PLoS Biol:通过选择性作用进化出肠道有益微生物

2013-07-27 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,刊登在国际杂志PLOS Biology上的一篇研究报告中,来自牛津大学的研究者揭示了,动物,包括人类,都可以积极地选择肠道微生物来作为机体的“伙伴”,并且用机体分泌的营养物来供给肠道微生物。 研究者开发了一种进化型的计算机模型,用以指示动物肠道微生物和肠道上皮细胞之间的相互作用,这种模型可以揭示缓慢生长的有益细菌快速缺失的过程以及其需要通过宿主分泌的营养物所维持生命,不然特异的营养物质可以

近日,刊登在国际杂志PLOS Biology上的一篇研究报告中,来自牛津大学的研究者揭示了,动物,包括人类,都可以积极地选择肠道微生物来作为机体的“伙伴”,并且用机体分泌的营养物来供给肠道微生物。





编译自:Beneficial Microbes Are 'Selected and Nurtured' in the Human Gut


The Evolution of Mutualism in Gut Microbiota Via Host Epithelial Selection

Jonas Schluter1,2*, Kevin R. Foster1,2*

The human gut harbours a large and genetically diverse population of symbiotic microbes that both feed and protect the host. Evolutionary theory, however, predicts that such genetic diversity can destabilise mutualistic partnerships. How then can the mutualism of the human microbiota be explained? Here we develop an individual-based model of host-associated microbial communities. We first demonstrate the fundamental problem faced by a host: The presence of a genetically diverse microbiota leads to the dominance of the fastest growing microbes instead of the microbes that are most beneficial to the host. We next investigate the potential for host secretions to influence the microbiota. This reveals that the epithelium–microbiota interface acts as a selectivity amplifier: Modest amounts of moderately selective epithelial secretions cause a complete shift in the strains growing at the epithelial surface. This occurs because of the physical structure of the epithelium–microbiota interface: Epithelial secretions have effects that permeate upwards through the whole microbial community, while lumen compounds preferentially affect cells that are soon to slough off. Finally, our model predicts that while antimicrobial secretion can promote host epithelial selection, epithelial nutrient secretion will often be key to host selection. Our findings are consistent with a growing number of empirical papers that indicate an influence of host factors upon microbiota, including growth-promoting glycoconjugates. We argue that host selection is likely to be a key mechanism in the stabilisation of the mutualism between a host and its microbiota.



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研究人员研发出了一种改进了的、用来分析在我们肠道中和平相处的细菌群落的技术,这使得他们能够对这些细菌群落随着时间的推移而呈现的稳定性有所了解。对于为了长期的健康干预而用这些多样的微生物作为标靶而言,定义人类肠道微生物群落的稳定性是至关重要的。然而,科学家们对有关这些微生物株在我们肠道中是多么难以撼动却知之甚少。现在,Jeremiah J. Faith及其同事研发出了一种测序方法来准确追踪这