Cancer Discov:小细胞肺癌对烷基化药物的耐药机制被发现

2022-09-06 MedSci原创 MedSci原创

小细胞肺癌 (SCLC) 约占肺癌的 15%,是一种高度恶性且几乎均致命的疾病。迄今为止,尚无针对 SCLC 的靶向治疗获批,该病仍通常采用常规化疗进行治疗。在过去的几十年中,一线铂类化疗(顺铂或卡铂

小细胞肺癌 (SCLC) 约占肺癌的 15%,是一种高度恶性且几乎均致命的疾病。迄今为止,尚无针对 SCLC 的靶向治疗获批,该病仍通常采用常规化疗进行治疗。在过去的几十年中,一线铂类化疗(顺铂或卡铂联合依托泊苷)取代了先前在 SCLC 中使用的基于烷基化的化疗(环磷酰胺 + 多柔比星 + 长春新碱),因为毒性较低,但疗效不佳。有趣的是,铂类和烷基化化疗的组合可能会提高 SCLC 的无进展生存期。值得注意的是,基于烷基化的化学疗法在初始治疗失败后仍然经常使用,而使用烷基化剂的联合疗法仍在 SCLC 的研究中。此外,尽管这两种方案都不可避免地导致获得性耐药,但研究表明,烷化化疗在对铂类药物耐药的 SCLC 中仍然具有一定的疗效,而反之则不然。无论如何,SCLC 患者的全身治疗在过去几十年中没有显著变化,基于顺铂和烷基化方案的疗效仍然不足,5 年生存率低于 7%。事实上,SCLC 最初对一线治疗很敏感,但大多数患者会因化疗耐药疾病迅速复发,并且由于缺乏替代治疗选择而很少存活超过一年。因此,更好地了解驱动治疗耐药的分子机制具有重要的临床意义,并且对于开发和改进对 SCLC 有效的新疗法是必要的。




为了研究 SMYD3 在 SCLC 中的影响,研究者将观察范围扩大到患者来源的肿瘤异种移植物和小鼠模型。使用这些模型,发现 SMYD3 的基因缺失或药理学抑制使癌细胞对烷基化治疗剂敏感。为了破译 SMYD3 在 SCLC 中的相关分子机制,研究者进行了生化筛选,将 E3-泛素连接酶 RING 指蛋白 113A (RNF113A) 鉴定为一种新的底物。值得注意的是,RNF113A 最近被描述为对去烷基化修复中激活信号协整复合体 (ASCC) 的功能至关重要 (19, 20)。生化分析表明 RNF113A 活性受烷基化损伤反应的磷酸化调节。我们的蛋白质组学分析表明,SMYD3 介导的 RNF113A 甲基化阻止了磷酸酶 PP4 的结合,维持 RNF113A 的活性以维持其在烷基化损伤反应中的作用。最后,我们观察到具有活性 SMYD3-RNF113A 信号传导的细胞对 DNA 烷基化损伤的抵抗力更强。因此,这项工作通过促进由 RNF113A E3 连接酶活性升高诱导的脱烷基化修复途径,揭示了 SCLC 中细胞对基于烷基化的化学疗法的耐受的新机制。研究者提出了将 SMYD3 靶向作为克服 SCLC 耐药性发展的新策略的基本原理。

