Eur Heart J :欧洲地区心脏病死亡率下降

2013-07-03 刘石磊 新华社

英国研究人员近日报告说,上世纪80年代以来,欧洲心脏病死亡率普遍下降,一些国家的降幅甚至超过50%,但较年轻的心脏病患者死亡率降幅小于其他年龄段。 英国牛津大学的研究人员在英国新一期《欧洲心脏病学杂志》上报告说,他们调查了欧洲地区1980年至2009年心脏病死亡率的情况。结果发现,从国家来看,丹麦、荷兰、瑞典和英国的心脏病整体死亡率下降最多。但从年龄段来看,45岁以下较年轻的心脏病患者死亡率近年





European Heart Journal

Eur Heart J  doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/eht159

Trends in age-specific coronary heart disease mortality in the European Union over three decades: 1980–2009

Melanie Nichols, Nick Townsend, Peter Scarborough and Mike Rayner

Aims Recent decades have seen very large declines in coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality across most of Europe, partly due to declines in risk factors such as smoking. Cardiovascular diseases (predominantly CHD and stroke), remain, however, the main cause of death in most European countries, and many risk factors for CHD, particularly obesity, have been increasing substantially over the same period. It is hypothesized that observed reductions in CHD mortality have occurred largely within older age groups, and that rates in younger groups may be plateauing or increasing as the gains from reduced smoking rates are increasingly cancelled out by increasing rates of obesity and diabetes. The aim of this study was to examine sex-specific trends in CHD mortality between 1980 and 2009 in the European Union (EU) and compare trends between adult age groups.

Methods Sex-specific data from the WHO global mortality database were analysed using the joinpoint software to examine trends and significant changes in trends in age-standardized mortality rates. Specific age groups analysed were: under 45, 45–54, 55–64, and 65 years and over. The number and location of significant joinpoints for each country by sex and age group was determined (maximum of 3) using a log-linear model, and the annual percentage change within each segment calculated. Average annual percentage change overall (1980–2009) and separately for each decade were calculated with respect to the underlying joinpoint model.

Results Recent CHD rates are now less than half what they were in the early 1980s in many countries, in younger adult age groups as well as in the population overall. Trends in mortality rates vary markedly between EU countries, but less so between age groups and sexes within countries. Fifteen countries showed evidence of a recent plateauing of trends in at least one age group for men, as did 12 countries for women. This did not, however, appear to be any more common in younger age groups compared with older adults. There was little evidence to support the hypothesis that mortality rates have recently begun to plateau in younger age groups in the EU as a whole, although such plateaus and even a small number of increases in CHD mortality in younger subpopulations were observed in a minority of countries.

Conclusion There is limited evidence to support the hypothesis that CHD mortality rates in younger age groups in the member states of the EU have been more likely to plateau than in older age groups. There are, however, substantial and persistent inequalities between countries. It remains vitally important for the whole EU to monitor and work towards reducing preventable risk factors for CHD and other chronic conditions to promote wellbeing and equity across the region.


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最新研究显示,较大剂量的常用非甾体抗炎药物(NSAIDs)增加主要血管不良事件的风险高达1/3左右,这些事件包括非致死性的心脏病发作、卒中和死亡,其中主要风险为心脏病发作风险。这项研究在线发表在Lancet官网上。 一直以来,NSAIDs是治疗炎症性疾病如风湿性关节炎所致疼痛症状的基石,并成为世界范围内应用最为广泛的药物。早先的一些研究提示,NSAIDs的使用可能导致严重胃肠道并发症的风险增加。


日前,一项最新研究表明,秃顶男比不秃顶的男子面临更大的心脏病风险。脱发年龄越年轻,问题越大。 研究者发现,患有严重脱发的男性比不秃顶的男性患有冠状动脉疾病的机率高三成三。但是这个发现仅适用于那些头顶上脱发的人。发际线在太阳穴附近渐渐上移的人并无风险。 研究还发现,年轻时就开始脱发的男性风险更大。他们脱发越多,患有心脏病的可能性越大。尽管何种因素引起了秃顶和心脏病之间的关联尚不明朗,但研究者们说

JAMA Intern Med:吃素比吃肉更长寿

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  据英国《卫报》网站6月29日报道,研究发现,一种数百万人服用过的非处方止痛药会大大增加中风和心脏病突发风险。因此,卫生官员建议有心脏问题的患者不要使用该止痛药。   英国药物和保健产品监管署(MHRA)表示,如果病人有潜在的心脏疾患如心力衰竭、心脏病或血液循环问题,或者曾经有过中风和心脏病突发病史,都不应该再服用双氯芬酸止痛。   2011年在《公共科学图书馆·医学》杂志发表的研究