
2013-05-17 佚名 北京青年报

  一项对老鼠进行的实验发现,同时吃西红柿、黄豆食品,比单吃这两种食物更能防前列腺癌。   发表于最近出版的《癌症预防研究》期刊上的这项研究称,这项实验是用基因工程让老鼠很容易出现侵袭性前列腺癌。结果发现,食用西红柿与黄豆的老鼠中,有一半老鼠到实验结束都没有出现癌症病变。与此相比,没有吃黄豆制品,也没有吃西红柿的老鼠最后全部患了前列腺癌。   这些实验鼠从4周大到18周大不等,美国伊利诺伊大学







Soy and tomato combination may help fight prostate cancer
Tomatoes and soy foods may be more effective in preventing prostate cancer when they are eaten together than when either is eaten alone, said a University of Illinois study.
“In our study, we used mice that were genetically engineered to develop an aggressive form of prostate cancer. Even so, half the animals that had consumed tomato and soy had no cancerous lesions in the prostate at study’s end. All the mice in the control group – no soy, no tomato – developed the disease,” said John Erdman, a U of I professor of food science and nutrition.
From the time they were four to 18 weeks old, the animals were fed one of four diets: (1) 10% whole tomato powder; (2) 2% soy germ; (3) tomato powder plus soy germ; and (4) a control group that ate neither tomato nor soy.
“Eating tomato, soy, and the combination all significantly reduced prostate cancer incidence. But the combination gave us the best results. Only 45% of mice fed both foods developed the disease compared to 61% in the tomato group, and 66% in the soy group,” he said.
Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men, but the disease has nearly a 100% survival rate if it’s caught early. In older men, it is often a slow-growing cancer, and these men often choose watchful waiting over radiation and surgical treatments that have unwelcome side effects, said Krystle Zuniga, co-author of the paper.
Soy isoflavone serum and prostate levels in the mice are similar to those found in Asian men who consume one to two servings of soy daily. In countries where soy is eaten regularly, prostate cancer occurs at significantly lower levels, Erdman noted.
How much soy and tomato should a 55-year-old man concerned about prostate health eat in order to receive these benefits?
“The results of the mouse study suggest that three to four servings of tomato productsper week and one to two servings of soy foods daily could protect against prostate cancer,” Zuniga said.
According to the scientists, these findings reinforce the recommendation that we should all eat a wide variety of whole fruits and vegetables.
“It’s better to eat a whole tomato than to take a lycopene supplement. It’s better to drink soy milk than to take soy isoflavones. When you eat whole foods, you expose yourself to the entire array of cancer-fighting, bioactive components in these foods,” Erdman said.
The researcher’s whole-food recommendation is bolstered by the way soy germ performed in this study. He noted that soy germ has a very different isoflavone profilethan the rest of the soybean.
“Of the isoflavones, genistein gets most of the attention. But soy germ is very high in the other isoflavones, daidzein and glycitein, and low in genistein,” he said.
It was interesting for the scientists to see that the soy product they used, although low in genistein, was still very effective at reducing cancer incidence.




Nature Communications:前列腺癌干细胞发生DNA重排导致癌症复发

在一项新的研究中,英国约克大学科学家们发现促进前列腺癌产生的驱动力:从人前列腺癌中提取出的干细胞发生DNA重排(DNA re-alignment)从而诱导癌症产生.这就为开发出靶向前列腺癌干细胞(prostate cancer stem cell)的药物奠定基础,同时也有望开发出更加有效的疗法来抵抗这种疾病的根源.相关研究结果于2013年3月27日发表在Nature Communications期

Radiother Oncol:放疗在乳腺癌和前列腺癌患者中的使用有上升趋势

本文旨在确定放疗的特点和其随时间变化的趋势。为未来治疗方案的设计和确定适应的治疗人群收集相关数据,并为合理应用放疗进行临床审计。来自西班牙Reina Sofia大学医院的Palacios Eito A等进行了相关研究,其结果发表在Radiother Oncol 11月的期刊上。 研究者共分析了在1998年至2008年期间9782名接受治疗的患者的数据。研究者对患者的病理结果、社会/人口学特征进行


在一项研究中,来自英国约克大学和赫尔大学的研究人员发现维生素A能够有助于治疗和阻止前列腺癌扩散.相关研究结果于2013年4月15日在线发表在Oncogenesis期刊上,论文标题为"Retinoic acid represses invasion and stem cell phenotype by induction of the metastasis suppressors RARRES1 a


睡眠不好会让人精神不振,注意力无法集中,但睡眠不好的影响远不止这些。一项最新研究显示,睡眠不好或许还会增加男性罹患前列腺癌的风险。近日,冰岛大学研究人员在美国《癌症流行病学、生物标志和预防》(Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention)期刊上报告说,睡眠问题损害健康已成为现代社会的普遍问题。比如,此前有研究发现,睡眠不好的女性罹患乳腺癌的风险高


1、不推荐对40岁以下男性行常规PSA筛查(证据级别C级)。此年龄范围的人群前列腺癌临床检出率较低,没有证据说明筛查获益,风险较其他年龄组相当。 2、不推荐对发生前列癌一般风险的40-54岁的人群行常规PSA筛查(证据级别C级)。对于55岁以下前列腺癌高风险的人群(如有阳性家族史,非洲裔美国人),是否需要前列腺癌筛查需要个体化决策。 3、对于55-69岁人群,PSA筛查需衡量风险和获益。获益为


     橙剂(Agent Orange):一种高效除草剂,因其容器的标志条纹为橙色,故名“橙剂”。该物品中含有一种化学毒物——二氧芑(dioxin,即通常所说的二恶英)化合物。越南战争期间美军用低空慢速飞行的飞机喷洒于被判断为共产党武装人员藏身之地的森林、丛林和其他植被上,使树木等植物落叶。   波特兰退伍军人行政医疗中心、俄勒冈医科大学的Mark Garzotto博士的