Am J Clin Nutr:母乳含700多种细菌助婴儿形成自身免疫系统

2013-01-09 Am J Clin Nutr 腾讯科学

  科学家已经发现母乳含有超过700种细菌,超过之前的预计。研究人员称,这些细菌的准确角色尚不清楚,但是这种微生物多样性能够帮助婴儿消化母乳或者推动婴儿的免疫体系形成。而且进一步的研究能够为那些不能进行母乳喂养的婴儿带来新的营养策略。 通过母乳喂养能够将有益菌传递给婴儿,帮助其消化母乳或者形成免疫系统   母乳中的微生物能够使用一种名为焦磷酸测序的DNA测序技术标注出来,这种技术通常会从被


母乳含700多种细菌 助婴儿形成自身免疫系统




The human milk microbiome changes over lactation and is shaped by maternal weight and mode of delivery

Background: Breast milk is recognized as the most important postpartum element in metabolic and immunologic programming of health of neonates. The factors influencing the milk microbiome and the potential impact of microbes on infant health have not yet been uncovered.

Objective: Our objective was to identify pre- and postnatal factors that can potentially influence the bacterial communities inhabiting human milk.

Design: We characterized the milk microbial community at 3 different time points by pyrosequencing and quantitative polymerase chain reaction in mothers (n = 18) who varied in BMI, weight gain, and mode of delivery.

Results: We found that the human milk microbiome changes over lactation.Weisella, Leuconostoc, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Lactococcus were predominant in colostrum samples, whereas in 1- and 6-mo milk samples the typical inhabitants of the oral cavity (eg, Veillonella, Leptotrichia, and Prevotella) increased significantly. Milk from obese mothers tended to contain a different and less diverse bacterial community compared with milk from normal-weight mothers. Milk samples from elective but not from nonelective mothers who underwent cesarean delivery contained a different bacterial community than did milk samples from individuals giving birth by vaginal delivery, suggesting that it is not the operation per se but rather the absence of physiological stress or hormonal signals that could influence the microbial transmission process to milk.

Conclusions: Our results indicate that milk bacteria are not contaminants and suggest that the milk microbiome is influenced by several factors that significantly skew its composition. Because bacteria present in breast milk are among the very first microbes entering the human body, our data emphasize the necessity to understand the biological role that the milk microbiome could potentially play for human health.


作者:Am J Clin Nutr

评论区 (2)
  1. 2023-10-18 ms6000001651327442



  2. 2013-01-11 villahu



长期以来,医学界一直支持母乳喂养,并称这不仅对婴儿有益,也有助于女性降低患乳腺癌的风险。一项新研究则进一步指出,这种效果对部分携带特定基因的女性来说尤其明显。 加拿大等国的研究人员近日在英国学术期刊《乳腺癌研究》Breast Cancer Research上发表的报告说,他们分析了数千名携带乳腺癌易感基因BRCA1和BCA2的女性。在BRCA1基因群体中,研究人员根据年龄、生活环境等方面

