
2013-07-06 任胜利 MedSci原创

     与博友们分享一下不久前我收到的一份有点特别的审稿意见:这位评审人在审稿意见中首先详细地阐述了结合自己的学术经历所总结的审稿注意事项,并表示“在每一份评审意见中都会将这些内容作为先导,既作为对作者的承诺,也作为对自己的提醒”。1. 基于稿件本身而不是自己的期望来做判断。2. 对研究方法的评判要以作者的假设和合理性作为依据。3. 不要求或暗示作者引用自

1. 基于稿件本身而不是自己的期望来做判断。
2. 对研究方法的评判要以作者的假设和合理性作为依据。
3. 不要求或暗示作者引用自己的工作。
4. 不强求作者采用深奥的统计检验。
5. 不强求作者使用某个特定的研究方法。
6. 不能因为自己的身份作者保密就态度粗鲁。
7. 如果认为稿件不能被录用就不建议作者再重新投稿。
8. 不混淆审稿人与文字加工编辑和校对人员的作用。
9. 不混淆审稿人和审查员的作用。
10. 尽量尊重作者的工作。
Having  experienced my share of bad reviewers, I now include this preamble with every review, both as an assurance to the authors and a reminder to myself. Please note that this is not specific to this paper.

1. I will judge the paper based on what it is, not what I want it to be, or what I would have done.
2. The methods will be judged only based on the hypotheses and rationale. Maybe other methods exist and maybe I would have done it differently, but all that matters is whether the methods are adequate to test the hypotheses.
3. I will not tell you to cite my work, or suggest or ask, or hint.
That is asking for a bribe, or worse, it is extortion. It is completely  unprofessional and an abuse of authority for personal gain. If the paper tests one of my hypotheses or it is a DIRECT derivative of my work and does not cite me, the paper will be deemed to be poorly researched.
However, in most cases authors choose from among many available supporting references, and whether I get cited or not is just the luck of the draw.
4. I will not insist on the use of esoteric statistical tests just because I just learned them or because the latest version of my favourite software now includes them as defaults. But if you use them, I  will ask you to explain them. If your statistics are suitable for your data and hypothesis, then all is fine.
5. In will not insist on the use of specific methods  just because I just bought the equipment and/or my lab or my friend’s lab is the only one that can do those tests (for you). If your methods are suitable to test your hypothesis, then all is fine.
6. I will not be rude simply because my identity is supposedly unknown to you.
The fact that I reviewed this paper means that I probably was NOT one of your suggested/requested reviewers. I usually ask, and if I was requested/suggested, I usually decline. Requesting specific reviewers it is just a way of to seek out biased reviewers.
7. If I would never suggest a paper gets accepted (i.e., if there is something deeply wrong with it), I will not waste your time by suggesting a resubmission. I will not assume you will go back in time and do a different study or change your methods. I am sure that you have better uses for your time machine. Nor will I assume that you have free time to do confirmatory additional experiments. This is the paper. There are 3 options: it is good enough, it can become good enough, or not.
8. I will not confuse the role of a reviewer with that of a copy-editor or proof-reader. BUT in my assessment, I will consider the writing quality and style. I will
not assume you are not a native English speaker just because your prose is not good, nor will I assume the opposite. Bad writing transcends such arbitrary boundaries. I have refused to review papers that are poorly written. It is the editor’s job to ensure the papers are readable before sending them out for review.
9. I will not confuse the role of a reviewer with that of a censor.
10. Mostly, I will do my best to respect the fact that it is YOUR work, and you are responsible for the quality and content. My role is tell the editors whether it is scientifically sound, and whether it is sound or not, to help the authors make it better. My comments to the authors are only meant to be suggestions for improvement, NOT conditions for publication. 
Having said all that, I have the following comments about this paper: ......


评论区 (2)
  1. 2014-01-07 sedesmd





MedSci经验补充: 实际上审稿人意见误读文章有很多原因,常见包括: 1 故意误读。可能是因为你做的内容与该审稿人研究的内容完全一致!因此,一方面他可以提出一些几乎不可能完成的疑问(补那些不可能完成的实验),或拖延你的文章发表。这种情况确实有的。 2 无意误读。虽然是同一领域,但是审稿人对文章的方法等未必了解,有可能认为文章中某些地方不可靠,或没有价值。 3 真的将意思看反了或看错了。往




论文投稿自然是希望发表,进而达到知识储存、传播与交流的目的。遗憾的是,论文投稿过程往往充满艰辛,不经修改便可接受的情形并不多见。若能遇上要求小修改,便是十分幸运了。大修改后重审、直接拒稿、甚至不送审,其实是经常会遇到的情况。 严厉的审稿意见一般可分为三种情况:1)审稿人明察秋毫、准确地指出论文存在的严重不足或错误;2)审稿人误判;3)审稿人的偏见或不良心态导致错判。一般说来,第三种情况至少不是主流


对于minor revise,怎么回答意见已经不是决定性的问题了。这个时候再被拒稿那是非常偶然的事情。但是对于major revise,还是得非常认真地回复审稿意见以及修改文章。毕竟修改后被拒的文章也不在少数。那么在回复审稿意见的时候应该注意什么呢? 首先,用诚恳的态度回答问题是至关重要的。要记得,审稿人都是白干活不拿工钱的。这种共产主义精神已经很少见了。所以在措辞上一定要尊重他们。即使有的

如何应对审稿人的各种Comments and Judgements

从念博士,毕业,到现在成为一名教师,我发觉至少有1/4时间是在与各个审稿人的Comments and Judgements进行各种周旋(是不是很无聊?)。除非这辈子发横财,不干教师这个行当了,估计还需要提高本领和审稿人们继续周旋下去。同时做过20来个期刊的审稿人,提出过不少刁钻的问题。既然斗争和被斗争了6年多,自然积累了一些阶级斗争的经验,先总结如下(SCI论文老手们就别看下去了): (1)审


    工作16年了,陆陆续续发了20多篇论文,数量偏少,有的实在不怎么样,有的还行,没有突出的,不过都是自己的心血。    所以就被审稿了几十次,到后来我也会扮演审稿人角色。这10年下来,其中最大的感慨有两点:1、中外期刊,审稿人包容性差别较大;2、熟人和竞争对手审稿,差别蛮大。第二点相信好多人有过感受。我2006年投一篇化学杀雄的稿件