Biol Reprod:低蛋白质饮食让后代易患成年期高血压

2012-07-30 EurekAlert! EurekAlert!

研究已经显示,饮食蛋白质低的母亲的后代更可能在成年期出现高血压。美国德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学分部的Gao博士、Yallampalli博士和Yallampalli博士如今在国际杂志Biology of Reproduction上报告说,对于大鼠,母亲的与低蛋白质饮食有关的睾丸激素水平高是由一种让睾丸激素失去活性的酶的活动减少导致的,这让更多的睾丸激素到达了胎儿并增加了后代对成年期高血压的易感性。

研究已经显示,饮食蛋白质低的母亲的后代更可能在成年期出现高血压。美国德克萨斯大学加尔维斯顿医学分部的Gao博士、Yallampalli博士和Yallampalli博士如今在国际杂志Biology of Reproduction上报告说,对于大鼠,母亲的与低蛋白质饮食有关的睾丸激素水平高是由一种让睾丸激素失去活性的酶的活动减少导致的,这让更多的睾丸激素到达了胎儿并增加了后代对成年期高血压的易感性。

胎儿程序化(fetal programming)是一个用于描述母亲的压力对未出生的子女的出生时的身体特性以及长期健康的影响的一个术语。由于胎盘在激素制造和营养输送方面的关键作用以及它对环境扰动的易感性,它被认为是胎儿程序化的一个重要贡献者。







Gestational Protein Restriction Reduces Expression of Hsd17b2 in Rat Placental Labyrinth

Haijun Gao, Uma Yallampalli and Chandra Yallampalli

Accumulating evidence strongly supports that testosterone may be a key player in fetal programming on hypertension. It was reported that gestational protein restriction doubles the plasma testosterone levels in pregnant rats. In this study, we hypothesized that elevated testosterone levels in response to gestational protein restriction were caused by enhanced expression of steroidogenic enzymes or impaired expression of Hsd17b2, a known testosterone inactivator that converts testosterone to androstenedione in placenta. Pregnant Sprague Dawley rats were fed normal (20% protein, control; n = 10) or a low protein diet (6% protein, PR; n = 10) from day 1 of pregnancy until sacrificed at days 14, 18 or 21. Junctional (JZ) and labyrinth (LZ) zones of placenta were collected for expression assay on steroidogenic genes (Cyp11a1, Hsd3b1, Cyp17a1, Hsd17b2 and Sdr5a1) by Real-time PCR. The main findings include: 1) expressions of Cyp11a1, Hsd3b1 and Cyp17a1 in JZ were not affected by diet, but affected by day of pregnancy; 2) expression of Hsd17b2 in both female and male JZs was remarkably increased by PR at days 18 and 21 of pregnancy; 3) expressions of Hsd17b2 were reduced by PR in both female and male LZ at day 18 of pregnancy, and in female LZ at day 21 of pregnancy; 4) expression of Sdr5a1 in LZ was not affected by day of pregnancy, gender and diet. These results indicate that in response to gestational protein restriction, Hsd17b2 may be a key regulator of testosterone levels and associated activities in placental zones apparently in a paradox manner.


评论区 (6)
  1. 2013-01-28 sunylz
  2. 2012-08-10 elly

    I'm grateful you made the post. It's celared the air for me.
