The Lancet Neurol:阿尔茨海默病疫苗临床试验获得成功

2012-06-17 T.Shen 生物谷

研究者研究发现,治疗阿尔茨海默病活性疫苗可发挥积极效应。 (Credit: © Tyler Olson / Fotolia) 阿尔茨海默病是一种复杂的神经痴呆性疾病,使很多人饱受痛苦并且给社会也带来了巨大的压力。近日,来自瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院的研究者通过研究,报道了治疗阿尔茨海默病活性疫苗的积极效应。这种新型疫苗CAD106,可以为治疗这种严重的痴呆型疾病提供新的线索。相关研究成果


(Credit: © Tyler Olson / Fotolia)

阿尔茨海默病是一种复杂的神经痴呆性疾病,使很多人饱受痛苦并且给社会也带来了巨大的压力。近日,来自瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院的研究者通过研究,报道了治疗阿尔茨海默病活性疫苗的积极效应。这种新型疫苗CAD106,可以为治疗这种严重的痴呆型疾病提供新的线索。相关研究成果刊登在了国际杂志The Lancet Neurology上。



编译自:Alzheimer’s Vaccine Trial a Success



Safety, tolerability, and antibody response of active Aβ immunotherapy with CAD106 in patients with Alzheimer's disease: randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, first-in-human study

Prof Bengt Winblad, MDa, , , Niels Andreasen, MDa, Prof Lennart Minthon, MDb, Annette Floesser, MScc, Georges Imbert, PhDc, Thomas Dumortier, MScd, R Paul Maguire, PhDc, Kaj Blennow, MDe, Joens Lundmark, MDf, Matthias Staufenbiel, PhDc, Prof Jean-Marc Orgogozo, MDg, Ana Graf, MDd

Background Immunotherapy targeting the amyloid β (Aβ) peptide is a potential strategy to slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease. We aimed to assess the safety and tolerability of CAD106, a novel active Aβ immunotherapy for patients with Alzheimer's disease, designed to induce N-terminal Aβ-specific antibodies without an Aβ-specific T-cell response.

Methods We did a phase 1, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 52-week study in two centres in Sweden. Participants, aged 50–80 years, with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease were entered into one of two cohorts according to time of study entry and then randomly allocated (by use of a computer-generated randomisation sequence) to receive either CAD106 or placebo (4:1; cohort one received CAD106 50 μg or placebo, cohort two received CAD106 150 μg or placebo). Each patient received three subcutaneous injections. All patients, caregivers, and investigators were masked to treatment allocation throughout the study. Primary objectives were to assess the safety and tolerability of CAD106 and to identify the Aβ-specific antibody response. Safety assessment was done by recording of all adverse events, assessment of MRI scans, physical and neurological examinations, vital signs, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, and laboratory analysis of blood and CSF. Patients with Aβ-IgG serum titres higher than 16 units at least once during the study were classified as responders. This study is registered with, number NCT00411580.

Findings Between August, 2005, and March, 2007, we randomly allocated 31 patients into cohort one (24 patients to CAD106 treatment and seven to placebo) and 27 patients into cohort two (22 patients to CAD106 treatment and five to placebo). 56 of 58 patients reported adverse events. In cohort one, nasopharyngitis was the most commonly reported adverse event (10 of 24 CAD106-treated patients). In cohort two, injection site erythema was the most commonly reported adverse event (14 of 22 CAD106-treated patients). Overall, nine patients reported serious adverse events—none was thought to be related to the study drug. We recorded no clinical or subclinical cases of meningoencephalitis. 16 of 24 (67%) CAD106-treated patients in cohort one and 18 of 22 (82%) in cohort two developed Aβ antibody response meeting pre-specified responder threshold. One of 12 placebo-treated patients (8%) had Aβ-IgG concentrations that qualified them as a responder.

Interpretation Our findings suggest that CAD106 has a favourable safety profile and acceptable antibody response in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Larger trials with additional dose investigations are needed to confirm the safety and establish the efficacy of CAD106.

Funding Novartis Pharma AG.


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