Diabetes care:空气污染可增加糖尿病发病率

2012-03-12 MedSci MedSci原创

近日,国际杂志《美国糖尿病学会期刊》Diabetes care在线刊登了丹麦研究者的最新研究成果“Diabetes Incidence and Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution,”,文章中,研究者发现长期暴露在交通污染导致的恶劣空气中,可能会增加糖尿病的发病几率,这对那些生活方式健康、不吸烟以及经常锻炼的人更为明显。 参与该研究的有57000多名志愿者,据丹

近日,国际杂志《美国糖尿病学会期刊》Diabetes care在线刊登了丹麦研究者的最新研究成果“Diabetes Incidence and Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution,”,文章中,研究者发现长期暴露在交通污染导致的恶劣空气中,可能会增加糖尿病的发病几率,这对那些生活方式健康、不吸烟以及经常锻炼的人更为明显。



Diabetes Incidence and Long-Term Exposure to Air Pollution A cohort study

Zorana J. Andersen, PHD1⇓, Ole Raaschou-Nielsen, PHD1, Matthias Ketzel, PHD2, Steen S. Jensen, PHD2, Martin Hvidberg, BS2, Steffen Loft, DMSC3, Anne Tjønneland, DMSC1, Kim Overvad, PHD4,5 and Mette Sørensen, PHD1

OBJECTIVE Animal and cross-sectional epidemiological studies suggest a link between air pollution and diabetes, whereas the limited prospective data show mixed results. We studied the association between long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and incidence of diabetes.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We followed 57,053 participants of the Danish Diet, Cancer, and Health cohort in the Danish National Diabetes Register between baseline (1993–1997) and 27 June 2006. We estimated the mean levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at the residential addresses of the cohort participants since 1971 and modeled the association between NO2 and diabetes incidence with a Cox regression model, separately for two definitions of diabetes: all cases and a more strict definition where unconfirmed cases were excluded.

RESULTS Over a mean follow-up of 9.7 years of 51,818 eligible subjects, there were 4,040 (7.8%) incident diabetes cases in total and 2,877 (5.5%) with confirmed diagnoses. Air pollution was not associated with all diabetes cases (hazard ratio 1.00 [95% CI 0.97–1.04] per interquartile range of 4.9 μg/m3 mean NO2 levels since 1971), but a borderline statistically significant association was detected with confirmed cases of diabetes (1.04 [1.00–1.08]). Among confirmed diabetes cases, effects were significantly enhanced in nonsmokers (1.12 [1.05–1.20]) and physically active people (1.10 [1.03–1.16]).

CONCLUSIONS Long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution may contribute to the development of diabetes, especially in individuals with a healthy lifestyle, nonsmokers, and physically active individuals. The prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes are rising rapidly in both the developed and developing world, presenting one of the greatest contributors to the global burden of the disease (1). The diabetes epidemic is in large part attributable to established causes related to modern lifestyle including obesity, physical inactivity, and the growing aging populations (1). Environmental exposures linked to industrialization and urbanization, such as air pollution, have not been considered risk factors for diabetes until recently (2). In the U.S., the prevalence of diabetes correlated with the release of toxicants into the air (3), whereas diabetic people appeared more vulnerable than nondiabetic people to cardiovascular health effects associated with exposure to air pollution (4). Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases share many risk factors, and diabetic people are at a highly increased risk for heart or circulatory disorders (5). The central biological mechanisms of air pollution damage to the heart and blood vessels include inflammation (6), which is also believed to be involved in the promotion of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes (7). An enhanced association between air pollution and inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, prothrombotic changes, and altered heart rate variability was found in diabetic people (6). A plausible biological mechanism of air pollution promoting diabetes was provided by Sun et al. (8), showing that exposure to particulate air pollution caused increased blood glucose, inflammation in adipose tissue, and insulin resistance in high-fat diet–fed mice. Recent study confirmed that prolonged exposure to air pollution leads to insulin resistance and impaired glucose tolerance in rats and that this association is not limited to high-fat diet rats (9). Epidemiological evidence is sparse. Short-term exposure to air pollution was linked to exacerbations of diabetes leading to death (10–14) and hospitalizations (13). Prevalence of diabetes was linked to air pollution (14,15). Two prospective diabetes studies investigated the link with air pollution, with one reporting significant associations among a small number (n = 87) of women (16) and another failing to detect association in two large cohorts, except with a single traffic proximity proxy in women (17). Limited and mixed evidence precludes conclusions about causality between air pollution and diabetes and merits more study. We studied the association between traffic-related air pollution levels at the residence and the risk for diabetes in an elderly Danish cohort and tested for an effect modification by lifestyle, education, and comorbid conditions.


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一般认为高血脂、高血压、高血糖、高凝状态是心脑血管病最重要、最直接的危险因子,所谓“Cardiomatabolic Risk Factors”。近年来的研究证明空气污染(Air Pollution),亦是心血管病发病和死亡最重要的危险因子之一。它不仅可以引起血管内皮和血管损伤,促进血栓形成,还可以诱发动脉粥样硬化、心律失常、心肌肥厚、心肌梗塞等多种心血管病,而且还是诱发心脏猝死和急性冠状综合征最重


  近日,2012国际卒中大会公布的有我国研究者参与的最新研究结果表明,在污染程度大于温暖季节50%的寒冷季节,暴露于NO2和PM10在各年龄组中均与卒中住院显著相关。    卒中为美国的第3大死因,中国的第1大死因。此项研究于中国武汉实施,其空气污染程度和污染范畴高于美国和欧洲的大城市。目前有关空气污染和脑血管疾病相关性的研究较为匮乏。此项研究获取了每日二氧化氮(NO2)、二氧化硫(