
2012-12-11 JBJS: JBJS:

       许多研究表明吸烟与腰痛、腰椎间盘突出症、患者术后预后不良的风险增加具有关。骨与关节外科杂志(JBJS)2012年12月发表的一项最新研究还发现,患脊柱疾病和相关腰背部疼痛的吸烟者,与在8个月治疗期停止吸烟的脊柱疾病患者相比,不适感更为显著。        几乎所有的成年人都可能在某段时间内因背部疼痛或其





       “我们知道,尼古丁可使疼痛加剧,该项研究发现,如果在治疗过程中戒烟,预后更好;如果继续吸烟,无论接受何种治疗均不能显著改善疼痛症状。如果吸烟,则手术或非手术改善症状的可能性会显著下降。”罗切斯特大学骨科Glenn R. Rechtine博士说。“这项研究发现疼痛性脊柱疾病患者的疼痛改善与戒烟之间存在强相关,腰背痛患者有必要戒烟。” 

Smoking is associated with low back pain, intervertebral disc disease, inferior patient outcomes following surgical interventions, and increased rates of postoperative complications. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of smoking and smoking cessation on pain and disability in patients with painful spinal disorders.
We examined a prospectively maintained database of records for 5333 patients with axial or radicular pain from a spinal disorder with regard to smoking history and the patient assessment of pain on four visual analog scales during the course of care. Confounding factors, including secondary gain, sex, age, and body mass index, were also examined. The mean duration of follow-up was eight months. Multivariate statistical analysis was performed with variables including smoking status, secondary gain status, sex, depression, and age as predictors of pain and disability.
Compared with patients who had never smoked, patients who were current smokers reported significantly greater pain in all visual analog scale pain ratings (p < 0.001). The mean improvement in reported pain over the course of care was significantly different between nonsmokers and current smokers (p <0.001). Compared with patients who had continued to smoke, those who had quit smoking during the course of care reported significantly greater improvement in pain in visual analog scale pain ratings for worst (p = 0.013), current (p < 0.05), and average weekly pain (p = 0.024). The mean improvement in the visual analog scale pain ratings was clinically important in patients in all three groups of nonsmokers. As a group, those who had continued smoking during treatment had no clinically important improvement in reported pain.
Given a strong association between improved patient-reported pain and smoking cessation, this study supports the need for smoking cessation programs for patients with a painful spinal disorder.

评论区 (4)
  1. 2012-12-16 zcf0806




病例讨论: 腰背痛、全身皮肤进行性变硬

来源:中国医学论坛报 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 丁慧华   ■ 病史简介   患者男,58岁,主因“腰背痛伴全身皮肤变硬8年”入院。8年前,患者无明显诱因出现腰背部疼痛,在当地医院行磁共振成像(MRI)检查提示腰椎间盘突出,对症治疗后可缓解。后逐渐出现双手指间、指蹼皮肤发白变硬,伴皮肤紧绷感;双侧肘膝关节屈侧及小腿皮肤变硬紧绷,尚未影响肢体运动;无面部皮疹,关节肿胀、强直,雷诺现象