
2022-05-27 Comer Comer



Michael E. Msall,MD




王师尧医师  中儿儿科培训策划, 中儿责任编辑, 新加坡儿科急诊科     

石应珊医师  中儿创始人及培训总策划, 芝加哥大学Comer儿童医院普儿科  









分娩期间的并发症在科学上与自闭症不相关。人们越来越认识到早产和小于胎龄儿的患自闭症的风险会增加。与自闭症相关的主要已知病因包括 苯丙酮尿症、结节性硬化症、先天性风疹、脆性 X 综合症和严重早产儿视网膜病变。   






社交媒体上应该已流传开, 自闭症是由不良的养育方式, 任何健康问题, 产前暴露或母亲无法控制的状况引起。






自闭症不是由疫苗、食物过敏或乳糜泻引起的。自闭症的最佳治疗方法是建立在儿童优势上的特别教育计划, 提供家庭支持,并全面解决交流、社交和行为方面的挑战。所有孩子都受益于个体关注、户外活动、音乐和露营。所有成年人都受益于私人培训、度假和有人倾听。








Autism is a mental illness.


Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder  that affects understanding and use of language, complex behavioral  regulation, and social skills.


Autism is caused by problems during labor  and delivery.


Complications during labor and delivery  have not been scientifically linked to autism. There is  increased recognition that preterm  birth  and  small for   gestational  age  status   increase  the  risks   for autism. Major known etiologies associated with autism include PKU,  tuberous sclerosis, congenital rubella, fragile X, and severe ROP.


Children with autism can not learn.


All children with autism learn. They have  strengths in motor skills, fine motor manipulative skills, non-verbal  intelligence, and basic adaptive skills.   There is a range of communicative, cognitive, and complex adaptive  abilities in children with autism.  


Autism is caused by poor parenting and  any health event, prenatal exposure or things beyond maternal control should  be widely disseminated in social media    .


Autism is a neurobiological disorder  whereby brain systems integrating language, complex learning, and social  communication are impaired. Understanding brain connectivity is an area of  vigorous scientific exploration.


Experimental alternative medical  treatments involving avoidance of vaccines, specialized diets, megavitamins,  and natural therapies can cure autism.


Autism is not caused by vaccines, food  allergies or celiac disease. The best treatments for autism are special educational  programs that build on a child’s strengths, provide family supports, and  comprehensively address communicative, social, and behavior challenges. All  children benefit from individual attention, playing outdoors, music, and  going to camp. All adults benefit from personal trainers, going on vacation,  and having someone who listens.


There is no role for pediatric medicine  for children with autism.


All children require a medical home that  assesses health and development that collaborates with medical subspecialists  to monitor sensory, neurological, and medical conditions that can interfere  with development. Best practices are to   set goals that are holistic and attainable, and advocate for quality  comprehensive supports that promote functioning and participation




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  1. 2023-02-11 ms5000000464171069







孤独症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorder,ASD),即大众熟悉的“自闭症”,目前尚无有效预防措施。因此如何在更早期识别自闭症的征象并尽早干预,一直是儿科





Nat Commun:在大脑类器官中逆转自闭症相关基因突变及其对神经发育的影响
