
2013-04-03 高晓方 译 医学论坛网

  德国学者的一项研究表明,在2型糖尿病患者中,患者中度病变的血流动力学相关性与光学相关断层成像(OCT)衍生指标相关,并且血流储备分数(FFR)可用于确认易损病变。论文于2013年3月30日在线发表于《心脏》(Heart)。   此项研究共纳入46例伴有稳定性冠脉疾病的糖尿病患者。对由定量冠状动脉血管造影确定为中等严重度的62处冠脉病变实施FFR和OCT检查。以FFR≤0.8定义病变血流动力学



  结果显示,FFR与OCT衍生最小管腔面积和最小管腔直径均显著相关(P<0.001)。受试者工作特征曲线分析显示,OCT衍生最小管腔面积<1.59 mm2和最小管腔直径<1.31 mm为预测FFR≤0.8的最佳阈值。


  ROC分析显示,确认病变最小FCT≤80 µm的理想FFR阈值为0.81(准确性97.3%,敏感性和特异性分别为100%和93.8%)。

Relationship between optical coherence tomography derived intraluminal and intramural criteria and haemodynamic relevance as determined by fractional flow reserve in intermediate coronary stenoses of patients with type 2 diabetes

The relationship between functional relevance and optical coherence tomography (OCT)-derived measurements of coronary lesions is incompletely understood and of critical importance, particularly in cardiovascular high-risk patients with type 2 diabetes.
To investigate the association between functional relevance of intermediate grade coronary stenoses as assessed by fractional flow reserve (FFR) and OCT-derived lesion parameters in patients with diabetes.
In 46 diabetic patients with stable coronary artery disease, FFR and OCT were performed in 62 coronary lesions with intermediate severity as determined by quantitative coronary angiography. Among lesions haemodynamic relevance was defined as FFR≤0.8.
There was a significant association between FFR and OCT-derived minimal lumen area (r2=0.379) and minimal lumen diameter (r2=0.268), all p<0.001. Receiver operating curve (ROC)-analysis demonstrated an OCT-derived minimal lumen area <1.59 mm2 and minimal lumen diameter <1.31 mm to be optimal cut-off values to predict FFR≤0.8. Furthermore, in lipid-rich plaques FFR was significantly associated with minimal fibrous cap thickness (FCT, r2=0.399). Minimal FCT in lesions with FFR≤0.8 was significantly smaller (60.7±15.0 µm) compared with those lesions with FFR>0.8 (106.0±13.0 µm, p<0.001). ROC-analysis revealed that 0.81 is the ideal FFR cut-off to identify lesions with a minimal FCT≤80 µm (accuracy 97.3%, sensitivity 100%, specificity 93.8%, area under the curve 0.943 (95% CI 0.836 to 1.000)).
Haemodynamic relevance of intermediate grade lesions in patients with type 2 diabetes is closely related to (1) intraluminal measurements, which are smaller than previously described in non-diabetic cohorts and to (2) minimal FCT. Furthermore, FFR may be useful to identify vulnerable (minimal FCT≤80 µm) lesions among those with intermediate severity in lipid-rich plaques.


作者:高晓方 译

评论区 (3)
  1. 2014-02-17 habb
  2. 2013-04-05 zhaojie88
  3. 2013-04-05 slcumt



  日前举行的第23届长城国际心脏病学会议上,一项可以显示冠状动脉内的血流堵塞严重程度并帮助医生识别导致患者缺血的病变以及是否需要支架治疗的新研究成果血流储备分数(FFR)测量已经面世,并应用于中国心脏介入治疗领域的临床应用。   研究表明,使用血流储备分数测量技术,用于确定冠状动脉内狭窄的血流动力学改变程度,使稳定性冠心病患者因为紧急血运重建而再次入院的相对风险下降了86%。这一研究结果已于今