SMYD3 is a candidate regulator of SCLC susceptibility to alkylating chemotherapy. A, Synthetic lethality screening using a library composed of 285 characterized inhibitors, testing H209 SCLC cell sensitivity to alkylation damage by preactivated form of CP (4H-CP). Data represent the relative growth of H209 cells treated with a combination of 4H-CP (2.5 μmol/L) and different inhibitors (1 μmol/L each) compared with 4H-CP only (see Supplementary Table S1 and detailed description in the Methods). B,SMYD3 expression in different histologic subtypes of human lung cancer (GSE30219). The box plots show the distribution of SMYD3 expression in indicated lung cancer subtypes: lung squamous cell carcinomas (LUSC; n = 61), lung adenocarcinomas (LUAC; n = 85), large cell neuroendocrine tumors (LCNE; n = 56), SCLC (n = 20), and in adjacent normal lung tissue (n = 14). P values were calculated using the Kruskal−Wallis test. C, Representative IHC staining of SMYD3 in normal human lung (n = 8) and tumor biopsies obtained from patients with confirmed SCLC (n = 24). A magnification is provided. All 24 analyzed SCLC biopsies showed positive nuclear and cytoplasmic SMYD3 staining with H-score >180 in 20 samples and H-score >100 in 4 samples. Scale bars, 50 μm. D, Analysis of DMS-114 SCLC cell line growth response to increasing concentrations of 4H-CP with or without SMYD3i (EPZ031686) at the indicated concentrations. The percentage of viable cells was normalized to control vehicle-treated cells. P values were calculated by two-way ANOVA with the Tukey test for multiple comparisons. Data are represented as nonlinear regression with mean ± SEM. E, Quantification of 4H-CP and SMYD3i combination treatment synergy using the Loewe model. Loewe synergy score was calculated from DMS-114 cell survival assays (as in D, SynergyFinder 2.0). F, Schematic of xenografts and CP treatment schedule using SCLC H1092 cells modified to express a control nontargeting sgRNA (sgControl) or a Cas9/sgRNA targeting SMYD3 (sgSMYD3) complemented or not using either WT or F183 inactive mutant SMYD3, or treated with SMYD3i (EPZ031686). The cells were grafted subcutaneously to immunocompromised NOD. SCID-IL2Rg−/− (NSG) mice. G, Quantification of H1092 xenograft tumor volume (n = 5 mice, for each treatment group) is shown. Animals in control groups received placebo (vehicle) treatment. values were calculated by two-way ANOVA with Tukey testing for multiple comparisons. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. H, Quantification of H1092 xenograft tumor volume (n = 5 mice, for each treatment group) is shown. P values were calculated by two-way ANOVA with Tukey testing for multiple comparisons. Data are represented as mean ± SEM. In all panels, representative of at least three independent experiments is shown unless stated otherwise.
图:SMYD3 is a candidate regulator of SCLC susceptibility to alkylating chemotherapy. 
RNF113A is a phosphoprotein and its methylation repels the phosphatase PP4. A, SILAC quantitative proteomics analysis of proteins that interact with RNF113A K20me0 and RNF113A K20me3 peptides. Data represent two independent experiments (forward and reverse directions). Proteins are plotted by their SILAC ratios in the forward (x-axis) and reverse (y-axis) experiments. Specific interactors of RNF113A K20me0 reside in the lower left quadrant. The four PP4 complex subunits are circled in blue. L/H, light over heavy fraction ratio. B, 293T cell extracts ectopically expressing HA-tagged PPP4R3a and PPP4c subunits were used for pulldowns with the indicated RNF113A peptides, followed by immunoblot analysis using the indicated antibodies. C, Immunoblot analysis of endogenous PPP4R3A following pulldowns with indicated RNF113A peptides using SCLC DMS-114 cell extract. D, Immunoblot analysis of recombinant PPP4R3A following pulldowns with the indicated RNF113A peptides. E, Immunoblot analysis of endogenous PPP4R3A pulldown using GST labeled recombinant RNF113A WT, K20A, K20R, and K20F mutants. F, Phosphorylation-dependent mobility shift of RNF113A on SDS-PAGE immunoblotting (indicated by arrows). HeLa cell extracts were treated with λ phosphatase (λ PPase), FastAP thermosensitive alkaline phosphatase (Fast AP), or calf intestinal alkaline phosphatase (CIP). Ku80 was used as a loading control. G, Identification of potential RNF113A phosphorylation sites based on the Phosphosite Plus references (y-axis) and confirmed by two independent mass spectrometry analyses (underlined residues; see also Supplementary Table S4). The schematic shows the sequence surrounding the methylated K20 and PPP4R3a binding motif (FxxP). Summary of phosphorylation and methylation site mutants of RNF113A generated in this study (bottom). H, Immunoblot confirmation of phosphorylation-dependent mobility shift of the indicated RNF113A mutants expressed in HeLa cells with or without CIP treatment. Ku80 was used as a loading control. I, Immunoblot analysis of RNF113A dephosphorylation assays using HA-RNF113A purified from HeLa cells, with either FastAP or PP4 phosphatases treatment followed by immunoblot analysis using a phospho-CDK-consensus motif antibody. In all panels, representative of at least three independent experiments is shown unless stated otherwise. The numbers below the immunoblot lines represent the relative signal quantification (see also Supplementary Table S5).

图:RNF113A is a phosphoprotein and its methylation repels the phosphatase PP4.

