
2013-06-08 JID dxy



由于肠屏障的破坏,导致细菌或内毒素通过肠粘膜从肠腔内转移到体循环中,这就是微生物易位,可通过测量血浆中LPS的水平来进行量化。因而血浆LPS水平的升高预示着肠粘膜完整性的破坏,这可在胃肠道微创手术、移植物抗宿主反应疾病、炎症性肠疾病和HIV感染中发生。为了验证肠道微生物易位与母乳喂养所致HIV感染风险的升高有关,来自亚特兰大疾病控制和预防中心的Athena P. Kourtis等进行了一项研究,研究结果在线发表在Journal of Infectious Diseases上。研究发现,肠粘膜不完整可能有利于HIV在母乳喂养中的传播。

研究者对来自BAN研究(Breastfeeding,Antiretrovirals and Nutrition Study)的HIV接触感染和未感染婴儿的一系列样本进行研究,测量了血浆LPS水平和免疫活化标志物。



Role of Intestinal Mucosal Integrity in HIV Transmission to Infants Through Breast-feeding: The BAN Study.
Background. Increased intestinal permeability may be one of the mechanisms of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) to infants through breast-feeding. Intestinal permeability correlates with microbial translocation, which can be measured through quantification of bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS).Methods. We evaluated levels of plasma LPS (by the Limulus amebocyte lysate assay) and immune activation markers in serial specimens from infants exposed to but uninfected with HIV and infants infected with HIV from the Breastfeeding, Antiretrovirals, and Nutrition (BAN) study.Results. Plasma LPS levels increased after infants in the BAN study were weaned from the breast, at 24 weeks of age. Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis was associated with higher plasma LPS levels (P = .004). Infants with HIV infection had higher LPS levels, compared with uninfected infants (P = .004). Higher preinfection plasma LPS levels were a significant predictor of infant HIV infection through breast-feeding (hazard ratio = 1.60 for every unit increase in plasma LPS level; P = .01) and of lower infant length-for-age z scores (P = .02).Conclusions. These findings suggest that disruption in intestinal integrity is a mechanism of HIV transmission to infants through breast-feeding. Weaning from breast milk and use of antibiotic prophylaxis was associated with increased levels of microbial translocation, which could facilitate HIV entry through the intestine. Complementary approaches to enhance intestinal mucosal integrity in the infant may further reduce breast-feeding transmission of HIV.


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