study involved 861 chemotherapy-na?ve patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer at 151 community and academic centers from 11 countries, including North America, Eastern and Western Europe and Australia. In the study, nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in median overall survival compared to gemcitabine alone (8.5 vs. 6.7 months) (HR 0.72, P<0.0001); a 28% overall reduction in risk of death.2

Grade 3 and higher adverse events that were reported more often with nab-paclitaxel plus gemcitabine versus gemcitabine alone were neutropenia, leukopenia, fatigue, and peripheral neuropathy.


ABRAXANE is an albumin-bound form of paclitaxel that is manufactured using patented nab? technology. ABRAXANE is formulated with albumin, a human protein, and is free of solvents.

In Europe, ABRAXANE was approved in January 2008 as monotherapy for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer in adult patients who have failed first-line treatment for metastatic disease and for whom standard, anthracycline containing therapy is not indicated.

In the United States, ABRAXANE was first approved in January 2005 by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of breast cancer after failure of combination chemotherapy for metastatic disease or relapse within 6 months of adjuvant chemotherapy. Prior therapy should have included an anthracycline unless clinically contraindicated. ABRAXANE has been globally approved in more than forty countries for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer (MBC).

In October 2012, ABRAXANE was approved by the FDA for the first-line treatment of locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), in combination with carboplatin, in patients who are not candidates for curative surgery or radiation therapy. ABRAXANE is also approved for the treatment of NSCLC in Argentina, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand.

In September 2013, the FDA approved ABRAXANE as first–line treatment of patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma of the pancreas, in combination with gemcitabine.)


评论区 (7)



拜耳(Bayer)和Onyx制药11月22日宣布,口服多激酶抑制剂多吉美(Nexavar,通用名:sorafenib,索拉非尼)已获FDA批准,用于局部晚期或转移性放射性碘(RAI)难治性分化型甲状腺癌的治疗。 Nexavar是首个获FDA批准专门用于放射性碘(RAI)难治性分化型甲状腺癌的药物。 Nexavar新适应症的获批,是基于III期DECISION临床试验的数据,结果表明,与安慰

CHMP建议批准ViiV HIV新药Tivicay

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