
2013-04-15 佚名 丁香园

  来自西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学的Anna Lucas博士及其团队进行的一项研究发现,甲状腺功能正常的吸烟者,不论男女,体重指数在所有范围内,瘦素均是促甲状腺激素浓度变化的独立预测因子,但非吸烟者中无此相关性。该研究结果在线发表在2013年3月25日的美国《甲状腺》(Thyriod)杂志上。   对于甲状腺功能正常的个体,促甲状腺激素水平(TSH)与体重指数(BMI)的关系还不明确。瘦素

  来自西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学的Anna Lucas博士及其团队进行的一项研究发现,甲状腺功能正常的吸烟者,不论男女,体重指数在所有范围内,瘦素均是促甲状腺激素浓度变化的独立预测因子,但非吸烟者中无此相关性。该研究结果在线发表在2013年3月25日的美国《甲状腺》(Thyriod)杂志上。






Leptin and thyrotropin relationship is modulated by smoking status in euthyroid subjects.
Thyrotropin concentrations (TSH) and body mass index (BMI) relationship in euthyroid subjects has been demonstrated only in some studies. Leptin (Lp) regulates TSH secretion and TSH stimulates leptin secretion. The main purpose of our study was to assess the relationship between leptin, thyroid axis and thyroid autoimmunity in a representative sample of non-hospitalized euthyroid adult population of Catalonia and if smoking status could influence this relationship.
This cross-sectional population-based study includes 894 euthyroid adults (390 men), 44.87±15.03 years old, with BMI 26.19±4.61 kg/m2, iodine-sufficient and representative of people leaving in Catalonia. The study analyzes the relationship between TSH, free thyroxine (FT4), Lp, peroxidase and/or thyroglobulin antibodies (thyroid autoimmunity-TA-), smoking status and BMI. Measurements also include glycemia and insulinemia to calculate HOMA index.
In the univariate analysis and in the overall group, TSH correlated directly with BMI, Lp and HOMA (p=0.039, p<0.001, p=0.010, respectively). In all men, TSH correlated directly with Lp (p=0.004) and in all women, directly with Lp (p=0.002) and HOMA (p=0.031) and inversely, with FT4 (p=0.024). Only in smoker (S) men, TSH correlated directly with Lp (p=0.010) and HOMA (p=0.024). In S women, TSH correlated directly with Lp (p=0.004) and in NS women, inversely with FT4 (p=0.047). In the multiple regression multivariate analysis, Lp (β=0.1187, p=0.03), age (β=-0.003410, p=0.013265) smoking status (β=-0.24085; p=0.0202) and thyroid autoimmunity (β=0.20652; p=0.0075) were independent predictors of TSH variations. Leptin was a significant independent predictor of TSH variations only in smokers (β=0.16451; p=0.047). and TA (β=0.2103, p=0.06) were independent predictors of TSH variations. In men, the independent predictors were Lp (β=0.1304, p=0.025) and age (β=-0.0051, p=0.012) and in women, Lp (β=0.1168, p=0.042), TA (β=0.2591, p=0.001) and FT4 (β=-0.1395, p=0.018).
Leptin is an independent predictor factor of thyrotropin concentration variations, only in euthyroid smoker subjects of both sexes at all ranges of body mass index but not in non-smokers. Age, smoking status in men, and thyroid autoimmunity positivity and free T4, in women, also influenced thyrotropin variability.


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MedSci评论:瘦素(leptin)原来认为是最有希望用于治疗肥胖病的药物,但是在2009年前后,宣布临床研究失败。一方面减肥效果不明显,二还可以导致较为严重的心脏副作用。而这一篇报道,是将瘦素(leptin)用于其它的可能疾病的治疗研究上。这里应用于下丘脑闭经,但是这仅是临床试验的结果。  美国一项研究发现,增加瘦素水平可能有朝一日帮助因为过度锻炼或严重热量限制而闭经的女性。研究报告4月3日

Cell Metab:瘦素可增强对LPS的反应敏感性,加速NASH发病过程

细菌内毒素,如脂多糖(LPS)在非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH,nonalcoholic steatohepatitis)的发病过程中发挥关键作用,但其发病机理尚不清楚。近日,日本研究人员发现,瘦素信号途径调节的CD14的上调在其中发挥重要作用。相关论文发表在近期的Cell Metabolism杂志上。 高脂喂养的脂肪发生病变的小鼠Kupffer细胞中CD14上调,对低剂量LPS的反应敏感性提高,