
2012-04-14 T.Shen 生物谷

Copyright ©版权归生物谷所有,若未得到Bioon授权,请勿转载。 2013年,当修订的孤独症诊断手册生效时,诊断孤独症将会变得困难。近日,来自耶鲁儿童研究中心的研究者刊登在国际杂志Journal of the American Academy of Child&Adolescent Psychiatry的文章中指出,孤独症诊断手册的改变将会影响孤独症谱系障碍的诊断。

Copyright ©版权归生物谷所有,若未得到Bioon授权,请勿转载。

2013年,当修订的孤独症诊断手册生效时,诊断孤独症将会变得困难。近日,来自耶鲁儿童研究中心的研究者刊登在国际杂志Journal of the American Academy of Child&Adolescent Psychiatry的文章中指出,孤独症诊断手册的改变将会影响孤独症谱系障碍的诊断。

诊断提议的改变将出版在美国精神病协会第五版上,标题为“精神障碍诊断和统计手册” (DSM-5)。研究者Fred Volkmar表示,我们的研究发现将会DSM-5的诊断提供一些重要的信息和建议。



Copyright ©版权归生物谷所有,若未得到Bioon授权,请勿转载。


Sensitivity and Specificity of Proposed DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder

James C. McPartland, Ph.D., , Brian Reichow, Ph.D., Fred R. Volkmar, M.D.

Objective This study evaluated the potential impact of proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Method The study focused on a sample of 933 participants evaluated during the DSM-IV field trial; 657 carried a clinical diagnosis of an ASD, and 276 were diagnosed with a non-autistic disorder. Sensitivity and specificity for proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria were evaluated using field trial symptom checklists as follows: individual field trial checklist items (e.g., nonverbal communication); checklist items grouped together as described by a single DSM-5 symptom (e.g., nonverbal and verbal communication); individual DSM-5 criterion (e.g., social-communicative impairment); and overall diagnostic criteria.

Results When applying proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD, 60.6% (95% confidence interval: 57%–64%) of cases with a clinical diagnosis of an ASD met revised DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD. Overall specificity was high, with 94.9% (95% confidence interval: 92%–97%) of individuals accurately excluded from the spectrum. Sensitivity varied by diagnostic subgroup (autistic disorder = 0.76; Asperger's disorder = 0.25; pervasive developmental disorder—not otherwise specified = 0.28) and cognitive ability (IQ < 70 = 0.70; IQ ≥ 70 = 0.46).

Conclusions Proposed DSM-5 criteria could substantially alter the composition of the autism spectrum. Revised criteria improve specificity but exclude a substantial portion of cognitively able individuals and those with ASDs other than autistic disorder. A more stringent diagnostic rubric holds significant public health ramifications regarding service eligibility and compatibility of historical and future research.Objective This study evaluated the potential impact of proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Method The study focused on a sample of 933 participants evaluated during the DSM-IV field trial; 657 carried a clinical diagnosis of an ASD, and 276 were diagnosed with a non-autistic disorder. Sensitivity and specificity for proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria were evaluated using field trial symptom checklists as follows: individual field trial checklist items (e.g., nonverbal communication); checklist items grouped together as described by a single DSM-5 symptom (e.g., nonverbal and verbal communication); individual DSM-5 criterion (e.g., social-communicative impairment); and overall diagnostic criteria. Results When applying proposed DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD, 60.6% (95% confidence interval: 57%–64%) of cases with a clinical diagnosis of an ASD met revised DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ASD. Overall specificity was high, with 94.9% (95% confidence interval: 92%–97%) of individuals accurately excluded from the spectrum. Sensitivity varied by diagnostic subgroup (autistic disorder = 0.76; Asperger's disorder = 0.25; pervasive developmental disorder—not otherwise specified = 0.28) and cognitive ability (IQ < 70 = 0.70; IQ ≥ 70 = 0.46). Conclusions Proposed DSM-5 criteria could substantially alter the composition of the autism spectrum. Revised criteria improve specificity but exclude a substantial portion of cognitively able individuals and those with ASDs other than autistic disorder. A more stringent diagnostic rubric holds significant public health ramifications regarding service eligibility and compatibility of historical and future research.


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3月1日,《新英格兰医学杂志》(New England Journal of Medicine)发表的一项国际、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究显示,为期4周的金刚烷胺治疗能够加快创伤性脑损伤(TBI)后意识障碍患者的功能恢复速度。 在这项研究中,新泽西州JFK约翰逊康复研究所的JosephT.Giacino博士及其同事从3个国家的11家医疗中心纳入184例入组前4~16周出现非穿透TBI并正在接受常


数百万人遭受着帕金森病的折磨,这种病是一种影响运动并随时间推移不断恶化的神经系统疾病。据估计,随着世界人口老龄化,患这种疾病的人数将剧增。然而,尽管有一些缓解帕金森病症状的有效方法,却没有一种可减缓此病的进展。 虽然不知道到底什么引起这种疾病,当前证据却指向了一个特定"罪犯":一个名为α-突触核蛋白的蛋白。这个蛋白在所有帕金森病患者中普遍存在,被认为是此疾病的一种病因,当它彼此结合成团或聚集时,


在有玩伴或很多玩具的环境下成长的儿童,脑功能更加活跃,记忆力和学习能力也会提高。日本科学家经动物实验发现,这或许是由于较多的外界刺激能使脑神经细胞内驱动蛋白增加,促进突触形成,令大脑更活跃。 东京大学研究人员在美国科学杂志《神经元》上报告说,他们在一个箱子中放置了各种玩具,将15只小鼠放到里面饲养了4周时间,同时在另一个没有放置任何玩具的箱子里饲养了3只小鼠。为考察两组小鼠的记忆力和学习能力,研

PLoS ONE:再生受损神经向前迈进一步

诸如汽车事故或战时战斗一样的灾难中的屠杀事件往往反映在涉及的人的机体内。一种严重创伤能使血管和神经切断、骨折和细胞残骸散落于全身。 神经严重损伤是最具挑战性伤口之一。这就是枪伤或刺伤、车祸受害者及战场上受伤士兵这些人的伤口类型。 一篇发表在PLoS ONE上的文章报道了一系列令人吃惊的细胞,它们可能具有神经移植的潜力。 在大鼠研究中,研究小组发现背根神经节神经元(即DRG细胞)帮助产生稠密、

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A new study found that specific structures, primarily on the left side of the brain, are vital to general intelligence and executive function(Credit: Photo courtesy Aron Barbey) 一项研究发现大脑的特殊结构域,尤其是大脑的