
2012-09-19 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,刊登在国际杂志CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)上的一项研究表明,带状疱疹(Herpes zoster)并不会增加一般人群的癌症风险。 相比其它疾病来说,尽管带状疱疹是癌症病人常见的一种病症,那么是否带状疱疹的病人发生癌症的风险升高。尽管许多研究揭示了带状疱疹和癌症发生之间的关联,但是其具体联系,目前并不清楚。 一项对来自台湾35871

近日,刊登在国际杂志CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)上的一项研究表明,带状疱疹(Herpes zoster)并不会增加一般人群的癌症风险。


一项对来自台湾35871位刚刚诊断为带状疱疹的参与者的研究揭示了,带状疱疹的个体并不会存在癌症风险的增加。研究者Yi-Tsung Lin表示,我们发现,相比一般人群,带状疱疹患者的癌症患病风险并没有增加。这项研究也包括带状疱疹病人的其它一些疾病数据,包括糖尿病、慢性阻塞性肺疾病、自身免疫疾病以及心脏疾病等。


编译自:No Increased Risk of Cancer for People With Shingles, New Study Finds


Risk of cancer among patients with herpes zoster infection: a population-based study

Yu-Ping Wang, Chia-Jen Liu, Yu-Wen Hu, Tzeng-Ji Chen, Yi-Tsung Lin, Chang-Phone Fung

Background: Whether the risk of cancer is increased among patients with herpes zoster is unclear. We investigated the risk of cancer among patients with herpes zoster using a nationwide health registry in Taiwan. Methods: We identified 35 871 patients with newly diagnosed herpes zoster during 2000–2008 from the National Health Insurance Research Database in Taiwan. We analyzed the standardized incidence ratios for various types of cancer. Results: Among patients with herpes zoster, 895 cases of cancer were reported. Patients with herpes zoster were not at increased risk of cancer (standardized incidence ratio 0.99, 95% confidence interval 0.93–1.06). Among the subgroups stratified by sex, age and years of follow-up, there was also no increased risk of overall cancer. Interpretation: Herpes zoster is not associated with increased risk of cancer in the general population. These findings do not support extensive investigations for occult cancer or enhanced surveillance for cancer in patients with herpes zoster.


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