
2013-05-03 Europace 丁香园



为进一步明确存在非手术相关低电压区右房房速患者的电生理特征及射频消融的长期疗效,Wieczorek M等近来在Europace上发表了一篇临床研究,该研究详细描述了患者的临床及心电生理特征,并在射频消融后进行了长期的随访。

该研究分析了作者单位的327例进行射频消融的房速患者,其中7例为存在非手术相关低电压区右房房速,所有患者术中均进行了仔细的右心房标测,成功消融后进行了长期随访。结果显示:所有7例患者中共存在17种房速类型,5例患者存在右心房游离壁大面积低电压区,另外2例为房间隔疤痕。4例患者存在围绕疤痕的折返,2例患者存在穿过间隔的通道。射频消融的部位包括三尖瓣与下腔静脉的峡部,下腔静脉与疤痕区域的连接处、疤痕内的通道及左心房二尖瓣峡部。所有患者的平均随访时间的34个月,    其中4例患者无房性心律失常再发作,两例存在房间隔疤痕的患者均出现了左心房房速,并需要再次消融,1例患者出现了疤痕相关的右心房房扑。



Right atrial tachycardias related to regions of low-voltage myocardium in patients without prior cardiac surgery: catheter ablation and follow-up results.
There are only few descriptions of patients without prior cardiac surgery in whom a large low-voltage zone (LVZ) or scar is the electrophysiological substrate for various atrial tachycardias. We describe the electrophysiological and electroanatomic characteristics of unusual macroreentrant atrial tachycardias (MRATs) in seven patients with spontaneous right atrial (RA) scarring and present long-term follow-up results.
In 7 of 326 patients with MRAT treated with radiofrequency ablation we detected regions of RA spontaneous LVZ or scarring during conventional mapping of the arrhythmia. They underwent electroanatomic mapping and catheter ablation of the spontaneous and further induced arrhythmias with a long-term follow-up. A total of 17 different atrial tachycardias were observed with typical atrial flutter in four patients. In five patients a LVZ was found in the RA free wall and two patients had a septal scar. Stable circuits were around the scar or LVZ in four patients and through a 'channel' within the scar in two. Radiofrequency ablation sites included the cavotricuspid isthmus for typical atrial flutter, between the inferior vena cava and scar, a channel in the scar or the left atrial (LA) mitral isthmus. During follow-up of 34 ± 5 months, four patients were free from atrial tachycardias. Both patients with a septal RA scar developed LA tachycardias, requiring further catheter ablation. One patient presented with a novel type of atypical scar-related RA flutter.
Mapping and ablation of scar-related RA tachycardias is an effective treatment but does not preclude the development of further tachycardias, some of them arising from the LA during long-term follow-up.


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