J. Pediatr:牛奶激发试验或有助确诊过敏患儿的GERD

2012-05-24 爱唯医学网 爱唯医学网

近日,国际期刊《儿科学杂志》(The Journal of Pediatrics)在线发表的一项研究显示,一些牛奶过敏患儿可能合并胃食管反流病(GERD),而牛奶激发试验可能有助于诊断后者。 主要研究者、英国伦敦大奥蒙德街病童医院的Osvaldo Borrelli博士及其同事,对17例已确诊CMA且怀疑GERD的儿童进行了研究。研究者对受试儿童置入了多波段腔内阻抗-pH值监测器,连续监测48 h

近日,国际期刊《儿科学杂志》(The Journal of Pediatrics)在线发表的一项研究显示,一些牛奶过敏患儿可能合并胃食管反流病(GERD),而牛奶激发试验可能有助于诊断后者。

主要研究者、英国伦敦大奥蒙德街病童医院的Osvaldo Borrelli博士及其同事,对17例已确诊CMA且怀疑GERD的儿童进行了研究。研究者对受试儿童置入了多波段腔内阻抗-pH值监测器,连续监测48 h,从而得以比标准pH值监测更好地观察反流发作特点。

在前24 h内,受试儿童摄入以氨基酸为基础的配方奶,而在第2天中则接受牛奶激发。结果显示,在第2天中发生了更多的反流发作(105例次 vs. 65例次)和弱酸性发作(53例次 vs. 19例次)。





Cow’s Milk Challenge Increases Weakly Acidic Reflux in Children with Cow’s Milk Allergy and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Osvaldo Borrelli, MD, Valentina Mancini, MD, Nikhil Thapar, MD, Valentina Giorgio, MD, Mamoun Elawad, MD, Susan Hill, MD, Neil Shah, MD, Keith J. Lindley, MD


To assess and compare the pattern of reflux in a selected population of infants with cow’s milk (CM) allergy (CMA) and suspected gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) while on dietary exclusion and following challenge with CM.

Study design

Seventeen children (median age: 14 months) with a proven diagnosis of CMA and suspected GERD underwent 48-hour multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH monitoring. For the first 24 hours, the infants were kept on amino acid–based formula, and for the subsequent 24 hours, they were challenged with CM.


The total reflux episodes and the number of weakly acidic episodes were higher during CM challenge compared with the amino acid–based formula period [total reflux episodes: 105 (58-127.5) vs 65 (39-87.5), P < .001; weakly acidic episodes: 53 (38.5-60.5) vs 19 (13-26.5), P < .001; median (25th-75th)]. No differences were found for either acid or weakly alkaline episodes (not significant). The number of weakly acidic episodes reaching the proximal, mid, and distal esophagus was higher during CM challenge (P < .001). No differences were found in either acid exposure time or number of long-lasting episodes (not significant).


In children with CMA and suspected GERD, CM exposure increases the number of weakly acidic reflux episodes. CM challenge during 48-hour multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH monitoring identifies a subgroup of patients with allergen-induced reflux, and in selected cases of children with CMA in whom GERD is suspected, its use could be considered as part of diagnostic work-up.



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近日,《美国流行病学杂志》(American Journal of Epidemiology)发表的一篇研究论文表明,青少年时期常喝牛奶可能增加前列腺癌风险。 来自冰岛大学的Johanna E. Torfadottir主导了这项研究。该研究小组用24年时间随访了8894名出生于1907—1935年之间的男性。这些人来自于冰岛不同的地区,饮用牛奶的情况也不尽相同。在这24年的时间里,1123个人出