这些数据表明,RNF113A 是一种磷酸调节的 E3 连接酶,它在烷基化损伤时被特异性激活。 此外,这些数据表明 RNF113A 的 E3 连接酶活性受磷酸化调节,并且 SMYD3 介导的甲基化阻断 PP4 并诱导更高的 RNF113A 磷酸化水平。

RNF113A regulation affects its function in DNA dealkylation repair. A, Representative images of MMS-induced ASCC3 foci in shSMYD3 or shControl U2OS cells with or without prior MMS. Foci were monitored by immunofluorescent staining of ASCC3 (left) and the DNA damage marker γH2A.X (right). B, Quantification of ASCC3 foci formation from A. A minimum of 100 cells were quantified for each experimental condition. P values were calculated by a two-tailed unpaired Student t test, and error bars represent mean ± SD. C, Representative images of MMS-induced ASCC3 foci as in A in U2OS cells reconstituted with either RNF113A WT or K20F mutant after endogenous RNF113A knockdown by shRNA (shRNF113A). D, Quantification of ASCC3 foci formation from C. A minimum of 100 cells were counted for each experimental condition. P values were calculated by two-tailed unpaired Student t test, and error bars represent mean ± SD. E, Engineered HeLa cell viability assays using different concentrations of 4H-CP. Cells were stably transduced with inducible shRNA RNF113A (shRNF113A) and reconstituted with either WT RNF113A or the K20F mutant. The percentage of viable cells under each condition was normalized to untreated cells. Each condition represents the mean of three technical replicates from two independent experiments. P values were calculated by two-way ANOVA with Tukey testing for multiple comparisons. Data are represented as nonlinear regression with mean ± SEM. F, Immunoblots with indicated antibodies of cell lysates as in E with or without MMS treatment for the indicated duration and with or without the indicated recovery duration. G, Neutral comet assays depicting DNA double-stranded break repair in engineered HeLa cells as in F with representative examples of comet tails (top) and Olive moment quantification (bottom). A minimum of 150 comets were analyzed for each condition. P values were calculated by two-way ANOVA with the Tukey test for multiple comparisons. Data are represented as median with 95% CI. H, Model of SMYD3 participation in coordinating SCLC response to alkylating therapy through RNF113A methylation. In SCLC overexpressing SMYD3 (left), RNF113A activation leads to efficient dealkylation repair by ASCC and loss of cancer sensitivity to alkylation-based chemotherapy. Specific SMYD3 inhibition allows for RNF113A inactivation by PP4 and prevents RNF113A-mediated alkylation damage response, leading to sustained tumor growth inhibition by alkylating chemotherapy (right). In all panels, representative of at least three independent experiments is shown unless stated otherwise. The numbers below the immunoblot lines represent the relative signal quantification (see also Supplementary Table S5).

图:RNF113A regulation affects its function in DNA dealkylation repair.


有趣的是,我们发现 SMYD3 和 RNF113A 在最近表征的四种 SCLC 亚型之间都有相似的表达。 因此,靶向该途径可能适用于所有 SCLC 亚型,并且所描述的途径很可能参与观察到 SMYD3 过表达的其他肿瘤环境。 由于癌症发展为抵抗抗肿瘤治疗的多种逃逸途径,通常需要将细胞毒性化学疗法与一种或多种靶向疗法相结合。 这里确定的新机制为 SMYD3 抑制剂的治疗用途提供了基本原理,以减轻烷基化化疗在 SCLC 患者一线或二线治疗中的疗效。

该研究的共同第一作者Nima Mosammaparast说:“我们正在与其他一些团体讨论尽快开始一期临床试验。小细胞肺癌患者迫切需要更好的治疗方法,我对这里的可能性感到非常兴奋。”


Lukinović V, Hausmann S, Roth GS, Oyeniran C, Ahmad T, Tsao N, Brickner JR, Casanova AG, Chuffart F, Benitez AM, Vayr J, Rodell R, Tardif M, Jansen PWTC, Couté Y, Vermeulen M, Hainaut P, Mazur PK, Mosammaparast N, Reynoird N.SMYD3 Impedes Small Cell Lung Cancer Sensitivity to Alkylation Damage through RNF113A Methylation-Phosphorylation Cross-talk.Cancer Discov. 2022 Sep 2;12(9):2158-2179. doi: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-21-0205.PMID: 35819319


评论区 (4)
  1. 2023-01-03 仁医06
  2. 2022-09-07 小小医者

    #小细胞肺癌#这项研究值得后续进行药物开发,包括针对E3泛素化的降解的#PROTAC#类药物开发,以及针对#SMYD3# 和 RNF113A#靶点#的药物开发,可能都具有一定的潜力。




非小细胞肺癌 (NSCLC) 患者的5年平均生存率约为15%, 超过70%的NSCLC被诊断为晚期, 不适合传统的放化疗。近年来, 肿瘤免疫治疗取得一系列突破, 免疫检测点抑制剂 (Immune ch





Lancet Oncol:小细胞肺癌颅内转移后的放疗选择



小细胞肺癌也有TNM分期,详细地将小细胞肺癌分为了I-IV期,但临床上更习惯应用的分期是AJCC TNM分期方法与VALG二期分期法相结合,将小细胞肺癌分为局限期和广泛期。

