
2013-04-18 Pediatrics 中国医学论坛报

    美国一项研究表明,胃食管反流病(GERD)标签可能导致父母对婴儿进行过度药物治疗。论文4月1日在线发表于《儿科学》(Pediatrics)。   该研究利用2 × 2析因设计对婴儿父母进行了临床场景模拟评估。即便被告知药物可能无效,被诊断GERD婴儿的父母仍倾向于对孩子进行药物治疗。而未被诊断GERD婴儿父母则仅在药物可能有效的情况下,接受药物治疗。  



  该研究利用2 × 2析因设计对婴儿父母进行了临床场景模拟评估。即便被告知药物可能无效,被诊断GERD婴儿的父母仍倾向于对孩子进行药物治疗。而未被诊断GERD婴儿父母则仅在药物可能有效的情况下,接受药物治疗。

  研究者指出, 作为医师,我们必须重视与患者家属交谈时的用辞,因为患儿父母可能将正常的过程认为是疾病。作为儿科医师,我们的工作是让患儿恢复健康,而不是让健康的婴儿患病,不必要的药物治疗,可能增加患儿肺炎发生率。


Prognostic Values of Multichannel Intraluminal Impedance and pH Monitoring in Newborns with Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
To evaluate the relationship between multichannel intraluminal impedance and pH monitoring (MII/pH) values in newborns with symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and clinical history in their first 3 years of life.
Study design
Sixty-four newborns with GERD symptoms who underwent MII/pH in the first weeks of life were enrolled into a clinical follow-up program. Follow-up visits were programmed at 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, and 36 months. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to duration of symptoms: short (1-3 months), medium (4-9 months), and long (>9 months), and MII/pH values in these groups were compared.
Fifty-three patients completed the 3-year follow-up. The number of patients with GERD symptoms decreased each month. A comparison of MII/pH values of the 3 lifetime symptom groups revealed differences in the impedance bolus exposure index (F = 83; P = .012) and proximal reflux frequency (F = 410; P = .022). These 2 MII variables showed an increasing trend from the short lifetime symptom group to the long lifetime symptom group. Weakly acidic reflux events, but not acidic events, were responsible for these differences.
MII/pH in newborns has prognostic value regarding the duration of GERD symptoms and provides useful information that clinicians may give parents about the prognosis of symptomatic infants. Impedance bolus exposure index and proximal reflux frequency seem to be the variables with the highest predictive value. Weakly acidic reflux events play an important role in determining the duration of GERD symptoms in newborns.


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J. Pediatr:牛奶激发试验或有助确诊过敏患儿的GERD

近日,国际期刊《儿科学杂志》(The Journal of Pediatrics)在线发表的一项研究显示,一些牛奶过敏患儿可能合并胃食管反流病(GERD),而牛奶激发试验可能有助于诊断后者。 主要研究者、英国伦敦大奥蒙德街病童医院的Osvaldo Borrelli博士及其同事,对17例已确诊CMA且怀疑GERD的儿童进行了研究。研究者对受试儿童置入了多波段腔内阻抗-pH值监测器,连续监测48 h