
2012-01-20 MedSci MedSci原创

2型糖尿病的全球发病人数越来越多,导致越来越严重的健康问题。为什么经常喝喝咖啡的人患2型糖尿病的风险比较低?科学家们最近在ACS的J Agric Food Chem杂志上发表的一篇报道"Coffee Components Inhibit Amyloid Formation of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in Vitro: Possible Link betw

2型糖尿病的全球发病人数越来越多,导致越来越严重的健康问题。为什么经常喝喝咖啡的人患2型糖尿病的风险比较低?科学家们最近在ACS的J Agric Food Chem杂志上发表的一篇报道"Coffee Components Inhibit Amyloid Formation of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in Vitro: Possible Link between Coffee Consumption and Diabetes Mellitus"对这个长期未解之谜提供了一个新答案。

Ling Zheng,Kun Huang和同事们解释说:之前的研究显示喝咖啡的人患2型糖尿病的风险比较低,而全球范围内,2型糖尿病患者占总的糖尿病患者的90%到95%。那些研究显示每天喝4杯咖啡或更多的人患2型糖尿病的风险降低50%。在此基础上,每多喝一杯咖啡,患病风险降低 7%。科学家已经暗示一种称为人胰岛类淀粉多肽(hIAPP)的错误折叠会引起2型糖尿病;而且科学家正在寻找阻断该蛋白错误折叠的过程。Zheng和 Huang决定验证一下咖啡降低2型糖尿病的患病风险是不是来源于咖啡中含有某种可以阻断hIAPP错误折叠的物质。




Coffee Components Inhibit Amyloid Formation of Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide in Vitro: Possible Link between Coffee Consumption and Diabetes Mellitus

Biao Cheng, Xinran Liu, Hao Gong, Lianqi Huang, Hong Chen, Xin Zhang, Chuanzhou Li§, Muyang Yang, Bingjun Ma, Lihua Jiao, Ling Zheng*§, and Kun Huang*#

Global epidemic studies have suggested that coffee consumption is reversely correlated with the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), a metabolic disease. The misfolding of human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) is regarded as one of the causative factors of T2DM. Coffee extracts have three major active components: caffeine, caffeic acid (CA), and chlorogenic acid (CGA). In this study, the effects of these major coffee components, as well as dihydrocaffeic acid (DHCA) (a major metabolite of CGA and CA), on the amyloidogenicity of hIAPP were investigated by thioflavin-T based fluorescence emission, transmission electronic microscopy, circular dichroism, light-induced cross-linking, dynamic light scattering, and MTT-based cell viability assays. The results suggest that all components show varied inhibitory effects on the formation of toxic hIAPP amyloids, in which CA shows the highest potency in delaying the conformational transition of the hIAPP molecule with the most prolonged lag time, whereas caffeine shows the lowest potency. At a 5-fold excess molar ratio of compound to hIAPP, all coffee-derived compounds affect the secondary structures of incubated hIAPP as suggested by the circular dichroism spectra and CDPro deconvolution analysis. Further photoinduced cross-linking based oligomerization and dynamic light scattering studies suggested CA and CGA significantly suppressed the formation of hIAPP oligomers, whereas caffeine showed no significant effect on oligomerization. Cell protection effects were also observed for all three compounds, with the protection efficiency being greatest for CA and least for CGA. These findings suggest that the beneficial effects of coffee consumption on T2DM may be partly due to the ability of the major coffee components and metabolites to inhibit the toxic aggregation of hIAPP.





  一项8月15日发表的美国研究表明,咖啡通过杀死可能转化为肿瘤的受损细胞,有助降低罹患皮肤癌风险。   这项研究显示,适量饮用咖啡甚至只将咖啡应用于皮肤,可能对避免患上非黑素瘤有助。   研究人员利用一种受到遗传性转变、抑制ATP蛋白的老鼠做实验,他们发现,这种老鼠即使曝露于紫外线,也能抵御患癌症。   先前研究提出,每天饮用一杯含咖啡因咖啡,可以启动抑制ATP蛋白的效果,继而触发受紫外线