Am J Clin Nutr:钙摄入和个体冠状动脉钙化并无关联

2013-05-06 T.Shen 生物谷

近日,来自哈佛医学院的研究者通过研究揭示了,钙摄入和冠状动脉钙化并不关系,这就告知那些以补充钙质来增加骨质健康的成人,并不用担心自身血管钙化的问题。相关研究成果于11月7日刊登于国际杂志American Journal of Clinical Nutrition上。 冠状动脉钙化得分可以表现出心脏中钙化斑堵塞动脉的严重程度,同时也是心脏病发作的毒力指示器。研究者Elizabeth (Lisa)

近日,来自哈佛医学院的研究者通过研究揭示了,钙摄入和冠状动脉钙化并不关系,这就告知那些以补充钙质来增加骨质健康的成人,并不用担心自身血管钙化的问题。相关研究成果于11月7日刊登于国际杂志American Journal of Clinical Nutrition上。

冠状动脉钙化得分可以表现出心脏中钙化斑堵塞动脉的严重程度,同时也是心脏病发作的毒力指示器。研究者Elizabeth (Lisa) Samelson说,这项研究揭示了在钙摄入和老年人动脉粥样硬化指示之间的关系,食物或者添加物中高剂量的钙质摄入并不会增加冠状动脉钙化的风险。




编译自:No Link Found Between Calcium Intake and Coronary Artery Calcification


Calcium intake is not associated with increased coronary artery calcification: the Framingham Study

Elizabeth J Samelson, Sarah L Booth, Caroline S Fox, Katherine L Tucker, Thomas J Wang, Udo Hoffmann, L Adrienne Cupples, Christopher J O'Donnell, and Douglas P Kiel

Background: Adequate calcium intake is known to protect the skeleton. However, studies that have reported adverse effects of calcium supplementation on vascular events have raised widespread concern. Objective: We assessed the association between calcium intake (from diet and supplements) and coronary artery calcification, which is a measure of atherosclerosis that predicts risk of ischemic heart disease independent of other risk factors. Design: This was an observational, prospective cohort study. Participants included 690 women and 588 men in the Framingham Offspring Study (mean age: 60 y; range: 36–83 y) who attended clinic visits and completed food-frequency questionnaires in 1998–2001 and underwent computed tomography scans 4 y later in 2002–2005. Results: The mean age-adjusted coronary artery–calcification Agatston score decreased with increasing total calcium intake, and the trend was not significant after adjustment for age, BMI, smoking, alcohol consumption, vitamin D–supplement use, energy intake, and, for women, menopause status and estrogen use. Multivariable-adjusted mean Agatston scores were 2.36, 2.52, 2.16, and 2.39 (P-trend = 0.74) with an increasing quartile of total calcium intake in women and 4.32, 4.39, 4.19, and 4.37 (P-trend = 0.94) in men, respectively. Results were similar for dietary calcium and calcium supplement use. Conclusions: Our study does not support the hypothesis that high calcium intake increases coronary artery calcification, which is an important measure of atherosclerosis burden. The evidence is not sufficient to modify current recommendations for calcium intake to protect skeletal health with respect to vascular calcification risk.




Diabetes Care:脂肪肝和胰岛素抵抗与冠脉钙化相关

  非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFLD)常与胰岛素抵抗(IR)并存,但二者是否与动脉粥样硬化独立相关并不明确。近期一项研究发现,脂肪肝和胰岛素抵抗均与冠状动脉钙化独立相关。研究于7月24日在线发表于《糖尿病护理》(Diabetes Care)杂志。   该研究涉及10153例韩国人群,受试者接受超声检查脂肪肝和心脏CT评估冠状动脉钙化(CAC)评分。IR定义为稳态模型胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR)≥第7


    德国学者的一项研究表明,在中、低血管风险个体中,冠状动脉钙化(CAC)为经典危险因素之外的卒中独立预测因子。论文于2013年2月28日在线发表于《卒中》(Stroke)。   此项研究从基于人群的Heinz Nixdorf Recall研究中纳入4180例受试者。受试者既往无卒中、冠心病或心肌梗死病史,并就卒中事件接受94.9±19.4月的随访评估。利用C